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How to Ethically Create Multiple Facebook Accounts

Hi friend! You may have a legitimate personal or professional need for more than one Facebook account. As an online privacy advocate, I aim to provide ethical guidance on this topic.


Facebook only allows one personal account per person. Making multiples risks disabling. However, some cases like separating work and personal contacts justify more. I‘ll share insider tips to ethically set up extras without spamming or compromising your security.

Why You Might Need Multiple Accounts

Here are common valid reasons people create more than one Facebook profile:

  • Maintaining separate spaces for personal and professional connections
  • Running multiple businesses or brands under different pages
  • Keeping a memorialized account for a deceased loved one
  • Preventing doxxing or privacy violations by obscuring personal info

Potential Risks of Multiple Accounts

While extras can serve good purposes, doing it improperly risks problems like:

  • Account disabling: Facebook disables over 5.5 million fake accounts daily. Multiples often get flagged.
  • ID verification required: Facebook might require government ID verification, compromising anonymity.
  • Privacy violations: Reusing personal information across accounts links activities and raises risk.
  • Time and effort wasted: Getting accounts repeatedly removed kills productivity.

So keep these in mind before proceeding!

Insider Tips to Stay Safe

If you have a legitimate secondary account need, here are pro tips to stay compliant and safe:

  • Separate spaces clearly: Brand each for personal, work, business etc. Makes purpose obvious.
  • Use your real ID: Don‘t falsify info. Be transparent to avoid disabling.
  • Build real community: Actively participate, connect with people you know. Prevents disabling.
  • Enhance security: Use unique devices and internet connections for each. Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Take it slow: Interact infrequently on extras at first. Ramp up gradually over months.

By the Numbers: Multiple Account Use

  • 22% of US Facebook users have more than one account
  • 32% of users aged 18-29 have multiple accounts
  • Most common reason is keeping personal and professional contacts separate

Safe Alternatives to Explore

If managing multiple Facebook accounts seems too risky or labor-intensive, safer alternatives like the following might meet your needs:

  • Groups: Create distinct groups even within one profile to segment contacts.
  • Pages: Build separate pages for organizations, projects or brands instead of whole new profiles.
  • Instagram: Instagram only allows one account per person, but provides similar utilities.
  • Google Hangouts: Video chat small groups privately across devices.
  • Discord: Find specialized chat communities covering diverse topics and interests.

I hope these ethical tips help you achieve your goals without compromising your privacy! Let me know if you have any other questions.