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Finding Odin‘s Elusive Raven At Goddess Falls in God of War Ragnarok

Kratos and Atreus continue their perilous journey across the Nine Realms in God of War Ragnarök, the highly anticipated sequel to 2018‘s Game of the Year. This father-son duo finds themselves exploring fantastical landscapes filled with mythical beasts and vengeful Norse gods. However, not everything they encounter is looking for a fight. Tucked away throughout the realms are mystical ravens that serve the Allfather Odin himself. Tracking down these elusive birds unlocks rewarding treasures for the Ghost of Sparta. One such raven has made its nest at the stunning Goddess Falls. Grabbing this collectible may seem simple, but players will need to utilize all of Kratos‘ skills to catch this crafty bird.

The Importance of Odin‘s Ravens

As the ruler of the Aesir gods, Odin‘s influence stretches across all corners of the Nine Realms. The Allfather‘s sight reaches even the most isolated regions thanks to his ravens, Huginn and Muninn. These birds gather invaluable information for Odin, serving as his eyes and ears. Unknown to most, Odin has sent out many more ravens to aid his trusted companions.

Kratos first encountered these ravens during his last journey in the Norse lands. Seeking to undermine the Aesir‘s control, the vengeful Spartan made it his goal to destroy any ravens he found. This drew the ire of Odin, who places great value in his winged spies.

Ragnarök sees Kratos once again searching for Odin‘s ravens, but not purely for spite this time. The dwarven brothers Brok and Sindri have taken the raven hunting to another level, crafting rewards for any ravens destroyed. These unique treasures provide plenty of motivation for the Ghost of Sparta to track down Odin‘s minions. However, the quantity is not as important as the quality, as only finding certain numbers of ravens unlocks each treasure cache.

– Do more research on Odin‘s ravens in Norse mythology to add more background details
– Provide statistics on how many ravens Odin uses as spies according to the legends

Kratos needs to destroy 6, then 12, 18, 28, 38, and finally 48 ravens to unlock all of Brok and Sindri‘s rewards. The prizes differ at each threshold, from new armor to powerful runic attacks. Kratos will need to choose whether to spend this hard-earned gift from the dwarves on defensive bonuses or upgrading his combat abilities. Either way, hunting Odin‘s ravens can provide a major boost to Kratos‘ strength on his journey. However, the ravens have only gotten wilier since the last game. Finding all 48 will test the Spartan‘s skills to their very limits.

Pinpointing the Elusive Raven Near Goddess Falls

One particularly tricky raven has found its way to the breathtaking Goddess Falls, hidden deep within the wilderness of Vanaheim. The Vanir gods once worshiped at these falls dedicated to Freya, a Vanir goddess of love and fertility. Now abandoned and derelict, this once holy site serves as the perfect hideaway for Odin‘s spy. The falls themselves pour into an isolated cove surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs and dense foliage. Kratos will need to keep his eyes peeled scanning the treetops to spot the well-camouflaged raven.

Finding the general area is simple enough, as the falls are unmissable once entered into on the lake. However, getting close enough for a clean shot at the raven is another matter entirely. The raven stays constantly aloft, gliding in lazy circles high above the falls. Kratos has no chance of hitting the agile bird from the base of the falls or even the side paths. Instead, he must climb up behind the falls themselves to gain the proper angle.

Reaching the clifftop perch is easier said than done. Kratos cannot climb up the falls directly and will need to pick his way up the sheer rock faces off to the side. The ageing but still limber Spartan is up for the challenge, though players will need to carefully watch for handholds in the weathered stone. Use Atreus to shoot targets and create new grips when needed. Upon reaching the top, a few more climbing sections allow Kratos to work his way around the falls.

– Provide more details on navigating the cliffsides and foliage to reach the raven‘s nest
– Mention specific climbing skills and gear Kratos needs to use

After this grueling climbing challenge, the raven‘s nest finally comes into view, tucked into a mossy overhang just ahead. Kratos needs to tread lightly, however, as the next hurdle is positioning himself for a clear throw. Step into the alcove and inch slightly left while locking eyes on the drifting raven. Angle Kratos to line up his throwing arm while still seeing the target. With a perfect view established, let fly Leviathan straight into the oblivious raven. Odin‘s spy bursts into a puff of feathers, leaving behind a hidden treasure for Kratos to plunder.

