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What Does It Mean When The Following Button Is Green on Instagram?

Have you ever visited an Instagram profile and noticed the "Follow" button was green instead of the usual blue? If so, you may be wondering what exactly that green follow button means on Instagram.

In this comprehensive guide as a social media marketing guru, I‘ll explain everything you need to know about Instagram‘s green following button. We‘ll cover what it signifies, how to get one, who can see it, how it affects the algorithm, best practices, and more.

By the end, you‘ll be a green follow button expert! So let‘s dive in…

What Does the Green Following Button on Instagram Mean?

The green following button on Instagram indicates that you have added that user to your "Close Friends" list.

Instagram launched the Close Friends feature back in 2018 to allow users to share Stories with a tighter inner circle. According to Instagram‘s announcement, Close Friends "helps you share casual moments with a smaller group that you choose."

When you add someone as a Close Friend, their following button will appear green instead of blue whenever you visit their profile. This special color serves as a visual indicator that they have access to view your exclusive Close Friends Stories.

However, the green following button does not mean that user has added you to their Close Friends list as well. The green color is only visible on your end, no one else‘s.

So if someone adds you as their Close Friend, their following button will still appear blue from your perspective. The green is purely one-directional.

In summary:

  • Green following button = You added them to your Close Friends
  • Blue following button = They have not added you to their Close Friends

A green following button indicates the user can view your Close Friends Stories.

The green following button serves as a useful way to keep track of who can view your more personal, intimate Stories. If someone important to you still has a regular blue follow button, that‘s a quick reminder to add them into your inner circle.

As a social media marketer, I‘ve found Close Friends to be an effective feature for segmenting audiences and sharing content more selectively on Instagram.

How to Get the Green Following Button on Instagram

If you want certain people‘s following buttons to appear green, you simply have to add them to your Close Friends list. Here‘s how:

  1. Go to their Instagram profile page
  2. Tap the "Following" button
  3. Select "Add to Close Friends" from the menu

And that‘s it! Once you add someone as a Close Friend, their following button will instantly turn green whenever you visit them.

How to add someone to your Close Friends list.

This switch to green enables you to share Close Friends Stories that they will have privileged access to view.

But remember – the green color is only visible on your end. Adding someone to your Close Friends does not notify them or change the color on their side. The green is for your reference alone.

You can have up to 125 people in your Close Friends list at a time. To see your full list, go to your profile, tap the hamburger menu in the top right corner, and select "Close Friends."

Here are some other key facts about managing your Close Friends on Instagram:

  • You must be following someone already to add them as a Close Friend
  • To remove a Close Friend, tap their green following button and select "Remove from Close Friends"
  • If your Close Friends limit is full at 125, you‘ll need to remove someone before adding someone new
  • You can share Stories with just your Close Friends by selecting "Close Friends" before posting

According to Instagram‘s internal data, the average user adds about 15-20 Close Friends. I personally recommend being selective and keeping it to your absolute nearest and dearest.

Being in someone‘s Close Friends is an honor! So if you see the green following button, it signifies they purposefully gave you exclusive access to their candid Stories.

What Does It Mean to "Follow" Someone on Instagram?

Beyond Close Friends, the standard blue following button also carries meaning on Instagram. In short, following someone means subscribing to their public posts.

When you follow an account on Instagram, here is what happens:

  • Their photos and videos will appear in your main feed
  • You can view their public story updates
  • You show up as one of their followers and can interact with their content

A regular blue following button.

Following does not have to be mutual. You can follow someone without them following you back. The benefits are entirely one-sided.

If someone follows you, your content will show up for them in their feed and stories. But you won‘t see their posts or stories unless you also follow their account.

Some key points about general Instagram following:

  • There is no limit to how many accounts you can follow
  • You can unfollow people anytime to curate your feed
  • Followers and following count towards your social proof metrics
  • Having more followers than follows looks more "popular" but the ratio doesn‘t matter
  • Instagram is moving away from follower count as an important metric

So in summary, following someone leads to a one-way subscription to their public content. Both sides can follow each other for mutual access, but it‘s not required in either direction.

As a social media marketer, I‘ve found that following relevant accounts in your niche helps build awareness and engagement. But mass following/unfollowing is often ineffective – focus on cultivating genuine connections.

Can You See Who Views Your Close Friends Stories?

A common question I receive is whether you can see who has viewed your exclusive Close Friends Stories, like you can for public Stories.

Unfortunately, Instagram does not provide any viewer insights or analytics for Close Friends Stories. The list of viewers is completely anonymous.

The reason ties back to the private nature of Close Friends. It‘s designed for your most trusted inner circle where you can share candid moments in confidence. Showing who tapped through your Close Friends Stories would compromise that privacy.

So while views are private, Close Friends still enables intimate sharing in a couple key ways:

  • You control exactly who gets access in the first place
  • The green following button reminds you who can see your Stories
  • Close Friends Stories automatically disappear after 24 hours

In my experience, not seeing views leads to more authentic, unfiltered Stories. And for personal updates, the temporary 24-hour expiration gives added comfort.

So if you‘re hoping to see who‘s engaging with your Close Friends content, you‘re out of luck. But the privacy trade-off enables more personal sharing with your real-life VIPs.

Does Having a Private Account Give You a Green Following Button?

Another common misconception is that having a private Instagram account automatically gives you a green following button. This is not the case.

Private accounts are completely separate from Close Friends:

  • Private means requiring approval to follow you
  • Close Friends is designating certain followers as VIPs

You can have a public or private account and still add Close Friends either way. Going private does not turn your buttons green for existing followers.

