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How to Delete Telegram Account Permanently in 2024

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How to Delete Telegram Account Permanently in 2024

Launched in 2013, Telegram has quickly become one of the world‘s most popular messaging platforms with over 500 million users. However, concerns around privacy, questionable contacts, and simple user fatigue have led increasing numbers to ask: how do I delete my Telegram account permanently?

Unlike other apps, Telegram does not have an easy account deletion option. In fact, their process can take upwards of six months by default – much too long if you want to quit Telegram now.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the best methods to delete your Telegram account permanently in 2024, whether you use an iPhone, Android, or desktop. While deleting Telegram is irreversible, we’ll also cover optionally exporting your Telegram data first as well as alternative communication platforms to consider.

Let’s dive in!

Section 1 – Why You Might Want to Delete Your Telegram Account Permanently

While half a billion users demonstrates Telegram‘s immense popularity, the platform is not without substantial criticism in areas like security, enabling extremism, contributing to misinformation, and more. Valid reasons you might want to leave Telegram permanently include:

  1. Telegram’s Dubious Security Protocols

By default, Telegram does not encrypt messages between users. This means anyone on the same WiFi network could potentially read your private conversations. You can enable “Secret Chats”, but this lackluster security makes many experts skeptical.

Additionally, your conversations also get stored on Telegram’s servers indefinitely by default unless you fastidiously delete them. Telegram justifies this as allowing users to access old messages again, but given their dubious financials as a non-profit, data mining concerns abound.

Finally, their custom MTProto security protocol has actually enabled hacking vulnerabilities before, like in 2017 when flaws allowed hackers to install malware on PCs via Telegram.

  1. Telegram’s Association with Extremism

Thanks to gaps like unencrypted messages combined with anonymity features, Telegram has unfortunately gained immense popularity among terrorist groups, criminal organizations, and other extremists. Their messages may be meant to remain clandestine, but Telegram’s architecture makes that challenging.

This dark side of Telegram has led to bans in countries like Russia and Iran. All major app stores also temporarily banned Telegram in 2018 over inappropriate content concerns.

  1. Your Contacts Leaving Telegram

Messaging apps only work if your friends actually use them. If you notice contacts migrating to platforms like Signal or WhatsApp instead, sticking with Telegram means more inconvenient out-of-app communication. Jumping ship along with them makes things easier.

  1. You Just Want a Fresh Start

And maybe you just want to move on from Telegram for your own reasons – fitness, mental health, productivity, or just trying something new. As long as you don‘t mind losing your Telegram message history forever, now you can thanks to this guide!

Section 2 – Exporting Your Telegram Data (Optional)

Before deleting your account, exporting your Telegram data lets you preserve things like:

  • Contacts list
  • Individual & group conversations
  • Personal media
  • Any bots you’ve created

The process works like:

  1. Open Telegram Desktop
  2. Click the hamburger menu (3 lines) > Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data
  3. Click export and wait for the transfer to complete

Your data exports to a .json file you can store locally or in cloud storage. You may never need it again, but nice having just in case.

Note exported groups and channels stay online and will simply get a new admin assigned if you had set one.

With an optional data backup complete, let‘s get into permanently destroying your Telegram account itself.

Section 3 – How to Delete Your Telegram Account Permanently

When ready to pull the plug on Telegram for good, you have three options:

  1. Delete via Web Browser (Fastest)
  2. Delete via iPhone
  3. Delete via Android

Let‘s cover each.

Method 1 – How to Delete Telegram Account via Web Browser

Using a browser is the fastest and most permanent way to instantly erase your Telegram profile:

  1. Open the Telegram delete page
  2. Enter the phone number associated with your Telegram account
  3. Click next and copy the confirmation code texted to you
  4. Paste back the code Telegram sent
  5. Click to sign in
  6. Select “Yes, delete my account” to confirm

And…it’s gone for good! No grace period, no second chances. Make sure you’re fully committed before using this nuclear option to force quit Telegram.

If you prefer a bit of wiggle room, deleting your account via iPhone or Android involves a more graceful timeout process.

Method 2 – How to Delete Telegram Account on iPhone

iOS Telegram users can set their account to auto-delete after a set period of inactivity:

  1. Open Telegram iOS app > Settings
  2. Choose Privacy and Security
  3. Tap “If Away For”
  4. Pick your timeout period – 1/3/6/12 months
  5. If you stay inactive beyond the duration chosen, Telegram deletes itself

So if you pick one month timeout but come back to the app on Day 29, the clock resets. This puts control in your hands to change your mind if needed.

Method 3 – How to Delete Telegram Account on Android

The Android deletion process matches the iPhone method:

  1. Open Telegram‘s hamburger menu
  2. Go to Settings > Privacy and Security
  3. Select “If Away For”
  4. Choose your timeout period before auto account deletion
  5. Stay away beyond that timeline and your account gets removed

Again, anytime before the duration is up you can access the app and cancel the pending deletion. Useful if you want a less final option.

Section 4 – Alternative Communication Platforms

Part of quitting an app should involve finding its replacement. When looking beyond Telegram, excellent communication platforms to consider include:

  • Signal – End-to-end encrypted open-source app gaining mainstream popularity after endorsement by Elon Musk. Intuitive interface. Great Telegram alternative for privacy.

  • WhatsApp ­- Despite ownership by Facebook/Meta, still the global messaging app leader with over 2 billion users. Seamless functionality across iOS and Android.

  • iMessage – Default encrypted platform for iPhone-to-iPhone communication. Seamless integration with SMS as fallback for Android contacts.

Using apps like these, you can stay securely connected with your real-life friends whether saying goodbye to Telegram or not.

And for an added layer of protection whenever browsing the internet or messaging, use a premium VPN like NordVPN.

A VPN like NordVPN wraps all your online activity in an encrypted tunnel so no one can see what you’re doing, even on public WiFi. On top of security, NordVPN also provides features like:

  • Accessing region-locked streaming content
  • Bypassing internet throttling and restrictions
  • Connecting to over 5,400 worldwide server locations for best speeds

NordVPN is wildly considered the most advanced and performant VPN on the market. Give it and the other apps above consideration as you plot life after Telegram.

Section 5 – FAQs Around Deleting Telegram

To reinforce what we’ve covered, here are answers to frequently asked questions:

How do I permanently delete my Telegram account?

Follow our step-by-step instructions to delete via web browser immediately or by timeout method on iPhone/Android. Both remove your account and data forever.

Can I recover my Telegram account after deletion?

Unfortunately no. Once your Telegram account gets deleted either instantly or by timeout, there is no way to retrieve or restore it. The process is entirely irreversible, so be cautious before you proceed.

Does uninstalling the Telegram app delete my account?

No! Removing just the app from your phone does NOT also delete your Telegram account or its data. You must explicitly run through the full deletion instructions above to remove it permanently.


Telegram delivers a unique messaging experience, but increasing controversies around privacy, security, and extremism continue fueling departures.

By following this guide, you now understand the most direct techniques to delete your Telegram account permanently via desktop web, iPhone, or Android. Just beware there is no going back after your data gets erased.

We also covered optionally exporting your Telegram history before deletion as well as leading alternative communication platforms to consider instead like Signal, WhatsApp, and iMessage.

Messaging safely should remain the priority however you stay connected. Adding a trusted VPN like NordVPN ensures an encrypted privacy shield around all your online activity, on Telegram or wherever you go next.

Prioritize your digital independence and security. Now by removing Telegram permanently following this guide, you have taken a major step in that direction.