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How to Fix Action Blocked Instagram Messages in 2024 (We Restrict Certain Activity Instagram)

A Comprehensive 2023 Guide to Fixing Action Blocked Instagram Accounts

Are you unable to comment or message people on Instagram? Have you received confusing error messages about restrictions due to violations? Don‘t worry – this step-by-step guide from a social media expert will explain exactly how to get your account back in good standing.

I‘ll cover what an action block is, reasons you may have been banned, and most importantly provide proven techniques to resolve blocks based on hands-on experience in the industry.

Let‘s get right into it and get you freely using Instagram again.

A Summary of Key Action Block Resolution Tips

Before we dive further, here is a high-level overview of what we‘ll cover to unblock accounts:

  • Identify why Instagram may have banned you, like using automation tools or sudden spikes of activity
  • Immediately cease any policy-violating actions to prevent prolonging blocks
  • Request an account review and switch IP addresses for a fresh start
  • Boost account legitimacy through credible profile details and authentic engagement
  • Carefully manage daily activity volume going forward to maintain account integrity

What Does "Action Blocked" Mean on Instagram?

First, let‘s demystify what the "action blocked" message means and why you may have encountered it.

As you likely know, Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide who share photos, videos and messages on the platform. At that immense scale, Instagram relies on advanced algorithms and automation to monitor all activity and ensure policy compliance.

If their systems detect sudden changes in behavior from a specific account that resemble spam bots or inauthenticity, Instagram may temporarily restrict certain activities like commenting, direct messaging, following/unfollowing and post liking.

You‘ll know if you‘ve been action blocked if you attempt such activities and see error notifications like:

"This Action Has Been Blocked"


"We Restrict Certain Activity to Protect Our Community"

This essentially means your account is "throttled" and capacities lowered to curb potential violations. But occasionally mistakes happen, and legitimate users get inadvertently penalized.

The good news is that we can work together to diagnose why you were blocked and implement proven solutions to lift restrictions.

Key Reasons Accounts Get Action Blocked by Instagram

Instagram‘s algorithms aim to limit fake accounts and spam behavior. But sometimes normal users get caught up too.

Common reasons Instagram may have restricted your activity include:

Using Banned Third-Party Apps – Automation tools that promise thousands of followers or auto-likes seem great, but violate policies and can trigger blocks. Even if ads claim otherwise.

Aggressive Engagement Activity – Mass-liking posts without reading, spam commenting, directly messaging many users, etc. This volume resembles bot behavior.

Violating Other Instagram Policies – Things like posting prohibited, dangerous or hateful content, maintaining a fake account with stock model images, etc.

Sudden Increase in Actions – If you rapidly perform way more likes, comments, follows than usual, Instagram‘s systems assume hacking or compromise by spammers.

Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior – Network of accounts that misleads people on Instagram, often for a political motives. This will get accounts instantly disabled.

And more. Essentially, if your behavior differs from normal human-driven organic activity, restrictions get triggered.

But don‘t worry. In most cases we can work together to clearly explain the situation and have your account restored to full functionality.

Action Plan: Proven Ways to Fix an Action Block

If you‘ve received warnings about restrictions placed on your Instagram account, remain calm and let‘s get it resolved.

Here are the most effective methods I‘ve successfully used to unblock accounts, drawn from extensive experience in social media growth:

1. Immediately Cease Using Any Unauthorized Third-Party Apps

The first priority is stopping whatever behavior may have violated policies and caused blocks.

Delete shady follower growth services, engagement apps, auto-liking tools etc. Anything promising outrageous Instagram growth is probably violating platform rules in the background – even if their website claims otherwise.

Stick strictly to Instagram‘s native app and tools. Don‘t take chances with dodgy apps.

2. Wait Between 24-48 Hours

An action block is frequently a temporary restriction lasting a couple days.

As you wait for the block to lift, make sure you don‘t perform any restricted activities or you may get flagged again. Ideally, don‘t post at all.

Around 48 hours later, try basic engagement actions again like liking and commenting. Instagram likely would have automatically restored your account‘s capacities by then after algorithms confirm no further suspicious behavior.

I‘d say 9 out of 10 restriction cases resolve on their own if you just pause activity for a while.

3. Submit an Account Review Request to Instagram

If it has been over 48 hours and your block still persists, take action by having Instagram manually review your standing.

In the Instagram app, go to:

Settings > Help > Report a Problem

Next, clearly explain what happened and politely request your account access be restored.

If algorithms made a mistake or you didn‘t intentionally violate policies, their support team can revoke restrictions.

Make your case logically and calmly. Support folks can empathize if you were just excitedly using Instagram without realizing certain limits.

4. Temporarily Change Your IP Address

Interestingly, some activity restrictions occur at an IP address level.

Your home WiFi router has a fixed IP address that identifies your network. Instagram may associate misbehavior with that, and instantly block it again even if your account restrictions were lifted previously.

Try switching to cellular data instead of WiFi, which gives you a different public IP unrelated to past blocks. Or access your account through a friend‘s WiFi.

This makes Instagram think an entirely new user is operating the account, getting you essentially a clean slate.

5. Boost Your Account Credibility

Take this as an opportunity to strengthen your account legitimacy and signal to Instagram algorithms that your profile is genuine.

Upload a real photo of yourself as the profile picture rather than an illustration or Bitmoji.

Write an informative bio with authentic personal facts and interests.

Consistently post genuine content. Engage with posts from friends and family. Follow accounts you actually care about.

These realistic signals confirm to Instagram‘s systems that a real life person is behind your account.

6. Always Act Human with a Healthy Mix of Engagement

The key going forward is ensuring your Instagram activity mimics natural human behavior, rather than sudden huge volumes suggesting automation.

Steadily perform a balanced healthy mix of authentic actions daily:

  • Thoughtfully comment on posts
  • Like content from your main feed
  • Directly message real friends – no spam
  • Follow profiles you genuinely care about

Avoid surges of liking 500 photos in an hour or aggressively commenting on every single post in a hashtag. That seems fake.

And never use follower/engagement automation tools or bots again. It‘s simply not worth getting blocked.

By ceasing violations, being patient, appealing to support and using Instagram reasonably moving ahead, your restrictions can lift within days.

Stay positive and let me know if any other questions come up!

Let‘s Summarize Key Takeaways

To recap, if your Instagram account gets action blocked:

  • Stop behavior that violated policy
  • Wait 2 days for the block to lift
  • Request a manual review by Instagram
  • Change IP address as workaround
  • Boost profile credibility
  • Always act human – no bots!

Stick to this plan, and your account should be restored quickly. You‘ve got this!