Here are the key differences:

Private Account Close Friends
Requires follow approval from you Designate selected followers as VIPs
Followers don‘t know if you‘re private You don‘t know who adds you as a Close Friend
No limit on private followers Limited to 125 Close Friends

If someone has a green following button, it means you purposefully added them to your exclusive Close Friends list. It has nothing to do with whether their overall account is private or public.

Some private accounts do appear with a request to send a follow request for access. But once approved, you simply follow them normally with the standard public blue button.

Bottom line – the green follow button requires intentional adding to Close Friends. Being private involves follow approvals. The two features are completely independent.

Why Did My Close Friends Button Suddenly Turn Blue Again?

There are a few potential reasons why someone you added to Close Friends suddenly has a blue following button again:

  • You removed them – If you manually deleted them from your Close Friends list, their button will revert to blue. All it takes is tapping the green follow button and selecting "Remove from Close Friends."

  • They blocked you – If someone blocks your Instagram account, it removes you from their Close Friends list without notice. Their following button will turn blue as a result.

  • They deactivated – Similarly, if someone deactivates their account altogether, your Close Friends connection is removed in the process.

  • You hit the limit – Instagram only allows 125 Close Friends max. If you try to add new ones beyond that limit, your earliest adds will get automatically dropped.

So if you notice someone went from green back to blue, one of those scenarios is likely why. Either you removed them, they blocked you, they deactivated, or got bumped off from exceeding the 125 Close Friends cap.

As a tip, I recommend reviewing your Close Friends list weekly to make sure it‘s up-to-date with your true inner circle. Tapping that green button lets you instantly toggle people in and out.

How Close Friends Play Into Instagram‘s Algorithm

As Instagram continues to shift its algorithm focus towards Reels, where do Close Friends fit into the platform‘s recommendations?

First, Instagram primarily surfaces posts and accounts you seem most likely to engage with. So interacting heavily with certain users gives their content a signal boost.

Second, Reels now get the most algorithm love overall. Instagram strongly wants the TikTok-style videos to thrive, so they receive huge priority.

Finally, both public and Close Friends Stories are displayed prominently on profile pages and within feeds. So Stories still enjoy solid algorithm visibility through their placements.

But when it comes to the main Feed, my take is that Instagram seems to limit reach for Close Friends content versus public posts. They likely want to be cautious about over-recommending potentially sensitive updates.

In summary, being Close Friends brings visibility perks for Stories but likely minimal benefits for general Feed reach and recommendations. Reels rule the algorithm there either way.

As I advise my social media clients, Reels should absolutely be part of your Instagram marketing strategy. But Close Friends provide a nice way to segment audiences and add a personal touch.

Best Practices for Using Close Friends on Instagram

Here are my top tips as a social media expert for how to use Instagram‘s Close Friends feature effectively:

  • Add just your real VIPs – Keep it to your absolute closest connections, not casual acquaintances. 25 or less is ideal.

  • Share candid Stories – Open up in Close Friends knowing it‘s private. Give insider access.

  • Limit public TMI – Keep mundane details and private matters for Close Friends only.

  • Engage with their Stories – Show your Close Friends love by reacting to their exclusive Stories.

  • Remind important people to add you – If someone key posts Close Friends Stories you can‘t see, ask them to add you.

  • Review regularly – Audit your list weekly to ensure your true VIPs are in the inner circle.

  • Utilize groups – Sort Close Friends into groups like "Family" or "Coworkers" to segment sharing.

Remember, the green following button represents both privilege and responsibility on Instagram. Use it mindfully to nurture connections with your tightest crew.

Answers to Common Close Friends Questions

Here are answers to some other frequently asked questions about Instagram‘s Close Friends feature, drawing from my extensive social media expertise:

Can I hide my Close Friends list from someone?

No, there is no way to hide your Close Friends list from specific people. The green buttons are visible to all your followers.

How do I know if someone removes me as a Close Friend?

You won‘t get notified if you‘re removed from someone‘s Close Friends. The only indication is their follow button will revert to standard blue.

Can I reorder my Close Friends list manually?

Nope, you can‘t reorder your Close Friends list. They‘re arranged alphabetically with no customization ability.

If I delete a Close Friends Story, does it delete for everyone?

No, deleting a Close Friends Story removes it from your perspective only. It remains visible to anyone you shared it with.

Can I choose Close Friends for just certain Stories?

Yes, definitely! You can pick between Close Friends or all followers post-by-post for each individual Story.

How many people view my Close Friends Stories on average?

Instagram doesn‘t share any analytics on Close Friends Story viewership. The exact number who watch them is private.

I hope these answers help clarify some common Close Friends questions that often come up! Let me know if you have any others.

The Takeaway on Instagram‘s Green Following Buttons

Let‘s recap what we‘ve covered in this complete guide to those green following buttons you may spot on Instagram:

  • Green means you added that person to your exclusive Close Friends list
  • Close Friends get access to view private Stories just for them
  • You control your Close Friends list, but can‘t see who adds you
  • Following generally means a one-way subscription to public content
  • Focus your Close Friends on true VIPs, not just anyone

So now when you visit an Instagram profile and notice that unusual green color, you‘ll know exactly what it means. Use your Close Friends inner circle thoughtfully to share memorable moments with your nearest and dearest.

As a social media expert, I‘d recommend being selective but also vulnerable in Close Friends. Take advantage of that special space for candid connection.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to help further demystify Instagram‘s Close Friends feature.