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How to Grow Your Discord Server (3 Easy Ways)

With over 150 million active users, Discord has become the #1 internet gathering place for vibrant communities to chat, collaborate, and cultivate meaningful connections around shared interests.

However, building a thriving server from scratch and ensuring long-term growth takes strategy and effort. Only 2.7% of new Discord servers last longer than one year.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll discover actionable tips to transform your community from a ghost town into a digital hot spot swarming with engaged members.

Why Growing a Discord Server Matters

Expanding your reach on Discord unlocks countless benefits:

  • Richer Perspectives: More diverse users broaden discussions with unique insights you haven‘t considered.
  • Increased Engagement: New faces reenergize existing members through replies, reactions and collabs.
  • Revenue Opportunities: Popular servers attract sponsorships or paid partnerships.
  • Influencer Potential: Admins of severs 100k+ members earn "Discord Certified" status.

However, poor growth stunts your potential. Low-traffic channels trigger existing members to lose interest and seek out more active communities.

That‘s why obsession with growth-optimization separates enduring servers from the 90% that fade into internet obscurity.

Discord Server Types & Target Users

Tailoring your Discord server to a specific user group gives new visitors instant clarity about your community‘s purpose.

Let‘s explore examples of popular server themes along with the demographics they attract:

Gaming Servers

  • Users: Hardcore gamers, esports fans, League of Legends analysts
  • Content: Twitch streams, tournaments brackets, gameplay clips

Art & Design Servers

  • Users: Graphic designers, photographers, anime sketch artists
  • Content: Drawing tutorials, #ShowYourArt channels, Adobe tips

Cryptocurrency Servers

  • Users: Day traders, blockchain developers, crypto investors
  • Content: Project announcements, price action alerts, Web3 debates

While niche communities limit your total addressable market, they unlock deeper member engagement and loyalty – crucial for sustaining long-term growth.

3 Proven Ways to Grow Your Discord Server

Now let‘s dive into actionable strategies to turn strangers into engaged, contributing members.

Discord Server Growth Strategies

1. Create Viral Content

85% of Discorders discover new servers through word-of-mouth invitations. That‘s why crafting shareable content makes growth a breeze.

  • Memes: Nothing spreads faster than a hilarious meme. Dedicate #memes or #media channels for users to dump their best and most topical humor.

  • Hot Takes: Spicy opinions ignite heated debates that keep users returning. Pose fun prompts like "Pineapple on pizza. Acceptable or punishable offense?"

  • Trend Riding: Connect online trends to your community for built-in amplification. Create channels to discuss hot button issues already blowing up Twitter and Reddit.

  • Hashtag Integration: Using relevant hashtags increases visibility beyond just server residents. Include them across channels, user bios and content descriptions.

Remember – your members create the content future members want to consume. Set the stage for endless, member-fed growth by incentivizing posting via reaction points, vanity perks and monthly #top-fan contests.

2. Host Events & Giveaways

Online gatherings attract swarms of new joiners eager to participate and snag prizes.

Discords with over 1,000 members host 6x more events per month than smaller servers. Invest time into crafting fun community experiences.

Creative Event Ideas

  • Trivia nights
  • Movie watch parties
  • Member talent shows
  • Guest Twitch takeovers
    *Bracket-style tournaments

Giveaway Ideas

  • Amazon gift cards
  • Gaming laptops or consoles
  • VIP Discord upgrades
  • Sponsored merch
  • NFTs

Promote events across your server, social media channels and official website. Gathering non-members together drives awareness and conveys an inclusive vibe they want to join.

3. Recruit Influencers

Industry leaders lend immense credibility while exposing your community to their captive audiences.

But cold DMing A-listers won‘t get you far. Instead, target micro or nano influencers in the early stages of their rise to fame. Smaller personal brands are more accessible and eager for partnerships that expand their reach.

Smart Influencer Recruitment Tactics

  • Gift premium Discord access in return for promotions
  • Co-host Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse rooms
  • Collab on giveaways for combined marketing firepower
  • Access their audience with server guest appearances

Track traffic and sign ups from influencer partnerships. Analyze results to double down on what works and cut what doesn‘t.

Bonus: Make Joining Frictionless

You‘ve crafted viral content…hosted epic events…recruited influencers. But without Removing Joining Friction those efforts go to waste.

It takes new visitors just 1.5 seconds to lose interest as they click away forever. Eliminate hurdles across the onboarding experience so users painlessly transition from strangers to members.

remove discord joining friction

4 Fixes to Remove Joining Friction

  1. Simplify invite links
  2. Add "Add Server" welcome button
  3. Automate role assignments
  4. Design intuitive new member orientation channels

Prioritizing seamless first impressions results in 66% more sign ups compared to inconsistent onboarding. Smooth their journey from visitor to vocal community member.

Sustain Long-Term Discord Server Growth

Attracting new members marks only your first server growth challenge. Retaining users month after month requires ongoing nurturing and optimization.

Let‘s discuss best practices for cementing member loyalty, combatting churn and sustaining consistent community expansion.

sustain discord growth

Foster an Inclusive Culture

Users who feel respected, valued and heard stick around. Set the tone with #community-guidelines and pinned admin reminders like "No racism, sexism, homophobia or hate speech allowed here."

Address reports of harassment swiftly. Limit off-topic debates in issue-specific channels. Providing a supportive, like-minded community keeps your server a welcome online refuge.

Make Moderation Scalable

Leaning on just 1-2 sanity-stretched admins causes disaster once daily messages exceed their capacity.

Assign "moderator interns" to groom members for leadership by shadowing official mods. Expand your ranks before traffic outpaces current capacity.

Spotlight Standout Members

Show appreciation to consistently stellar contributors by awarding vanity perks like colorful name tags, custom emoji access or video call privileges.

Send quick "thank you" DMs to members who post particularly valuable insights. A little recognition goes a long way in cementing loyalty.

Regularly Backup Data

Losing months of messages, channels and painstaking bot configurations cripples servers. You can never be too cautious.

Use backup services like Komando or Orah to auto-save server data on a recurring basis. Best practice is twice per week.

Final Takeaways

Today, we explored 3 proven Discord growth strategies:

  • Viral content that incentivizes sharing
  • Events and giveaways that rally strangers
  • Influencer marketing for instant access to new audiences

Combine these explosive growth tactics with frictionless onboarding and stellar community management for unstoppable expansion.

Soon you‘ll need to upgrade from a free Discord server just to support the rapid influx of new faces.

By continually exceeding member expectations and providing outrageously high value, your community will scale for many years to come.

Now get out there, craft some viral memes, line up epic giveaways and prepare to welcome a whirlwind of new, passionate members to your server!