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GPU Mining Profitability in June 2023: Latest Updates

My Path from Gaming to GPU Empire – An Epic Mining Journey

I’m a lifelong gamer with a passion for overclocking high-end GPUs and stretching PC hardware to its limits. Mining cryptocurrency has enabled me to fully indulge these passions – funding an epic multi-GPU gaming/workstation setup while learning the deep technical intricacies of maximizing graphics cards performance potential.

As a university student, I could only afford mid-range cards and modest rigs. But by re-investing mining profits over the past 5 years, I’ve continually upgraded my gear and expanded operations. Today my farm spans 6 mining rigs with a mix of the latest Nvidia RTX 3000 and AMD RX 6000 cards, producing combined earnings over $70K per year!

Yet it’s not all about money for me. I genuinely love tinkering with cutting-edge gear to optimize performance. Testing cards using benchmarking software and tweaking voltages gives me the same thrill as maxing game settings to push frame rates. And living at the bleeding edge of a new tech frontier with cryptocurrency keeps me fascinated.

In this guide, I’ll analyze the profitability outlook for GPU mining in June 2023 while sharing tips from my own extensive experiences to help fellow enthusiasts build thriving operations.

Quick Mining Economics Refresher

Before diving into specific hardware ROIs and profit projections, let’s review the key factors that determine mining profitability:

Revenue = Block rewards + Fees

Coins you successfully mine generate income from both the fixed block reward amount + varying transaction fees. On Ethereum for example, fees historically made up >60% of revenues. When prices dip, fees decline, directly impacting profitability.

Profit = Revenue – Operating Costs

To calculate true profit, you must deduct real-world operating costs from mining revenues:

  • Electricity costs
  • Equipment costs (GPUs, PSUs, Motherboards, etc.)
  • Facility/Space rental expenses if applicable
  • Additional cooling equipment
  • Internet connectivity

ROI Timeframe = (Cost of Equipment) / (Projected Profits Per Month)

Return-on-investment (ROI) measures when equipment costs are recouped. This varies based on efficiency of your mining rig and coin profits at the time. Due to recent downcycles, ROI timeframes have blown out to 9+ months in many cases.

Holding Mined Coins Multiplies Future Gains

Rather than immediately selling mined coins for cash, holding them while their prices appreciate during the next bull run can dramatically increase profits. This is crucial for justifying investments in equipment.

Got all that? Okay, let’s crunch some numbers!

Profitability and ROI Analysis of Nvidia RTX 4000 Series

At the bleeding edge, Nvidia’s recently launched GeForce RTX 4090 and 4080 cards promise big performance and efficiency gains for miners. But do the costs justify upgrades from prior generation cards? Let’s dig into the numbers.


Independent testing shows the RTX 4090 achieves a blistering hashrate of 121 MH/s mining Ethereum Classic DAG (ETCHash) while consuming 320 watts. This represents a 15-20% efficiency gain over the older RTX 3090.

The RTX 4080 sees slightly lower gains in efficiency but still impressive hashrate growth to 93 MH/s with 275 watt power draw according to Igor’s Lab benchmarks.

Power Consumption

Factoring in power costs, the 4090 shines drawing just 320 watts, 70 watts less than the RTX 3090 for even higher hashrate. The 4080 consumes 30 watts less than the 3080 TI/Super cards it is positioned to replace.

Profit Analysis

Based on reported hashrates and known power specs, I built a profit calculator spreadsheet to analyze ROI timeframes for the new 40-series cards mining ETC with electricity at $0.15 per kwh.

  • RTX 4090 ROI = 200 days
  • RTX 4080 ROI = 250 days

While still 7-8 months to achieve ROI is not amazing in absolute terms, this represents over 2x faster ROI than their predecessors just a year ago prior to crypto market declines!

For miners with existing cards to upgrade from, the proposition is even better. Compared to my loyal RTX 3090, switching to a 4090 yields an extra $100+ per month in ETC profits after electricity costs. A 7 month ROI translates to >100% annual return – hard for any investor to ignore!

I recently upgraded 3 of my rigs to RTX 4090s. Based on my detailed analysis, I believe these will become the undisputed efficiency kings and remain highly profitable even in bear markets due to their sizable hashing gains over prior gen cards. The rest of my equipment pool will upgrade to 4080s once supply normalizes over the next few months.

AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series Mining Benchmarks

On the AMD front, initial RX 7900 XTX and 7900 XT mining performance metrics are also beginning to emerge.

Tom’s Hardware testing shows the flagship 7900 XTX achieving 80 MH/s ETH mining at just 180 watts – a 40% efficiency gain over the RX 6950XT! The 7900 XT trails slightly with 75 MH/s draw at the same 180 watts.

Considering these new RDNA 3 cards are priced similarly to their RDNA 2 predecessors, their substantial leaps in mining performance makes them no-brainer upgrades for AMD miners.

In fact, the RX 7900 XTX reaching 80 MH/s actually makes it nearly as efficient as Nvidia’s RTX 4080 for Ethereum mining! This is an unexpected result that elevates AMD’s appeal. My early analysis shows similar ROI timeframes to Nvidia’s offerings at around 7 months for miners paying $0.15 per kwh.

Although AMD GPUs tend to lag Nvidia in raw hashrate across certain algorithms like ETC, their cards continue maturing as compelling options due to typically lower costs. I run a mix of both in my farm to maximize profits.

Bottlenecks Beyond Processing Power

When conducting your own mining hardware analysis, remember that real-world performance extends beyond raw GPU processing capabilities. Two common bottlenecks impact hashrates:

PCIe Bandwidth – Many rig motherboards provide fewer high-bandwidth PCIe 5.0 slots than the number of GPUs they can house. For example, a mobo may support 13 cards but only have 5 PCIe 5.0 x16 ports. This can bottleneck hashrates if you max out capacity with the latest gen cards.

VRAM Capacity – Cryptocoin mining algorithms rely heavily on fast memory for caching and lookup tables. For ETC and other ETH-derived coins, the VRAM requirement is currently 4.5GB. Any card with less memory will achieve lower effective hashrate due to memory thrashing.

Both Nvidia and AMD wisely boosted VRAM capacities with the 4000 and 7000 series cards knowing mining represents a key customer base. The flagships boast 24GB and 20GB onboard memory respectively. This helps justify their price premiums versus prior gen cards that only had 10-12GB capacities in some cases.

Future-Proofing with Liquid Cooling Efficiency

An underutilized mining optimization strategy I’ve employed for the past 2 years involves retrofitting graphics cards with liquid cooling blocks instead of traditional air heatsinks and fans.

While water cooling requires specialized equipment and expertise, the benefits are tremendous:

  • Temps reduced by 20C+ enabling higher sustained boost clocks
  • Less thermal cycling damage prolonging GPU lifespan
  • Near silent operation, perfect for residential setups
  • Higher and more stable overclocks yielding 5-10% extra performance
  • Significantly lower failure rates in my experience

After sending his brand new RTX 4090 into emergency thermal throttling running Furmark, notable YouTuber JayzTwoCents concluded “water cooling is the only way to properly run an RTX 4090”. I could not agree more – air cooling is no longer cutting it for serious mining setups.

Retrofitting a few of my liquid-cooled RTX 3090s with full cover water blocks increased their memory clocks by 1500Mhz and core by 300Mhz achieving a very noticeable jump in mining performance and earnings.

For miners serious about eking out every drop of hashrate in an efficient, sustainable manner, I believe liquid cooling will become virtually mandatory with upcoming generations of power-hungry graphics cards. The efficiency and reliability gains justify the investments which typically payback within 5-6 months through heightened earnings.

Managing the Practical Complexities of Multi-Rig Operations

While guides often focus mostly on hardware profitability analysis, I want to share some real-world operational advice from the front lines of managing a larger multi-rig GPU mining farm. These practical habits have saved me countless headaches as my fleet has grown.

Rig Naming Conventions

With multiple systems hashing away, clearly naming and labeling rigs is essential to monitor performance and quickly identify issues. Come up with a naming convention early. For example, I label systems as R1, R2, R3, etc and assign fun theme names related to mining (GoldDigger, CoalCar, DiamondMine, etc).

Remote Monitoring & Rebooting

Use remote hardware monitoring tools like HiveOS or Windows Admin Center to keep eyes on all critical system vitals from hashrate, wattage, thermals and even reboot rigs without leaving my office chair! This also allows quickly spotting a crashed miner and getting it back online.