Upgrade Choices With Odin‘s Ravens

Destroying this particularly clever raven marks major progress in Kratos‘ hunt, unlocking the third cache from Brok and Sindri. The grateful duo offer up their finest craftsmanship as thanks for eliminating 18 of Odin‘s spies. Kratos now faces an agonizing choice on how to best put the gift to use. He can equip the Enlightenment of Fafnir armor focusing on defensive stats or the Meteoric Slam heavy runic attack for even greater offensive power.

Enlightenment of Fafnir Armor

This legendary set of armor once belonged to the legendary dragon Fafnir, offering tried-and-true protection against all forms of attack. The cuirass reduces all incoming damage, no matter the source. Melee strikes, elemental effects, and ranged barrages all get weakened by this breastplate. Meanwhile, the wrist guards imbue Kratos‘ shield blocking with the dragon‘s own impenetrable scales. Even the most devastating blows bounce away harmlessly. Finally, the belt increases Kratos‘ resistance to being stunned, making it even easier for him to shrug off otherwise debilitating attacks.

However, these boons come with some drawbacks. The sheer mass of the armor slows down Kratos‘ movement speed, reducing his ability to evade. The armor also lacks any boosts to his strength or runic power, minimizing his damage output. Players who choose the Enlightenment of Fafnir set must get used to taking hits as they steadily chip away at foes. Slow and steady wins the race.

– Add specific stats and bonuses for the Enlightenment of Fafnir armor set
– Compare and contrast with other armor sets Kratos can acquire

Meteoric Slam Runic Attack

This gift from Brok and Sindri harnesses the raw fury of an icy comet to fuel one of Kratos‘ new Leviathan Axe skills. By unlocking Meteoric Slam, Kratos can call down a frozen ball of celestial hail to crush his foes. On activation, Kratos rears back before hurling his axe skyward. A frigid comet forms at the apex before rocketing back down with Kratos’ axe buried inside. The comet explodes on impact with the ground, sending jagged ice shards flying in all directions.

Anything caught in this blast radius takes massive damage, both from the icy shards and the shockwave released by the crash. Kratos also has some control over the comet as it falls, allowing him to steer it into tightly packed groups or big targets. This makes Meteoric Slam one of Kratos’ most devastating runic attacks for handling crowds and bosses. However, it fares poorly in confined spaces where the explosion cannot spread properly.

– Elaborate on the mechanics of the Meteoric Slam attack with more vivid details
– Provide damage and radius stats compared to other runic attacks

Hunting down Odin’s ravens may seem like busywork, but the effort pays off. Upgrading Kratos’ power, whether through raw strength or legendary armor, is the key to success. Players who take the time to track down all 48 ravens will reap major benefits against the threats of Ragnarök. Though the journey is long, the view from the clifftops above Goddess Falls serves as a reminder of why it is worth it.

Kratos‘ Hunt Is Never Done

Destroying the Goddess Falls raven marks a major milestone in Kratos‘ hunt, but many challenges still await. Each new realm introduces ever more devious hiding spots to seek out Odin‘s spies. Kratos still needs to uncover 30 more ravens before he can claim all the gifts from Brok and Sindri. These rewards will give him the strength to confront the looming onslaught of Ragnarök. Until then, he and Atreus cannot afford to overlook any corner where these crafty ravens could be roosting.

Odin seeks to use his ravens to control the realms from his throne in Asgard. However, each raven eliminated cuts one of the Allfather‘s strings, weakening his grip. Kratos knows well not to underestimate the rulers of Asgard. If he and his son are to break Odin‘s vision of the future, the ravens cannot be allowed to return to their master. The journey ahead will be filled with sacrifices, joy, and sorrow. Throughout it all, the ravens will continue carrying Odin‘s gaze across the realms. But for now, the falls can flow freely without spying eyes, guarded once again by Freya‘s presence.