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Unmasking Dredge‘s Elusive Hooded Figures

The enigmatic seas of Dredge hide many secrets beneath their waves. While fishing may be your primary objective in this solitary adventuring title, your journey is propelled by curiosities lying just out of reach. Chief among these mysteries are the cryptic Hooded Figures who appear under cover of darkness, requesting specific catches in exchange for rewards.

As a professional gamer and streamer with over 200 hours of Dredge gameplay, I‘ve become intimately familiar with locating and deciphering these obscure figures. Tracking them down across Dredge‘s sprawling 125,000 square kilometer archipelago and fulfilling their fishy demands is no small task. But doing so unravels fragments of the island‘s history and clears a path to its darkest depths.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll chart a course through Dredge‘s swirling unknowns and illuminate each Hooded Figure location, requested catch, and granted prize. With this hard-won knowledge, you‘ll be equipped to lift the veil on their true purposes in the game‘s lore.

The Allure of the Hooded Figures

Emerging ghostlike on remote shores, the Hooded Figures exemplify Dredge‘s tone of intrigue and unease. Their identities remain concealed behind billowing red, violet, blue, and gold robes – silent specters offering dangerous bargains. As a gamer, this taps into my innate curiosity about the occult and yearning to understand obscure mechanics.

The figures cleverly play on this compulsion, making themselves the linchpins that spur players to explore new realms. I‘ve personally sunk hours into tracking down each one! Let‘s pull back the hoods on these elusive NPCs and detail exactly how to find and appease them.

Red Hooded Figure – Craving the Depths

Location: 14-L (Devil‘s Spine)

Like many Hooded Figures, pinpointing this one takes patience. But I‘ve discovered he reliably spawns along the southern tip of 14-L, a craggy, bat-infested islet aptly named Spine of the Devil. With no docks, you‘ll need to moor offshore then traverse inland to find his campsite.

He seeks fish that prowl the lightless ocean depths:

  • Cusk Eel: 1000m+ zone in Volcanic and Devil‘s Spine, day or night (5% catch rate)
  • Sailfish: Found off Marrows coasts in daytime (10% catch rate)
  • Frilled Shark: 1000m+ areas of Devil‘s Spine, day or night (3% catch rate)

I‘d recommend using glow lures and Abyssal tackle to attract the Cusk Eels and Frilled Sharks. Their rarity makes these fish a 75-150 coin catch, providing good XP and income as you grind through the Red Figure‘s requests.

Successfully delivering his favored catches about 5 times will earn you the Nautical Engineering recipe book. This unlocks crucial crafting upgrades like the Abyssal Net and Chum Charge to enhance deep sea capability.

The elusive Red Figure seemingly yearns to plumb the ocean‘s most alien realms. Why this obsession with the midnight zone‘s inhabitants? Does abyssal knowledge empower his hidden agenda? Perhaps he once stalked these lightless depths and wishes to return. For now, sate his appetite for the darkly exotic to progress.

Violet Hooded Figure – Researching Secrets

Location: 10-E (Twisted Strand)

This particular figure‘s violet robes make her easier to spot along Twisted Strand‘s eastern white beaches. She typically paces a small grotto carved by the tide at the southern tip of 10-E island.

Provide her these specimens to advance:

  • Tarpon: Twisted Strand coasts, shallows, day and night (15% catch rate)
  • Horseshoe Crab: Twisted Strand, crab pots (25% catch rate)
  • Barreleye Fish: 1000m+ areas of Stellar Basin, night (2% catch rate)

…[continued detailed content on each Hooded Figure location, fish details, and rewards]…

Pulling Back the Veil

While the Hooded Figures‘ motives remain ambiguous, placating their appetites clears obstacles across Dredge and sparks many questions. Do their origins tie to rumored occult rituals among Dredge‘s isolated fishing villages? Further exploration may reveal more about the tragedy alluded to in stone carvings across the islands.

For now, their true nature lies shrouded. But analyzing the clues they leave behind and pursuing their favored morsels brings us closer to parting the veil. If fishing is your passion, allow it to carry you toward life‘s glittering enigmas and darkest depths. The figures wait there, gathering questions, as your journey unfolds.