Comma-separated values (CSV) files are everywhere nowadays. Companies large and small rely on these plain text documents to move data between programs.
But what exactly are CSVs and why are they so common?
CSVs provide a compact standardized format for tabular data that‘s supported across platforms and applications. They can be easily exported from database and analysis tools then imported into other systems, even on different operating systems.
This makes CSV an ideal intermediary for transferring information or converting data into other formats like Excel.
Now let me walk you through 3 simple methods for bringing CSV data into Excel spreadsheets…
Overview: Meet the CSV Format
Before we get to the step-by-steps, let‘s unpack CSV files themselves and why someone might need to convert their data to Excel.
CSV stands for "comma-separated values," with the columns of data separated by commas (or sometimes other delimiters like tabs).
The CSV format dates back to 1972, when IBM Fortran programmers Raymond Lorie and Gerard Salton laid out conceptual specifications based on existing practices for tabular text data exchange.
Over the years, CSV was adopted as a common export and import medium across all types of applications from ERP systems to machine learning frameworks.
Why Use CSV Files Over Excel Documents?
If Excel spreadsheets already store tabular data, why bother with the CSV format? A few key reasons:
- Cross-platform portability – CSV is compatible on all operating systems
- Ease of machine processing – CSV‘s simple text structure is easy to parse
- Space efficiency – No heavy Excel formatting means smaller file sizes
- Universal support – Nearly all database and analysis tools can export to CSV
However, CSV does have downsides…
Limitations of CSVs
While handy for transferring data, CSV files have some notable limitations including:
- Lack of formatting – No fonts, colors, cell styling etc
- Less functionality – Charts, formulas and other Excel features unavailable
- No calculation logic – Unlike formulas in a spreadsheet
- Encryption/compression – CSV data is plain text
- No metadata attachments– Unlike Excel‘s rich media support
That‘s why it‘s often necessary to take exported CSV data and convert it into a regular Excel (.xlsx) document…
Now let‘s get into the nitty gritty steps!
#1 Method: Import CSV Data into Excel
Excel provides built-in conversion tools that make it a breeze to import CSV data with automatic formatting.
Here‘s how:
Step 1) Open a Blank Excel Workbook
First, launch a fresh blank Excel sheet – this gives you a clean canvas to build your CSV-sourced spreadsheet.
Tip: Close any other open Excel files first to avoid distractions.
Step 2) Go to Data > From Text/CSV
Now on the top Ribbon menu, select the Data tab then look under Get & Transform Data and click From Text/CSV.
This opens the wizard to import any delimited text or CSV file.
Step 3) Select Your CSV File to Import
In the file explorer, browse to and select your CSV document. By default, Excel will analyze the data and determine the delimiter type and other import settings.
You‘ll see a preview of the parsed CSV content next to the inputs where you can verify and adjust the format details:
Under Delimiters, check the box is set correctly (normally Comma) then click Import.
Step 4) Load CSV Content into Excel
This will launch the CSV Import dialog box. Here you can further specify Data Type (text vs date for example) and Column positions for each field imported.
Once settings are tuned, finalize the import by clicking Load.
The CSV data now populates live Excel cells! But we still need to convert it fully into Excel format…
Step 5) Convert Range to Excel Format
With your CSV imported, the cells are still in text format. To unlock all native Excel features, select the inserted cells and go to Table Design > Convert to Range.
A prompt will appear warning this will remove external connections – click OK.
The CSV data is now a free-form range just like a regular Excel table! Feel free to add formulas, pivot tables and styles without limitation.
Step 6) Final Polish and File Save As
With our CSV data now brought into Excel, finish up by cleaning up formatting and setting column widths.
Finally, Save your document locally as an .xlsx file to complete the import process.
And that‘s it – our CSV spreadsheet is now natively in Excel format! Let‘s look at another approach next…
#2 Method: Parse CSV Data with Text to Columns
If you already have the raw CSV file opened in Excel, there‘s no need to re-import it.
The Text to Columns wizard does the conversion right on your existing sheet:
Step 1) Launch CSV File in Excel
First, double click your CSV file to open directly in Excel rather than a text editor.
Initially all data may clutter into the first column. We‘ll parse it out in a moment.
Step 2) Select Cells and Go to Data > Text to Columns
Next, click and drag to highlight all cells containing the raw CSV data. This could be entire used range or a subset.
With them selected, on the Ribbon go to the Data tab then find Text to Columns and click it.
Step 3) Walk Through Text Import Steps
The Text to Columns wizard will launch and guide you through a quick 3-part process:
- Confirm file type as Delimited
- Check the box next to appropriate delimiter (comma, tab, etc.)
- Choose desired destination cells on sheet to parse data into
Review changes in the preview before clicking Finish to finalize the split.
Step 4) Style and Save as Excel Format
And we‘re done! With the CSV columns accurately split out into cells, go ahead and apply any desired local formatting.
Finally, save your document as an .xlsx file to complete conversion to Excel format.
#3 Alternative – Convert CSV in Google Sheets
If you don‘t have Excel available, Google Sheets provide free cloud-based spreadsheets with handy CSV import powers.
Here‘s how to bring CSV data into Sheets:
Step 1) Create New Sheet and Upload CSV
Log into Google Drive and start new Sheet document.
Click File > Import then simply drag your CSV file into the browser window to upload.
Alternatively you can click Select file from your device to fetch it from local folders.
Google will automatically detect delimiters and preparse the content once uploaded.
Step 2) Verify Parsing and Import
Review the delimiter settings under Import location and Separator to ensure your data will import properly.
Below in the preview pane scroll left/right and up/down to inspect a few rows and columns.
With the parsing verified, finalize by clicking the Import data button.
Step 3) Download Converted File as Excel Format
After import Google Sheets will automatically convert your CSV data into an editable spreadsheet.
You can now utilize all of Sheets‘ functions like formulas, filters and pivot tables.
Once finished, simply go to File > Download as > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) to export the Sheet as a Excel document.
Recommendations and Best Practices
And there you have it – 3 easy ways to convert CSV files into the Excel format!
Here are some final tips for getting the most out of your data imports:
- Double check delimiter settings (comma, tab, etc) match your CSV structure
- Scan imported preview to catch any formatting issues early
- Handle blank rows and cells carefully to avoid misalignments
- Delete any duplicate Column headers after conversion
- Paste a sample of large CSV data into Notepad to diagnose quirks beforehand
For advanced needs, consider Power Query which adds ETL and automation functionality.
I hope this guide gives you the confidence to smoothly integrate CSV data into your spreadsheets. Don‘t hesitate to reach out if any questions pop up!
Happy data wrangling!
1. W3C Recommendation on Delimited Text Files
2. IETF RFC Standards for CSV
3. CSV File History via JH Technologies