Skip to content Review 2023 – An In-Depth Analysis of This Viral Instagram Growth Service

Your Instagram following can mean the difference between platform obscurity and lucrative influencer status. But buying into get-famous-quick schemes can derail your dreams faster than you gain followers. This review exposes the fake growth traps lurking behind their empty promises.

In an age where people flaunt apparently perfect lives across catalog-worthy Instagram grids, it’s no wonder over 1 billion users now log in monthly chasing their own version of #Instafame.

But behind those glossy photos lies a much grittier reality – one of late nights editing photos, second-guessing every post, and turmoil when the like counts don’t add up.

Still, that hasn’t stopped a flashy industry from emerging promising instant growth gratification to the social media hopeful masses.

And few encapsulate the “more followers now, ask questions later” ethos better than influencer marketing service With offers to “superboost” your Instagram popularity spanning likes, followers, views and more for cheap, fast delivery, they present an alluring pitch.

But does actually move the needle for real or simply offer up artificial, transient growth more likely to jeopardize accounts?

In this review, we’ll analyze if their offerings do what they claim or if you should run the other way. From examining their history to testing their legitimacy, by the end, you’ll know their true capabilities for driving real Instagram success.

Why Instagram Followers Matter

Gaining followers represents more than just vanity metrics to inflate egos. Real, engaged followers directly amplify opportunities in multiple ways:

Reach More Users – High follower counts push your content consistently into more feeds through Instagram’s algorithm. This drives greater overall impressions and discovery beyond just existing followers.

Stand Out On Hashtags – Instagram favors accounts with stronger followings and engagement to showcase posts on tagged hashtag feeds. More visibility here leads to non-followers regularly seeing your content.

Rank For Explore – Accounts generating high engagement have the greatest chance for Instagram showcasing posts across the Explore section and Stories tray driving yet more visibility.

Earn Money – You must hit certain popularity thresholds for unlocking Instagram’s monetization features like creator payouts, badges, etc. Higher followings fast-track qualification and boost earning potential.

Gain Influence – Followers directly signal credibility and trust especially among casual users. Higher counts make partnerships, sponsorships, affiliates, and collabs easier to secure.

But chasing artificial follower counts risks disaster…

The Instagram Fake Follower Trap

Services like explicitly sell metrics – followers, likes, views, etc. But rarely do these translate into actual human supporters of your brand and content.

At best, you temporarily inflate vanity numbers while remaining stagnant where it matters. Worse, you torpedo account legitimacy by signaling to Instagram algorithmic suspicion associated with inorganic growth tactics.

Once identified through pattern analysis of activities like:

  • Sudden surges in followers
  • Mass liking/commenting spikes
  • Relatively low authentic engagement rates

Penalties get triggered limiting reach through actions like shadowbanning. Follower counts may stay inflated but actual content visibility plummets.

Long-term, purchased followers also commonly drop off in waves. You eventually end right back where you started – desperate for visibility and now even worse off!

So while hitting popularity thresholds unlock benefits, focusing on legitimately attracting real, engaged humans is the only viable path for converting followers into customers.

Next, let’s breakdown specifically what sells and why treads dangerously close to triggering the traps discussed above.

What Does Offer?

Founded in 2020 and headquartered in Turkey, emerged to feed surging interest in influencer culture promising shortcuts to social media celebrity.

They claim ability to deliver every Instagram engagement metric possible from followers to story views. The sales pitch is always the same…

No effort required – just quickly buy what you want and growth triggers instantly like magic!

Specifically, GoRead sells "followers, likes, views and saves" across several plan types:

  • Starter – Entry-level for first-time buyers
  • Advanced – Mid-level focused on followers
  • Pro – High-tier bundling mixed metrics

They additionally offer "Drop Protection" to prevent sudden follower decrease and accept standard payment methods through their site.

So in essence, hand them cash and watch vanity metrics rise without you improving content or properly engaging audiences.

But does this approach stimulate real, lasting growth? Or fleeting artificial boosts with major downsides?

Analyzing Services

Next, let’s closely analyze what users actually receive from GoRead (hint – likely not what you expect!)

Suspicious Pricing

The first warning sign appears right in GoRead’s pricing list. Current rates as of February 2023 include:

You can buy 100 followers for ~$1 or 1,000 video views for ~$2.

But consider what’s required to attract even a single legit fan or viewing:

  • High-quality, emotionally-resonant photo/video content
  • Compelling caption conveying your unique perspective/message
  • Optimizing hashtags to be discoverable by those interested
  • Thoughtfully engaging communities around shared interests

How could any company shortcut this level of effort at a profit for pennies?

They can’t…without faking "support" through mass-generated bots, expired/fake accounts and scripted activities.

And GoRead themselves hint at shifty tactics. Locate their Boost Posts offer and you’ll notice two purchase options:

  • Premium Likes
  • Hight Quality Likes

Which would you guess is better? Trick question – the descriptions reveal both derive from inactive bot accounts assembled solely for inflating metrics.

So in reality, you pay GoRead for the illusion of influence instead of actual audience interest.

But questionable pricing and product quality represent just the beginning of concerns with this service…

Sham Social Proof

Next, examine what happens when real users start scrutinizing GoRead‘s claims…

Vetted buyer review sites like TrustPilot offer warning signs around legitimacy. Despite decent overall ratings now, red flags wave in poor reviews:

Moreover, digging into their history raises suspicion. Just months ago, GoRead stirred accusations of masking complaints through flooding fake 5-star ratings.

