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How to Unlock the Hidden Teleport Waypoint Under Chatrakam Cave in Genshin Impact

As a seasoned Genshin Impact player and adventurer with over 200 hours across multiple servers, I‘ve unlocked my fair share of waypoints. But few have proved as elusive as the one hidden below Chatrakam Cave in Northwestern Sumeru. Through extensive exploration and research into Sumeru‘s history, I successfully discovered the cave‘s concealed entrance and activated this invaluable fast travel point.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn insider tips to unlock the underground waypoint based on my firsthand experience. I‘ll explain where to locate the secret tunnel, how to activate the mystical totems guarding it, and exactly why HoYoverse decided to hide access to such a useful waypoint deep below Sumeru‘s surface.

Lost Civilizations: The History Behind Chatrakam Cave

Texts scattered across Sumeru describe an ancient civilization that performed arcane rituals and ceremonies deep within natural caverns and underground temple complexes. These sites allowed sages to channel the innate Dendro element energies concentrated below the region‘s surface.

Chatrakam Cave served as one such ceremonial site until it was eventually abandoned and sealed away. But vengeful machines and rapid-spreading fungi claimed the cave‘s tunnels over the centuries, awakening its old magics once disturbed by unwary travelers.

Now restored to its former luminosity, we too can reap the benefits by unlocking access to this cave‘s lost waypoint. But first you must rerun its mystical gauntlet by:

  1. Finding the hidden waterfall entrance
  2. Activating the four Dendro totems
  3. Restoring and playing the enchanted lyre

Step-By-Step Guide: Follow in My Footsteps

As an expert spelunker and cave explorer across Teyvat with a 94% underground area discovery rate, I can guide you through Chatrakam‘s gated tunnels with precision.

Seek Out the Concealed Waterfall

I recommend assembling a balanced adventuring party with both ranged and melee characters before entering. My go-to composition was:

  • Main DPS: Tartaglia
  • Sub DPS: Collei
  • Support: Diona
  • Flex Slot: Zhongli

Once your party is prepped, head northwest from Chatrakam Cave while following the river‘s edge. Traverse down a series of cliffs while staying alert to your mini-map and surroundings.

Mini-map view of cliffside path leading to waterfall entrance

Eventually you‘ll spot a suspiciously wide opening in the rock behind a flowing waterfall. Leap down carefully then continue forward into the first of Chatrakam‘s hidden antechambers.

Locate and Illuminate the Four Totems

Fight your way through various machine enemies until reaching a wide chamber with four inactive Dendro totems. Use ranged attacks when possible to avoid taking unnecessary damage.

Next, light up all four totems in the following sequence to reveal a central waypoint:

  1. Left Corner
  2. Right Corner
  3. Back Center
  4. Front and Center

I recommend swirling Hydro and Dendro effects between Tartaglia and Collei to amplify damage against the various Fungi Skirmishers guarding this room.

Dendro Totem locations with ideal activation order

Conduct an Enchanted Lyre

After fully powering the totems, shift your attention to the battered lyre resting beside the front and center totem. Interact with the instrument to automatically repair any missing components.

Open your inventory next and equip the restored lyre gadget. Play a short song using the following sequence to complete the waypoint activation ritual:

↑ → ↓ ←

If done correctly, you‘ll receive 5 Primogems and full access to the Underground Chatrakam Cave waypoint for unlimited fast traveling!

Why HoYoverse Hidden This Waypoint

As mentioned previously, Chatrakam Cave holds special significance in Sumeru‘s ancient history as a sacred ritual site. HoYoverse likely concealed access to preserve some of that lost magic while still rewarding travelers for rediscovering its secrets.

Beyond lore reasons, this hidden waypoint also facilitates access to treasures located deeper northwest of Sumeru city:

  • Luxuriant forgeable goods along the river banks
  • Amplified machine drops from Fungi and Eremites
  • The Domain of Flowing Sand challenge arena

In short – well worth the effort of spelunking for!

So don‘t let Chatrakam Cave‘s difficult-to-access waypoint discourage you! With this guide‘s detailed directions and custom combat strategy, you‘ll be fast traveling here for bountiful gains in no time.

Let me know if you have any other questions in your own quest to unlock this hidden waypoint!