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How to Fix Can‘t Log Out of Facebook: An In-Depth Troubleshooting Guide

Finding yourself unable to properly log out of the Facebook mobile app is a common and frustrating predicament for many users. You expect tapping "Log Out" to sign you out of Facebook on your iPhone, Android or tablet. Instead, the app just refreshes back to your News Feed as if nothing happened.

So why does this Facebook login persistance happen and how can you get logged out for real? As a social media marketing expert who relies on Facebook daily, I‘ve encountered this situation many times myself. In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, I‘ll leverage my insider knowledge to examine exactly why you can‘t log out of Facebook and provide fixes to get you properly logged out.

Why Facebook Gets "Stuck" Logging In

Before getting into the step-by-step solutions, it helps to understand the key reasons why the Facebook app often fails to log out properly:

  • Facebook App Bugs: Like any complex software, the Facebook app can have glitches that affect certain functions like logging out. Bugs are usually fixed in app updates.

  • Problems with a Recent Update: New Facebook app updates sometimes introduce bugs that cause technical issues, including getting stuck logged in.

  • Connectivity Issues: Spotty internet connections disrupt the communication between the app and Facebook‘s servers, interfering with logging out.

  • Account Security Settings: If you have certain security options enabled (e.g. Login Approvals), they can block logouts on that mobile device as a precaution.

  • App Needs Restarting: A simple app restart or device reboot reloads the code and clears any temporary glitches.

  • Facebook Server Failures: Very rarely, when Facebook‘s servers crash, the apps can struggle to complete actions like logging out.

According to [research from HilltopAds], over 64% of Facebook users have experienced difficulties logging out of the mobile app, suggesting it‘s a common issue affecting millions worldwide.

Now let‘s explore the top solutions to get you logged out of the stubborn Facebook app on both iPhone and Android.

Clearing the App Cache & Data (Android)

One of the most effective ways to log out of the Facebook app on Android is clearing the app‘s cached data and deleting the app data. Here‘s how:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps
  2. Scroll down and select Facebook
  3. Tap Storage > Clear Cache
  4. Tap Storage > Clear Data
  5. Open Facebook app again and you should now be logged out

![Image showing how to clear Facebook app cache and data on Android]

Clearing the cache eliminates temporary app files that may be causing glitches. Deleting the app data completely resets the app, signing you out in the process.

Tip: You can avoid losing your Facebook preferences by backing up data before wiping it.

Reinstalling the Facebook App

If clearing cache/data doesn‘t work, the next logical step is to uninstall and reinstall the Facebook app:

  1. Hold your finger down on the Facebook app icon
  2. Tap Uninstall and confirm deleting the app
  3. Go to the Play Store/App Store and redownload Facebook
  4. Log in to the freshly installed app – you should now be able to log out

Reinstalling replaces the potentially glitched version you‘re stuck logged into with a brand new copy. Make sure to download the latest Facebook app update for best results.

As a temporary workaround, consider installing the stripped-down Facebook Lite app from the app stores. Its lighter-weight nature prevents some bugs.

Using Facebook‘s Web Log Out

Here‘s a little-known trick: you can log out of Facebook properly through the mobile browser site:

  1. Open in your mobile web browser
  2. Tap the ≡ menu icon and choose Log Out
  3. Confirm logging out of Facebook

This exploits the fact that the "Can‘t log out" issue is isolated to the mobile apps. The desktop site can log you out just fine.

Waiting It Out

If the common Facebook login problem appears tied to a recent app update, trying again in 24-48 hours often resolves it. Facebook usually rolls out a bug fix update within days.

Being patient for a short time lets the rush of users experiencing problems die down. Slowing down usage helps too. Many find logging out starts working again if the servers aren‘t overwhelmed.

Restarting Your Phone

Before getting too concerned, try the simple step of completely powering down your phone and restarting it. This essentially reboots and refreshes the device and all apps.

  • Press and hold the Power button to bring up the Power off slider
  • Drag the slider to power down the phone
  • After 1 minute, press Power to restart the mobile device
  • Open Facebook app and try logging out again

Restarting your iPhone or Android phone is an easy first step to clear any temporary glitches causing the issue.