Such deception aligns with common tactics for obscuring dissatisfaction – especially from duped buyers expecting real engaged followers then receiving lifeless bots.

And this story plays out across various review platforms:

Sobuyer beware – signs point strongly towards GoRead relying on fabrication over substance.

Follower & Engagement Quality

But do results at least partially justify GoRead’s claims around follower quality?

We conducted an in-house investigation purchasing likes and followers across starter packages to judge first-hand.

Purchasing 100 likes on a post, they arrived in less than 5 minutes. However, checking just days later, nearly half disappeared with no explanation.

This exposes the ephemeral and untraceable nature of their fabricated engagements.

Next, examining purchased followers showed primarily either foreign localization or inactive accounts with no posts. These represent telltale signs of dummy accounts not representing truly invested users.

And again, we experienced severe follower drop-off just days later. So much for “Drop Protection!”

Measuring impact on actual reach and engagement, any small boosts completely disappeared once figures rebalanced back to normal levels.

So in totality, GoRead succeeds only in…

  • Generating mass temporary vanity metrics improperly signaling influence
  • Potentially damaging account standing through suspicious growth patterns
  • Wasting money for no tangible gain of real supporters

In the best case, you literally reverse course back to square one only now poorer. At worst, shadowbans tank your reach while your money pads scammer pockets.

For these reasons, our official guidance stands firm…

We DO NOT Recommend Whatsoever

If advancing realistically towards influencer success is your goal, stay far away from GoRead’s smoke and mirrors growth tricks. Their services promise the world but deliver only harm.

Instead, take our advice for vetting legitimate services helping cultivate authentic audiences that converts to customers.

But first, let‘s examine superior alternatives that won’t jeopardize accounts like GoRead might. Alternatives

While risky quick-fix follower sources pervade social media, legitimate influencer marketing firms operate ethically producing sustainable growth.


Our top-rated service leverages meticulous account management, interest targeting, strategic outreach, and advanced analytics for getting real eyes on your content. Followers gained organically engage 25X more than competitors on average.

Starting at just $49/month with customized larger packages available, Growthoid works best for serious professionals committed long-term.


A strong mid-tier solution praised for simplicity and speed, Growthsilo emphasizes precise audience targeting to attract followers actually interested in your niche.

Using just your username and relevant interests, their system works behind the scenes locating and engaging those most likely to support your account long-term. Plans fit needs and budgets ranging from micro to enterprise scale.


Perfect for jumpstarting momentum quickly, UseViral leverages their own internal follower network combined with participation incentives.

While not fully organic, followers still engage higher than average. One popular tactic is launching giveaways requiring follows for entry. Several packages suit different market tiers.

Each option works for specific needs without jeopardizing accounts like GoRead. But optimizing any still requires diligence.

Safely Working With Instagram Growth Services

When leveraging outside firms for expanding reach, vet thoroughly for red flags hinting at fake growth schemes:

3 Major Tactics to Avoid

Guaranteed Followers

No legitimate company controls exactly how many real humans follow you – that lies solely with each individual user. Offers of guaranteed counts always raise suspicion around bot accounts.

Seek services driving engagement best efforts instead for sustainable results.

Pre-Loaded Accounts

Purchasing Instagram pages pre-loaded with thousands of followers rarely delivers expected outcomes. These "followers" likely hold no genuine interest in your niche or content.

Post your own branded material and watch them disappear rapidly rather than convert to customers.

Followers In Bulk

Avoid any service promising followers in arbitrary bulk number packages. At best, you get poor quality accounts padding metrics temporarily before dropping off. More dangerously, Instagram can flag such irregular growth patterns as signs of inauthentic traffic and limit your reach algorithmically.

So while tempting to accelerateNumbers fast through shortcuts, stay diligent against fake follower schemes.

Vetting Safe & Effective Services

Focus efforts only on legitimate influencer marketing firms delivering value beyond the vanity metrics.

Positive Credibility Signs:

  • Explain in detail their exact growth process and techniques
  • Show examples of successful customers gained
  • Have a track record over several years
  • Remain upfront about realistic expectations
  • Employ account managers for optimization and oversight

By emphasizing sustainable practices for long-term expansion, quality providers create space for you concentrating creativity on compelling content.

Combine that social media gold with legitimate growth services doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes for winning outcomes. Review Conclusion

In closing, our extensive analysis finds grossly misrepresenting capabilities to capitalize on user growth hopes through shady manipulation tactics.

Maybe they sprinkle a few real actions across purchased metrics. But evidence overwhelmingly shows relying short-term on hollow numbers over long-standing audience connections.

Worse still, in their zeal to make quick cash, GoRead encourages abuse of Instagram Terms of Service rules around artificial following patterns sinking account standings.

So if you aspire towards influencer success, skip the snake oil and easy way out. Be willing to earn visibility and trust through creativity and effort over time. And only leverage services upholding ethics and accountability when needing an extra push.

Because while social media feels full of overnight fame lottery winners right now, only focusing foundations through genuine connection and value sets you up for withstanding inevitable trend shifts tomorrow.

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