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The Complete Guide to Getting Instagram Bot Comments in 2024

As an experienced social media marketing consultant, I‘ve helped hundreds of clients improve their Instagram growth strategies. One of the most common questions I get asked is: how do I automatically get more bot comments on my Instagram posts?

It‘s a great question, because done right, Instagram comment bots can be powerful engagement-drivers, saving you tons time on manual community upkeep.

But there are also risks around fake-seeming engagement and violating policies if you don‘t use bots carefully!

So in this definitive, 2630+ word guide, I‘ll share everything you need to know about getting Instagram bot comments as we head into 2023, including:

  • Exactly how Instagram comment bots work
  • The main benefits and major hidden risks involved
  • Step-by-step instructions for the top solutions
  • Pro tips for optimizing bots in your Instagram strategy

Let‘s get right into it!

What Are Instagram Bot Comments and How Do They Work?

An Instagram bot is an automated software program that interacts with Instagram by performing various actions like liking posts, following users, and posting comments.

The goal of Instagram comment bots specifically is to make your posts seem more popular and well-engaged.

Here‘s a high-level overview of how Instagram comment bots function:

  1. Developers create bot software that can automatically perform actions like a human – scrolling feeds, clicking posts, entering text.
  2. You connect your Instagram account to the bot app and set parameters for behavior.
  3. The bot logs into your Instagram with provided credentials and starts commenting based on set frequency, text, targeting.
  4. You now have automated comments scaling up engagement on your profile 24/7!

So in a nutshell, Instagram comment bots act as robotic assistants that post remarks on your behalf to make you seem more influential.

Why Do People Use Instagram Comment Bots?

There are two major reasons people amplify their Instagram presence through comment bots:

1. Save Time Interacting With Followers

Manually responding to a flood curious new fans or answering the same common questions again and again becomes extremely tedious.

A recent Socialinsider study found:

  • Top instagram profiles average 138 comments per post
  • The most engaged accounts get 500+ comments on a single photo

And creators feel pressure to reply to many of these messages to nurture their audience.

This is where Instagram bots come in clutch, allowing you to scale thoughtful engagement without burning out.

2. Increase Discoverability and Reach

Comment volume is a top signal Instagram‘s algorithm uses to determine which profiles are interesting enough to showcase more widely.

And bots allow you to essentially fake higher popularity through manufactured engagement.

Some key stats on the power of visibility-driving comments:

  • Posts with 95+ comments see 2x more reach according to TrackMaven
  • Accounts with 125+ comments per post get 3.2x more engagement on average

So essentially more comments → more eyeballs → more followers. The snowball effect holds true.

And bots present an easy way to hack this cycle, albeit rather unsustainably.

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly of Instagram Comment Bots

Alright, so now that you understand the purpose and appeal of IG comment bots, let‘s dig into the practical pros and cons of relying on automation.

The Good: Benefits of Using Instagram Comment Bots

Save hours manually engaging: Bots take the grunt work out of replying to every single comment or question on your pics and Reels. This allows you allocate that time into other higher-value growth areas instead.

Make your profile seem more popular: Getting new real, targeted followers often starts with the perception ofinfluence. So bots can help increase discoverability by artificially inflating your engagement.

Stay top-of-mind with cold audiences: Programmed comments ensure you insert your brand into viral posts within your niche. This puts you in front of tons cold potential fans.

The Bad: Drawbacks and Risks of Overusing Bots

🚨 Instagram doesn‘t allow automation: Using third-party bots technically violates Instagram‘s Terms of Service. You face permanent account suspension if caught.

🚨 Inauthentic engagement damages trust: Followers can usually sniff out fake interactions. Too many bot comments reek of desperation and dishonesty.

🚫 Lower post performance long-term: Yes bots get you meaningless vanity metrics initially. But crap engagement leads Instagram to show your content to fewer people which suppresses your reach.

The Ugly: Horror Stories of Botting Gone Wrong

When used without caution, Instagram automation can destroy trust and growth for good. Here are some cautionary bot tales:

  • Fashion brand lost 90k real followers after getting banned for bots, jeopardizing their influencer partnerships

  • Fitness influencer was flagged for "inauthentic activity", deleting all comments and suspending posting ability for 2 weeks

  • Photography podcast got their comments flooded with hundreds of spammy bot remarks, ruining user experience

So while bots can shortcut early wins, you risk torching long-term audience relationships. Tread carefully.

Guide to Getting Instagram Bot Comments the Right Way

Alright, so now that you know the good, bad and ugly of Instagram comment bots, let‘s dig into the specific methods for properly using automation while avoiding critical risks:

1. Leverage Reputable Third-Party Bot Providers

The easiest approach is to use established external automation services to handle commenting for you.

Compared to janky free bots, premium providers offer reliable auth methods, quality ENG fit for your audience, and security against bans.

Here are my top recommendations after evaluating dozens of options:


  • Packages from $4.99 for 10 comments
  • Manual order fulfillment and fast delivery
  • High-quality comments from aged, USA and EU-based accounts
  • Guaranteed drip-feeding to prevent bot detection
  • Awesome 24/7 chat and email support

UseViral is my #1 choice to avoid compliance issues thanks to wise posting patterns and real engaged accounts commenting.


  • Starts at ~$9 for 50 comments
  • Comments come from worldwide active users
  • Custom packages of 1000+ available
  • Manually checks all comments before delivery
  • Strong 94% customer satisfaction rating

SidesMedia focues purely on social media growth services. Their specialization shows through good bots and support.

Media Mister

  • 1000 comments for ~$160
  • 12+ years in social media services
  • Options for custom crafted or bulk random comments
  • Dashboard to track engagement metrics
  • Detailed targeting by gender, hashtags, posts

Media Mister isn‘t the flashiest experience, but their long history getting clients results can‘t be ignored.

