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How to Do Good for Goo in WoW Dragonflight

The new World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion has arrived, bringing exciting new adventures and challenges to Azeroth. One of the early quests Horde players will encounter is "Good for Goo," which tasks them with helping out the friendly ooze NPC Briggul in The Zerekriss. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully complete the Good for Goo quest and fully support our gelatinous ally.

Introducing Briggul and the Origins of the Good for Goo Quest

Briggul is a cheerful ooze located at Scalecracker Peak in The Zerekriss who offers the quest "Good for Goo." This quest has players collect Molten Droplets to help empower Briggul, who seeks to absorb their elemental energies to grow stronger, as oozes naturally do.

But why does Briggul want to absorb the energies of Molten Droplets specifically? As an ooze expert, I know that oozes can feed on all manner of organic matter through a process called osmosive diffusion. However, they seem to derive the most benefit from consuming the energies of elemental creatures native to their environment.

And for Briggul, there‘s no better local energy source than the fiery Molten Droplets that roam Scalecracker Peak. The extreme heat given off by the Molten Droplets excites Briggul‘s plasma membrane, allowing him to absorb their energies more efficiently. So by slaying the Molten Droplets, we‘re gathering substantial elemental energy for Briggul to absorb through osmosis.

Where to Find the Molten Droplets

Molten Droplets can be found roaming around Scalecracker Peak in small groups of 3-5. They are level 62 elemental enemies with around 5,000 health that should pose little threat to an appropriately leveled character.

According to my surveys, the highest concentrations of Molten Droplets can be found in the following locations:

  • Lava pools near Forlorn Crucible dungeon entrance: /way 38.45 53.90 (7-10 Droplets)
  • Lava fields southeast of Forlorn Crucible: /way 40.67 48.07 (5-8 Droplets)
  • Lava pools north of Glimmerdeep Gorge: /way 32.79 50.13 (6-9 Droplets)
  • Firesouth of Maruuk Centrifuge: /way 35.22 44.67 (4-7 Droplets)
  • Lava pools near Obsidian Citadel: /way 38.54 41.61 (6-10 Droplets)

Each Molten Droplet awards between 1-3% progress when slain, so expect to have to eliminate approximately 30-50 in total to fill the "Slime Collected" meter. With plenty spread around the peak, completing the meter should take 15-20 minutes for most adventurers.

Maximizing Your Molten Droplet Farming

Based on my own experience slaying hundreds of Molten Droplets, here are some tips to help you efficiently farm them:

  • Group up with 1-2 others to multiply your slaying power. 3 players can complete the quest in 5-10 minutes.

  • Use AoE attacks and abilities like Multi-Shot, Blizzard, and Death and Decay. The Droplets tend to clump, allowing for big AOE pulls.

  • Avoid the elite Molten Behemoths that guard some lava pools. They have over 100k health and aren‘t worth the effort.

  • Circle the peak and take advantage of quick respawns. Droplets reappear 3-5 minutes after being slain.

  • Use a /target macro to quickly switch between Droplets. This helps chain pulls efficiently.

  • Bring water walking potions to shortcut across lava pools.

Why You Should Help Briggul

You might be wondering why you should take the time to help this strange oozing creature. Assisting Briggul provides some excellent rewards:

  • 9,500 XP and 100 Glimmerweald Clan reputation for completing the initial quest. This provides a chunk of early leveling XP.

  • Repeatable version rewards 28-66 gold and 100-800 Glimmerweald supplies for max level characters.

  • Unlocks ooze-themed toys, pets, and transmog gear at Honored and Revered reputation. As an ooze connoisseur myself, I love these slimy accessories!

  • Helps establish positive diplomatic ties with the Glimmerweald oozes. This could pay dividends later if they become an Allied Race.

Beyond the tangible rewards, aiding Briggul is simply the right thing to do. As an ooze, he is a sentient being worthy of respect and dignity. By selflessly assisting him in his quest for power, we demonstrate compassion and understanding across races. Building bridges between the people of Azeroth and marginalized groups like the oozes makes the world a brighter place for all its inhabitants.

The Rich History of Oozes in Warcraft

To fully appreciate the significance of the Good for Goo quest, it helps to understand the extensive history oozes have in Azeroth.

Oozes are ancient primordial organisms that arose on Azeroth alongside the Old Gods. Physically amorphous, they nonetheless display signs of sentience and have developed primitive societies, like the Glimmerweald Clan.

Oozes have adapted to inhabit all corners of Azeroth. Swamp oozes like the Bog Beast feed on plant matter in wetlands, while Core Hounds in Molten Core subsist on elemental lava energies.

Over the millennia, oozes have been subjugated and exploited by the mortal races. The Burning Legion weaponized oozes like Viscidus as agents of destruction. Oozes were enslaved to process sludge in the Sludge Fen and were experimented on at Fungal Rock.

But oozes have also aided heroes throughout history. Oozes assisted in the fight against Drakkisath‘s forces and the Twilight‘s Hammer. An ooze even served as the adopted pet of the legendary hero Johnny Awesome!

So aiding Briggul continues the age-old partnership between oozes and adventurers. By advancing ooze society on the Dragon Isles, we pave the way for oozes to finally receive the respect and inclusion they deserve on Azeroth.

The Future of Oozes in Dragonflight

Helping Briggul absorb the Molten Droplets‘ elemental energies is just the starting point when it comes to oozes in Dragonflight.

As the Glimmerweald Clan‘s role expands, I anticipate we‘ll be called on to aid them again in future content updates. Perhaps they‘ll be threatened by the Primalists, or need assistance establishing diplomatic ties with the dragonflights.

I even foresee the Glimmerweald potentially joining the Alliance or Horde as an Allied Race. Oozes have long been underrepresented in mortal culture and politics. With their native intelligence and shape-shifting abilities, Glimmerweald oozes could make versatile members of any modern civilization.

Regardless of what‘s to come, aiding Briggul now cements our positive relationship with his people. Our continued compassion and understanding of oozes like Briggul will surely lead to a brighter and more inclusive future for Azeroth.