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How to Hide Your Snapchat Score in 3 Steps

With over 363 million daily active users on Snapchat, your Snapscore has become a new form of social currency. This publicly viewable number displays your sending and receiving activity.

For some, a high score is a badge of honor. For others, the constant score-keeping causes unease. If you fall in the latter group, this guide will show you how to hide your Snapchat score in just 3 quick steps.

Why Do People Want to Hide Their Snap Score?

Before diving into the how-to, it helps to understand the psychology behind hiding your Snapchat score.

1. Avoiding social judgment

A high Snapscore can project popularity, while a low score may suggest inactivity. For example, the average 18-24 year old Snapchat user sends and receives anywhere from 100-200 snaps per day. Falling far below that range may cause embarrassment.

Hiding your score helps avoid unfair social judgments. You use Snapchat on your own terms without worrying about perceptions.

2. Increased privacy

Snapscore provides a rough gauge of how often you use the app. Some may monitor your score to analyze when you‘re snapping and your general activity levels throughout the day.

Concealing your score gives you full privacy over your Snapchat habit. Friends won‘t be able to track your usage patterns or daily behaviors.

3. Reduced social anxiety

The pressure to maintain an ever-increasing Snapstreak can lead to social anxiety. Watching your score tick higher may also trigger anxiety for some perfectionists.

Hiding your Snapscore relieves you of the constant tallying and scoring culture within the app. You can snap casually without feeling judged.

4. Avoiding stalkers and spam

High Snapscores often attract follow and chat requests from strangers. For example, a score above 1 million may indicate influencer status, making your profile a target.

By hiding your score, you reduce the risk of unwanted stalkers and spammers reaching out to you unsolicited.

Potential Downsides of Score Secrecy

However, completely hiding your Snapscore does come with some caveats:

  • Friends may feel hurt if your score disappears from their view without context. Communicate that you prefer more privacy.

  • Lack of score transparency can foster mistrust in relationships. Set expectations to avoid misunderstandings.

  • You lose the fun of friendly "score competitions" or achievement milestones. Consider hiding selectively rather than from all friends.

  • Marketing and business accounts need consistently high scores for credibility. Use score privacy judiciously if growth depends on Snapchat.

Ultimately, choose what‘s right for your needs. You know best whether the benefits of score secrecy outweigh the cons with those you chat with.

What‘s Considered a High, Moderate or Low Score?

To further put Snapscores in perspective, here are typical ranges:

  • Low: 0 – 10,000 snaps

  • Moderate: 10,000 – 100,000 snaps

  • High: 100,000 – 1,000,000+ snaps

Scores above one million generally indicate power users, influencers, brands, and celebrities.

However, any score can be considered “good” based on your personal Snapchat habits. Don’t let arbitrary scoring standards pressure you!

Step 1: Open Your Friends List

Now let‘s dive into the steps to hide your score.

First, you need to access the list of all your Snapchat friends:

  1. Tap your profile icon in the top left corner.

  2. Select the smiley face icon on the bottom toolbar.

This opens your friends list, displaying each friend alongside their username.

You can also search for friends using the magnifying glass icon. Tap "+ Add Friends" to view pending requests.

Step 2: Tap the Friend‘s Profile

Here comes the most important part:

  1. Tap the friend you want to hide your score from.

  2. In your chat screen, tap their profile picture in the top left (not just the chat).

Tapping specifically on their profile is key. This signals to Snapchat you want to modify privacy settings with this friend.

You can also repeat this step for multiple friends you wish to hide your score from.

Step 3: Remove or Block the Friend

Finally, take one of two actions:

  1. In your friend‘s profile, tap the ⋮ overflow menu.

  2. Select “Remove friend” to delete them from your friends list.

  3. Alternatively, select “Block” to prevent them from viewing your profile or snapping you entirely.

Blocking is more extreme but guarantees score privacy if removing doesn‘t suffice.

And that‘s it! With your friend removed or blocked, your Snapscore will disappear from their view.

BONUS: Check If They Removed You First

Before you take the initiative to remove or block friends, check if they already removed you first.

If a friend deleted you from Snapchat, your score will automatically disappear from their view.

Here‘s how to check:

  1. Open your friends list again.

  2. See if any friends have "Pending" under their names.

Pending status means they removed you as a friend, so your score is already hidden! No further action needed.

Can You Hide Your Score From Strangers?

Luckily, your Snapscore always stays private from people who don‘t follow you back.

For example, random Snapchat users who find your profile can‘t view your score since you aren‘t friends.

The only way for someone to see your Snapscore is if you intentionally added them first. You have full control over who views your scoring activity.

What If You Want to Reset Your Score?

Some users prefer wiping their Snapscore completely and starting fresh at zero.

Unfortunately Snapchat doesn‘t let you manually reset your score. It will remain intact even if you reinstall the app.

Creating a brand new Snapchat account is the only way to reset your score tabula rasa style. But this risks getting your new account banned.

Your best bet is to hide your current score when wanted, or gradually build it back up from where it stands now. Baby steps!

Can You Fake Your Snapscore?

While a full reset isn‘t possible, you can artificially increase your score to show off. Here are two sneaky ways to inflate your Snapscore:

  • Auto-swipers: Apps claim to send automated snaps on your behalf. But this violates Snapchat‘s terms. Use at your own risk!

  • Snapping celebs: Snapchat famous accounts with public profiles. Even if they don‘t open your snap, sending will increase your score.

  • Self-snapping: Add your own username as a friend. Send a firehose of snaps to yourself which you immediately open.

I advise avoiding fake score inflation long-term, as abnormal activity can get accounts flagged. But these tricks offer a short-term vanity boost if you want to impress others.

Why Isn‘t Someone‘s Score Increasing?

If you notice a friend‘s Snapscore stay frozen for weeks, there‘s a few possible reasons:

  • They took a break from actively snapping others. Just receiving snaps doesn‘t add to your score.

  • They temporarily hid their score from you, or deleted you as a friend. Check for "Pending" status.

  • Their account is temporarily locked for security reasons. Snapchat pauses scores during investigations.

  • It‘s a bug. Close and reopen Snapchat to refresh their score.

If none of the above explain a stagnant score, they likely hid their Snapchat activity from you intentionally. Try not to take it personally!

They may value their privacy without it signaling anything about your friendship.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of how to hide your Snapchat score in just 3 quick steps. WhileSnapchat doesn‘t have an official setting to conceal your score, removing or blocking friends accomplishes the same effect.

Hiding your score can be liberating if you feel apprehensive about social judging or overanalyzing taking place. Use it judiciously when needed – but don‘t forget to weigh the benefits against potential secrecy pitfalls.

Let me know if you have any other Snapchat score questions! I‘m happy to help explain other score privacy tricks.