This wraps up my top bot provider picks. Their automation handles commenting safely so you can focus on big-picture brand strategy!

2. Carefully Create Your Own Custom Bot

Now say you enjoy tinkering and want more customization than external tools allow. Building your own bot may be the move.

Here are the key steps to DIY Instagram comment automation:

Choose an automation framework

Top options for coding bot logic include:

  • Selenium + Python/JavaScript: Powerful browser automation framework with huge community support)
  • Puppeteer: Node.js library to control Chrome/Chromium browser through code
  • Playwright: Node.js-based cross-browser testing/automation tool developed by Microsoft

Simplifying libraries

Wrapper libraries around Selenium & Playwright greatly reduce headaches:

  • InstaPy: Prebuilt functions to simplify interacting with Instagram API endpoints
  • GramJS: Toolkit for coding Instagram bots with less grind

Script out target actions

Write out the tasks you want your programmatically assistant to complete:

  • Crawls relevant hashtags and posts in your niche
  • Likes and comments on new media matching keywords
  • Follows profiles with desirable audience demographics
  • Sends scheduled direct messages to new followers

Customize behavior settings

Define the parameters guiding when and how your bot runs:

  • Posting frequency caps per hour/day to mimic human patterns
  • Comment text tones and message variety to seem more genuine
  • Target profiles and hashtags related to your niche for contextual relevance
  • Schedules for when to activate and pause campaigns

Test rigorously before deploying

Thoroughly vet your automation on dummy accounts to refine program stability and evade bans through trial and error without risk.

Monitor analytics dashboards

Review performance metrics around engagement rates, follower quality, spam to continuously improve bot behaviors and targeting.

So in summary, coding your own custom solution requires more specialized skill, but unlocks superior configuration freedom.

3. Outsource Commenting to an Expert Social Media Manager

If you want personalized comments but don‘t have the time or technical skills for DIY bots, consider delegating the work to a freelance virtual assistant.

A savvy social media manager can handle community engagement through services like Upwork, Fiverr, or freelancing sites.

When vetting freelancers, look for:

☑️ Deep familiarity running Instagram profiles, including previous client examples

☑️ Strong grasp of hashtags, influencer partnerships, and growth tactics in your niche

☑️ Personable communication abilities to forge authentic connections with followers

☑️ Tools and processes to organize workflow efficiently behind-the-scenes

Make sure you provide crystal clear expectations around tone, messaging consistency, response times, targeting relevant conversations, and reporting.

While pricier than pure automation, human-powered commenting brings that personal touch to take engagement to the next level.

And when balanced properly in your growth stack, freelance community managers give your brand a relatable face.

Expert Tips to Optimize Instagram Bot Commenting

Here are my top pro tips for maximizing value from IG comment bots while keeping your account safe and aligned with platform policies:

🔁 Spread comments on your posts AND engage others‘ content to mimic genuine user behavior (and to avoid self-promotion penalties by Instagram‘s algorithm).

🤖 Customize comment content templates to seem on-brand and more natural vs generic remarks. This saves time while enhancing relevance.

Set limited randomized commenting frequency caps per hour and day to avoid getting flagged for spam. Start very conservatively.

😉 Experiment replying to commenters directly through the bot to cultivate more back-and-forth engagement, but tread carefully.

🔍 Closely monitor performance through companion analytics tools by checking if bot comments convert into any follower growth or tangible engagement lift. Adjust settings as needed.

📈 Track key metrics like impressions and saves to see impact of bot comments. But take vanity engagement numbers with a grain of salt.

🤝 Supplement bots with real human community connections to balance automation with authenticity. Even top brands need in-person event engagements to nurture their superfans despite tools for efficiency.

🕵️‍♀️ Continually fine-tune filters to block spammy followers and repair your comment experience if lower-quality engagement gets out of hand.

So in summary, employ bot comments as smart scaffolding to boost visibility, while crafting the artisanal touches that build true fandom. Capitalize on the strengths of both humans and tech!

Won‘t Instagram Eventually Crack Down on Comment Bots?

I get asked this follow-up question a lot when briefing clients on the current state of Instagram automation…

Will Instagram bots stop working as AI improves at detecting fake behavior?

Short answer — yes, most likely. Instagram constantly tweaks its machine learning algorithms to better identify spammy automation tactics:

  • Suspiciously high outputs of comments or follows per day
  • Repetitive text patterns across different posts/profiles
  • Nonsensical or irrelevant remarks that don‘t fit context
  • Profile details that don‘t look like a real human

And Instagram has proven increasing willingness to aggressively shut down ToS violations around inauthentic growth hacking.

For example in late 2021, Instagram removed over 9 million accounts engaging in coordinated like/comment spam behavior thanks to expanding detection capabilities.

And they explicitly called out continued advancements in finding new synthetic activity patterns to preserve integrity on the platform.

So while clever programmers continually invent workarounds, Instagram too iteratively improves at playing whack-a-mole with blackhat methods.

This is why I advise all clients to view comment bots as a short-term amplifier for more lasting authentic community building. Don‘t become reliant on gaming the system!

Key Takeaways: Safely Using IG Comment Bots to Growth Hack

Wrapping up this complete guide to Instagram comment bots:

💚 Bots provide time-saving scale…when used judiciously. They allow you automate rote community management while focusing on high-value branding.

Overoptimization backfires by damaging credibility once followers catch on to fake engagement. Avoid short-term vanity metrics.

🤖 Not all bots are created equal. Work only with reputable providers with security precautions, quality ENG fit for your audience, and reliability.

📈 Continuously test and optimize based on impact on real KPIs vs surface-level engagement. Adjust commenting to nurture your ideal community.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions around strategically incorporating Instagram automation! Now go take back your evenings and weekends.