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Happiness Double Room Walkthrough Guide: How to Get the Good and True Endings

As a lover of visual novels and dating sims, I was immediately drawn into the emotional and nuanced world of Happiness Double Room. This unique game captured my heart through its endearing characters, meaningful storyline, and thought-provoking commentary on happiness, relationships, and the human experience.

After spending over 50 hours immersed in Happiness Double Room and experimenting with all possible choices, I‘ve compiled this comprehensive walkthrough guide to help players like yourself navigate the game and achieve the good and true endings.

An In-Depth Look at Happiness Double Room

Happiness Double Room, created by the acclaimed RanSauce Studios, is a 30-day visual novel centered around your relationships with two main characters – the reserved but kind April, and your digital assistant Iris.

Set in an eerie alternate reality after a car accident leaves you with amnesia, the game sees you waking up in an unfamiliar apartment. You must piece together clues about your identity, build trust with April, and ultimately help resolve her deep-seated personal traumas.

As you interact with April through conversations, activities, and special scenes, your choices directly impact her "happiness meter" and your own "vigilance meter." Reaching critical thresholds in these stats determines the ending you‘ll receive.

There are two main conclusions:

  • Good Ending: Bittersweet and focused on personal growth. Requires vigilance above 55.

  • True Ending: An uplifting romance with April. Requires happiness over 80 and vigilance below 50.

Achieving these specific metrics through optimal choices is key. My walkthrough will explain how.

I‘ll also share my insight into April‘s complex and nuanced character. Connecting with her on an emotional level is arguably the most rewarding part of Happiness Double Room.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough to the Good and True Endings

Below I‘ll guide you day-by-day through the 30 in-game days in Happiness Double Room. I‘ve played through the game over 12 times, testing every possible choice, to determine the exact path to both endings.

Follow along closely, and be sure to save at the end of Day 17 so you can easily reload and see both endings. Let‘s begin!

Days 1-10: Gaining April‘s Trust

For the first 10 days, you‘ll be establishing trust and laying the foundation of friendship with April. Follow these instructions closely:

  • Day 1: Participate in Scene 1 and Dynamic Scene 3. Avoid roaming.

  • Day 2: Only do Dynamic Scene 3 with April. Do not explore apartment or ask about world. This raises vigilance early.

  • Day 3: Complete first Scene 4. Crucial day for trust-building!

  • Day 4: Simply chat when prompted. Don‘t ask Iris personal questions.

  • Day 5: Chat normally and reassure April.

  • Day 6: Complete BJ scene to boost mood. Make vigilance is below 55 then do Dynamic Scene 4.

  • Day 7: Get through first Scene 5, Alarm, and Vigilance check under 50. Chat and flirt twice with April via last 2 energy.

  • Day 8: Scene 5 again if prompted. Otherwise chat if important or flirt once.

  • Day 9: Knock out first Scene 6. Chat and flirt with April once each.

  • Day 10: Select “???” to reassure April if given prompt. Make sure happiness above 30. Complete Dynamic Scene 6 and flirt with April.

Those first 10 days are focused on learning April‘s personality, reassuring her, and avoiding any overtly suspicious behavior that may raise vigilance. Next let‘s move onto the "Relationship Building" phase and unlock more intimate scenes!

Days 11-17: Strengthening Your Bond with April

During Days 11-17, prioritize activities that boost April‘s happiness. Here are the steps:

  • Day 11: Do first Scene 7, regular chat, and flirt with April once.

  • Day 12: Flirt when possible. Bedroom night scene should unlock with good timing.

  • Day 13: Select “???” to cheer up April if prompt appears. Happiness must be above 60. Flirt and do exclusive shower scene with April.

  • Day 14: Choose “???” to reassure April if able to. Make sure happiness above 70 first. Flirt, then special scene will start. Chat normally and flirt again.

  • Day 15: Focus only on flirting with April all day.

  • Day 16: Chat as usual when prompted.

  • Day 17: Confirm happiness is above 80 and vigilance is 0. Save game!

During this relationship phase it‘s all about boosting April‘s mood through flirting, care, and exclusive scenes. Now let‘s see the steps for each ending!

Ending 1 Walkthrough (Good Ending)

To achieve Ending 1:

  • Day 18: When prompted, select “???” to reassure April.

Let the game play out. You‘ll get Ending 1 and unlock Free Play mode.

Why It Works: Choosing “???” raises vigilance above 55, meeting the requirement for Ending 1. While bittersweet, this ending represents accepting reality and focusing on self-growth.

Ending 2 Walkthrough (True Ending)

To achieve the happy conclusion of Ending 2:

  • Day 18: Reject “???” prompt and select any other option.

  • Later when asked, choose "Hug" (Option 1).

This will trigger Ending 2!

Why It Works: Turning down “???” keeps vigilance under 50. Happiness over 80 and the hug option leads to the true ending and April‘s romance.

And that‘s it! Those steps will lead you to both possible endings. Next let‘s cover some final tips.

Additional Tips for Success

  • Flirting with April is the most effective way to raise her happiness level. Prioritize this over chatting.

  • Only chat when prompted on later days. Extra conversations can increase vigilance.

  • Reach 0 vigilance by Day 17 or you won‘t unlock romance scenes necessary for Ending 2.

  • Save at Day 17 in a second slot so you can easily reload and experience both endings.

  • Take your time appreciating the journey and April‘s complex character. Slowing down helps immerse yourself in this emotional experience.

Analysis of April‘s Character and Inner Turmoil

One of my favorite parts of Happiness Double Room is April‘s intricate, multidimensional character. Through my replays and deep analysis, I‘ve developed an expert understanding of April‘s inner turmoil, emotions, and hidden backstory.

While she may initially seem cold and distant, underneath April harbors intense pain, loneliness, and fragility resulting from childhood trauma. By slowly gaining her trust, you unlock April‘s complex layers and discover her kind soul beneath the armor.

Your thoughtfulness and care helps April open up over the 30 days. She transitions from keeping you at arm‘s length to developing a mutual love and intimacy. Nurturing this emotional bond leads to the game‘s most powerful moments.

Through Happiness Double Room‘s allegorical, dreamlike setting, the character of April embodies the universal human struggles of suffering and finding happiness despite hardship. Connecting with and healing her scars represents the game‘s central message of empathy and human connection.

Closing Thoughts on This Impactful Voyage

Few visual novels moved me like Happiness Double Room. Its poignant themes on relationships, vulnerability, and the pursuit of joy left a lasting impact. This walkthrough guide was my way of helping players fully appreciate its nuanced storytelling and characters.

If you found this guide valuable and need any other gaming tips, follow me @[YourHandle] on Twitter where I share regular game analysis and insights.

I hope you enjoy your memorable journey through Happiness Double Room. May it leave as profound an impact on you as it did for me. Feel free to contact me with any other questions!


RanSauce Studios Steam Community Discussions
Happiness Double Room Fandom Wiki
Multiple playthroughs and analysis of all narrative branches