Standard Config Backup Images

I maintain a library of clean OS images for each rig with optimized software, drivers and BIOS settings ready to restore. When swapping parts across rigs or disaster strikes and I need to format and reinstall, these images get systems back hashing quickly while avoiding countless hours reconfiguring everything.

Parts Inventory Stockpile

I stockpile 5-10 GPUs, PSUs, SSDs and other components so that any failed piece can be instantly swapped to minimize downtime. With the frequent hardware purchases and upgrades inherent to mining, this inventory gets constantly replenished.

Spreadsheet-Based Tax Planning

With many transactions across coins and currencies, mining operations quickly become an accounting nightmare. I maintain a detailed spreadsheet linked to exchange API keys to track cost basis for every coin mined, sold or converted so I can accurately calculate complex crypto taxes. This gives me peace of mind during tax season.

I hope these real-world operational best practices help take some ownership anxiety out of managing a fledgling mining empire! Don’t let the headaches distract from why we’re really here – to indulge our passion for building epic PC rigs and embrace the thrill of crypto’s frontier.

HODL Philosophy – Managing the Emotional Rollercoaster by Understanding Market Psychology

After sharing tips on operational habits to manage the practical challenges every growing mining business faces day to day, I want to switch gears to discuss mindset, psychology and the emotional rollercoaster inherent to crypto. This mental aspect proves equally as important as equipment and tactics for long term success.

As a multi-year veteran who has experienced firsthand both soaring euphoric highs and gut punching lows, the key is expecting this volatility by understanding the psychology behind different market cycles.

The crypto markets appear random and chaotic on the surface, but in fact follow predictable boom and bust patterns fueled by human emotions like greed and fear just like every bubble in history. By studying historical cycles, you can anticipate and mentally prepare yourself for inevitable ups and downs instead of being caught off guard.

Euphoric Boom Phase

Bull runs lure excited new entrants with hype cycles across social media and press. Prices skyrocket as irrational exuberance causes novice traders and miners to take on huge speculative positions and exposure. Victims of their own greed, the overleveraged eventually get wiped out when markets turn.

Capitulation Waterfall Selloff

Markets suddenly plunge as highly leveraged positions cascading into liquidations as key support levels fail, triggering further stop losses in a self-reinforcing cycle. Panic and “irrational pessimism” take over, with holders desperate to exit at any price. In late 2018, BTC plunged over 80% within months. This tests even seasoned veterans’ faith.

Despondency Sets In

After the brutal selloff wipes the excess, all that remains are holders with strong conviction in their assets’ long term value. But uncertainty reigns during this depressed “crypto winter” phase threatening miners’ profitability like today in mid-2023. Weak hands capitulate by abandoning the space while the most battle hardened buys assets on fire sale prices.

Return of the Bull

After months or years of darkness, the market eventually transitions into a new accumulation phase marked by early infrastructure upgrades. Gradually, positive momentum returns attracting speculative interest again and the whole cycle repeats.

Rinse and repeat. By internalizing these emotional phases manifesting as price charts on your screen, you can ignore daily fluctuations and take advantage of opportunities both on the way up and down.

I’ve developed an ironclad long term conviction that blockchain is the future through years operating on the frontier. The technology promises immense value creation – the only variable is timing.

View temporary downcycles as predictable launches for accumulating discounted assets, not existential threats. Our job as miners is to keep costs below revenue to survive bear markets and patiently amass tokens, then reap exponential windfalls come the next bull run.

Wrapping Up – Mining Still Offers Epic Potential

Despite the current crypto winter cutting into miners’ profits, new hardware efficiency gains prove mining remains viable and prospectively lucrative heading into the next bull run.

Of course miners need to run tight, lean operations and vigilantly control expenses during market contractions. But those still profiting have the chance to accumulate valuable coins at bargain prices.

As an enthusiast miner fueled by passion, owning epic hardware is its own reward while unlocking the full performance potential of graphics cards through hands-on tweakings. Yet crypto’s monetary incentives help fund the never-ending upgrade cycle to newer equipment.

For these reasons, mining remains a uniquely perfect storm capturing everything magical about the PC hardware hobby and crypto’s get rich quick ethos. We stand firmly at a technological inflection point where these twin frontier industries will transform industries.

Buckling up for the long, thrilling ride ahead! Let me know your own thoughts and experiences below!