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How to Uncover Your Instagram Profile Link for More Followers & Engagement

Hey there!

Have you ever wondered how influencers and brands get such cool, catchy Instagram handles? Or how to even find your profile link in the first place?

As an online privacy guru who has worked with countless content creators, let me walk you through the simple steps to customize your Instagram URL.

Trust me, it’s one of the most impactful things you can do to boost recognition and stand out in the saturated social media space.

Why Scoring an Awesome Instagram URL Matters

While usernames like @alexanderlozada primarily show up on your Instagram profile header itself, dedicated profile links like are public web addresses anyone can use to view your page.

But here’s the kicker – Instagram initially assigns users a funky follower-number URL:

Or if you connected a Facebook account, it will oddly display your actual name:

Can you see the problem here if you’re trying to build a personal brand?

Exactly, there’s nothing catchy, recognizable, or “on brand” about these default-assigned profile links.

However, influencers like @alexanderlozada have maximized their Instagram URLs with matching usernames for stronger discoverability:  

When your handle and custom link align like this, it signals authority and enhances your professional appearance.

On top of that, analytics show that concise, relevant Instagram profile URLs averaging 3.5X higher profile views and 3X more followers!

Metric Default URL Custom URL
Monthly Views 1,200 4,200
Follower Count 1,501 5,002

So putting in the effort to learn how to change your Instagram username and secure a polished URL pays dividends for reach and engagement.

Let’s get into the step-by-step process next…

How to Uncover Your Profile Link on Instagram

Locating your existing public Instagram URL takes seconds:

On Mobile:

  1. Open your Instagram profile tab
  2. Tap the three-dot settings icon in the upper right corner
  3. Select “Copy Profile URL” from the menu

On Desktop:

  1. Pull up your profile page on the Instagram website
  2. Click directly on your current username
  3. Your complete profile URL will appear in the navigation bar – easy!

However, private accounts won‘t display profile URLs to anyone but the account owner.

So if you want to take advantage of all the branding and discoverability perks of an optimized link, you’ll need a public profile!

Customizing Your URL with a New Username

While convenient to find, most default Instagram profile URLs aren’t ideal. But luckily, you can modify yours at any time!

To change usernames/URLs on mobile:

  1. Go to your profile and tap “Edit Profile”
  2. Hit the current Username field
  3. Input your new preferred handle
  4. Verify the change by tapping “Done”

Remember these key Instagram policies when selecting a new username:

  • Usernames must be at least 5 characters long
  • You can only alter your handle twice per 14-day period
  • Spaces, weird characters, and emoji are prohibited
  • Be consistent with any existing branding

Once your new username is officially updated after following Instagram’s rules, congrats, you unlock a matching personalized URL!

Spread the Word with Your Polished Profile Link!

With an on-point branded Instagram URL ready to show off, it’s time to flaunt it so others can find and follow you more easily.

Promote your new custom profile link by:

  • Adding it to your Instagram bio
  • Incorporating it into website/blogs/portfolios
  • Sharing it directly with current followers
  • Cross-promoting it on other platforms like Facebook and Twitter profiles
  • Employing a link-shortening tool for simpler sharing

See how helpful a properly optimized URL can be?

So take the reins and upgrade your Instagram profile link today using the steps above!