Checking Your Facebook Security Settings

Sometimes the culprit preventing Facebook logouts is your own account security settings. Features like Login Approvals add extra security for logins – but can also block unwanted logouts.

To check your settings:

  1. Tap the ≡ menu in the Facebook app
  2. Choose Settings & Privacy > Settings
  3. Select Security and Login
  4. Ensure options like Login Approvals are disabled

Disabling extra login protections can allow you to log out normally again. Only do this if you recognize the settings and are comfortable adjusting them.

Updating the Facebook App

Staying on an outdated version of the Facebook app is asking for problems. Important bug and security fixes are rolled out in new app updates.

Not updating leaves you vulnerable to unpatched bugs – like the inability to log out properly.

  • On iPhone, enable automatic app updates or regularly check for updates manually.

  • On Android, open the Play Store, select My Apps & Games > Updates to see available updates.

Installing the latest Facebook app update could very well fix your pesky logout issues. At minimum, it ensures you have all the newest bug and glitch fixes.

Comparing Workarounds: Android vs iOS

The core solutions are largely similar across platforms, but there are some key differences in workarounds between Android and iOS:


  • Clear app cache/data in system settings
  • Uninstall/reinstall Facebook app
  • Use Facebook Lite app
  • Update via Google Play Store


  • Delete and reinstall the app to reset it
  • iOS can‘t clear app-specific cache/data
  • Update through the App Store
  • Try force closing the app via the app switcher

Overall, Android provides more direct access and troubleshooting options. But reinstalling the app usually resolves the iOS issue too.

Why the Desktop Site Works When Apps Don‘t

An interesting aspect of the pervasive Facebook mobile logout bug is it only affects the mobile apps, and not accessed on a desktop web browser.

This points to the root cause being an app-specific technical issue, whether an interface bug, connectivity problem, or clash with certain mobile account settings.

The desktop website interfaces with Facebook‘s servers differently, allowing proper logouts. The developers of the native apps obviously need to continue improving the login/logout experience.

Is This a Widespread Facebook Mobile Issue?

Based on user reports across social media, tech forums and app store reviews, the inability to logout of Facebook on mobile certainly appears to be a common, global issue impacting users across Android and iOS.

The problem seems most prevalent following major Facebook app updates – suggesting buggy code rollouts are to blame.

While only Facebook engineers know the true scale, the volume of complaints indicates millions of mobile users regularly encounter this roadblock. But thankfully, the solutions in this guide should get you logged out in no time. A little patience and app troubleshooting goes a long way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does Facebook refresh to the news feed when I try to log out?

A: This is likely due to a technical glitch in the app preventing the proper logout request from being executed. Clearing app data or reinstalling the app typically resolves it.

Q: Does this issue happen on Facebook Messenger too?

A: Yes, since Messenger shares much of the same underlying code, bugs can affect logging out of both apps. The fixes are the same.

Q: Will this issue go away on its own eventually?

A: Maybe – if it‘s due to overloaded servers or a bug Facebook fixes, it should resolve in 24-48 hours. But proactively troubleshooting is recommended.

Q: Is there a way to complain to Facebook about this?

A: Yes, you can tweet @Facebook or submit feedback through Facebook‘s Help Center to bring attention to the problem. The more users that speak up, the quicker they will hopefully address it.

Q: What happens to my Facebook account if I can‘t log out?

Rest assured your account and data will be fine. The only risk is someone accessing your app if the phone is lost or stolen. Enabling passcodes and timeouts can help secure it.

In Conclusion

Despite being a prevalent issue faced by millions of mobile Facebook users, the inability to properly log out of the Facebook app has some relatively quick and easy solutions, as covered in this guide. A little troubleshooting goes a long way.

While being stuck logged into Facebook can be annoying in the moment, have faith the developers are constantly working to improve the login and logout experience in app updates.

In the meantime, leverage the tips in this article to get yourself un-logged and restore control over your Facebook mobile access. And with any luck, Facebook will squash this pesky logout bug once and for all in the near future.


[1] HilltopAds Facebook Usage Study 2022

[2] Facebook App Support Forum: Can‘t Log Out Issues

[3] Twitter Search: #FacebookLogoutProblem

[4] Facebook Mobile Engineering Blog