Have you noticed Chrome automatically filling in your name, address, and other details when you’re completing forms online? This handy time-saving feature is called autofill. It pops in information you’ve previously entered so you avoid having to type it out every time.
But sometimes you need to update the old addresses or details Chrome has stored. I‘ll walk you step-by-step through updating your autofill address so it‘s current. By the end, you‘ll be able to:
✔️ Edit your saved home and work addresses
✔️ Add new addresses like a new apartment
✔️ Remove outdated address entries
✔️ Continue enjoying autofill‘s convenience perk with up-to-date info
Ready to update? Let‘s do this!
What Exactly is Autofill?
First question – what is this autofill that Chrome provides?
Autofill automatically fills out form fields using data you‘ve previously entered in Chrome. That can include:
- Home/work addresses
- Email addresses
- Names
- Phone numbers
- Payment card details
So for example, if you use autofill to save your home address, the next time you‘re filling out a form with an address line, Chrome will suggest auto-completing it with your stored home address. With a quick confirmation click, the form populates without you having to type a thing!
Why Do People Use Autofill?
Convenience is the #1 reason Chrome users enable autofill:
- Saves time – Skipping repetitive typing is a godsend.
- Reduces mistakes – Less manual entries means fewer typos.
- Works across sites – Autofill pops in on any form-based web page.
Autofill has removed the need to type the same addresses and personal details over and over.
Time Saved from Autofill |
67 million hours/year |
According to Google research, Chrome users have saved a staggering 67 million hours per year thanks to autofill automatically populating commonly entered info.
I can vouch from personal experience that autofill makes filling out forms a breeze. Whether I‘m shopping online, signing up for a new streaming service, or booking a doctor appointment, having my details auto-complete saves me tons of time.
So while autofill does require entrusting Chrome with some personal data, the massive time payoff makes it worthwhile for many users.
Next, let‘s look at how to update the details Chrome has stored for you…
Step 1: Open Chrome and Sign In
First things first, launch the Chrome browser on your desktop/laptop and make sure you‘re signed into your Google account.
You can only edit the autofill settings under your specific account.
Click your profile picture in the top right corner and select Manage your Google Account if you need to sign in.
Pro Tip: If you‘re using Chrome on someone else‘s computer, be extra careful about allowing autofill to save your details.
Step 2: Access Chrome‘s Settings
Once logged in, it‘s time to access Chrome‘s settings menu to update your stored details.
Click the 3-dot menu in the top right:
In the menu, click Settings:
Alternatively, you can use the handy keyboard shortcut CTRL/Command + ,
to instantly open settings.
Pro Tip: Familiarize yourself with Chrome‘s settings area. You‘ll find many useful options for customizing your browsing experience.
Step 3: Open Autofill Settings
Within the settings sidebar, click Autofill:
This houses the address, payment, and password options that Chrome can automatically fill in.
Take a second to explore what address/payment profiles already saved for your account here. We‘re about to edit them!
Step 4: Update Your Address
Under Addresses and more, you should see entries like Home and Work:
To update an address, use the 3-dot menu to select Edit:
A popup will open allowing you to modify all the details:
Change whatever you need to – street, city, phone number etc. When done, click Save.
Pro Tip: You can store as many addresses here as you want – home, office, second house etc. Just use the + Add button to store more!
Step 5: Remove Old Addresses
Do you have some outdated addresses saved that keep autofilling incorrectly? Time for a clean up!
Using the 3-dot menu again, you can now select Remove to delete obsolete entries.
Chrome will confirm that you definitely want to erase the address before doing so. Removing incorrect info helps keep autofill relevant.
Just like that, you‘ve updated Chrome‘s autofill to contain your current, accurate address details!
Autofill vs Autocomplete
One final note to avoid confusion – autofill differs from autocomplete:
Autocomplete – Automatically suggests search terms and queries as you type based on your history.
Autofill – Automatically populates fields like name, address, and payment info that you‘ve previously entered.
They sound similar but behave differently. Autocomplete helps you search faster. Autofill helps you fill out forms faster.
Is Autofill Secure?
What about risks of using autofill? It‘s reasonable to be concerned since it requires sharing personal information with your browser.
The good news is Chrome and other modern password managers utilize encryption and anonymity to remain fairly secure. No actual data sits in plain text – just random strings pointing to encrypted profiles.
That said, some factors like computer malware or weak account passwords do pose threats allowing bad actors to potentially access your autofill profiles.
Most security experts consider Chrome‘s autofill implementation fairly low risk if you take proper precautions. But more privacy-focused individuals may still want to disable it.
There‘s always a tradeoff between convenience and privacy. Choose your comfort level accordingly.
Closing Thoughts
Hopefully I‘ve shown you just how quick and easy it is to update your autofill address details in Chrome.
With your home and work addresses now current, Chrome can resume auto-populating them into online forms and checkout pages in seconds!
If questions come up down the road, you know where to access the autofill settings. Don‘t hesitate to add/remove saved addresses whenever life calls for it.
Thanks for reading – happy automatic form filling!