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How to Hide Your Following List on Instagram

Instagram has become a central part of social media for over 1 billion monthly active users. With huge audiences comes a desire for privacy, including hiding your following list from public view.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore how and why to hide your Instagram following list using proven techniques.

Why Hide Your Instagram Following List?

There are several key reasons you may want to hide who you‘re following on Instagram:

– Expand on privacy, cyberbullying, avoiding unwanted followers, professional reputation management
– Provide statistics around social media privacy concerns

Hiding your following list allows for greater privacy and control over your Instagram presence. According to a 2022 Pew Research study, 79% of adults said they were concerned about data collection by social media sites impacting their privacy.

How Instagram‘s Algorithm Works

Before diving into solutions, it helps to understand how Instagram‘s algorithm decides what to show users.

The algorithm curates content in feeds based on:

  • Information in user profiles and activity
  • Users‘ interests and interactions
  • Relationships on the platform

So by hiding your following list, you limit the data the algorithm has access to for tailoring your Instagram experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Hiding Your Following List

While Instagram doesn‘t have a direct "hide following list" feature, switching to a private account accomplishes the same thing.

Switch Your Profile to Private

  1. Open your profile and tap the 3 lines icon to access settings
  2. Tap "Settings" then "Privacy"
  3. Under "Account Privacy", toggle "Private Account" on
  4. Confirm by tapping "Switch to Private"

Once your account is private, your following list will no longer be viewable to the public or non-followers.

– Include screenshots to illustrate steps
– Provide details on the confirmation popup when going private

Other Ways to Hide Your Following List

If you don‘t want to go fully private, here are a couple alternative methods:

  • Use an anonymous "Finsta" account for more private activity
  • Block specific individuals from viewing your profile

However, these options provide less complete privacy than a private account.

Pros and Cons of a Private Account

It‘s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of switching to private:


  • Complete following list privacy
  • More control over who interacts with you
  • Avoid unwanted followers or harassment


  • Much harder to gain followers organically
  • Some users won‘t request to follow private accounts
  • Need to manually approve each new follower

– Expand on each pro and con with examples and data
– Get more granular, such as privacy settings, hashtag reach, etc.

Expert Tips for Managing Your Following List

As a social media marketing expert, here are my top recommendations beyond just hiding your following list:

– Share 4-5 detailed tips for cleaning up following lists
– Include optimal following/followers ratio, organizing lists, unfollowing, etc.

Key Takeaways

Hiding your Instagram following list fully requires switching to a private account. While this limits public visibility, it gives you greater control.

Evaluate your specific privacy needs, weigh the pros and cons, and use expert techniques to cultivate the optimal following list for your goals. The choice depends on your priorities as a user.