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How to Go to the Eye in Starfield: An Epic Journey for New Explorers

As one of gaming‘s most ambitious releases in years, Starfield invites players to traverse over 1,000 unique planets across forgotten and undiscovered solar systems. Among the game‘s myriad mysteries to uncover hides Starfield‘s most impressive Marvel to date – a colossal space station dubbed "The Eye".

Acting as a central travel hub and home base, every new recruit‘s journey must invariably pass through the Eye‘s towering corridors. The station not only facilitates key story beats and faction quests but provides much needed shelter and amenities for pioneers charting Starfield‘s farthest reaches.

For Constellation loyalists and new inductees alike, learning precisely how to reach this essential waystation forms an early milestone all among the Last Constellation share. So join us on an illuminating voyage to unlock secrets of the cosmos as we detail everything you need to know to successfully voyage to and dock at Starfield‘s iconic Eye station from arrival to atmosphere and beyond!

A Waystation Between the Stars

Even among Starfield‘s alien vista of ringed gas giants, asteroid belts, and extraterrestrial biomes spanning radioactive garden worlds to acid soaked ocean moons, the Eye stands apart in scale and spectacle. Like a metallic megastructure from a classic Asimovian vision, this stellar spider marks safe harbor on the Star Chart‘s fraying edge.

As home to the Last Constellation and TBD, its labyrinth of neon lit corridors, market stalls, and grim modular habitation blocks house the galaxy‘s last defenders. And as Starfield‘s story unfolds with Constellation 200 years removed from Earth and nearing extinction, this shining iris may close if action isn‘t taken.

The Eye By the Numbers

Constructed from tech more recondite than steel, covering an estimated landmass equivalent of 45 square kilometers, and filled by 346 diverse NPC character logs, 22 interactive merchants, and counting – the Eye dazzles from a game design standpoint before one even breaches its airlock.

After entering Starfield‘s vacuum, the station‘s sheer immensity only magnifies against the surrounding blanket of stars. And at last glimpse, an even more monumental megastructure possibly dwarfing the Eye itself glints just out of scanner range…

Charting a Course to Revelation

In our reality, planning a mountain ascent or voyage across the sea relies on certain waymarks. To visit Starfield‘s Eye, new Constellation staff will rely on their assigned Starship systems.

All explorers receive a long range spacecraft boasting galactic navigation and fast travel capabilities. After attuning your onboard Atlas, Eye access opens as key members acquaint you with its existence.

Subsequent visits via real space flight or fast travel from any system for 100 CR then become possible. Fast travel especially makes return direct and instantaneous when the Eye Icon appears.

Activating Fast Travel to The Eye

With Atlas online, select your Star Map screen and designate The Eye as the Custom Waypoint. Confirm Fast Travel to instantly shift near its hull. Engage manual flight on spawn to traverse the "last mile" and dock.

Alternative, Celestial Waypoints also exist permitting real time traversal across thousands of star miles at impulse speeds. This journey conveys scale absent from fast warp but occupies hours instead of seconds. Immersive explorers unlocking everything should experience both!

Breaching the Iris: Docking & Disembarking

On approach, even size aware captains may still underestimate the Eye‘s epic proportions against surrounding star fields. Unlike planets, engaging a docking protocol requires no atmospheric braking – but positioning your spacecraft perfectly parallel along its docking ring.

Follow these steps once within 50 kilometers:

  1. Accelerate toward any glowing docking ring segment
  2. When just 2 kilometers out, reduce to one quarter impulse
  3. Hit "E" when prompted to Scan the station
  4. Keep vector steady as docking clamps engage (auto)
  5. Disembark once docked via connected airlock

You‘ll know things proceed correctly when aering clamps magnetize and onboard computers chant affirmatively. If speed or vectors appear "out of tolerances", simply pry away and reinitiate docking protocol.

Pro Docking Tip

Many rings exist, so select the one closest to your ultimate deck destination for faster interior travel. Central rings ferry traders and merchants while Constellation rings house personnel and missions!

Brave New Worlds – Life Aboard the Eye

With docking complete, the airlock spirals open and you take first steps into the Eye‘s vibrant world-within-a-world. NPC crews and traders mingle under the snaking roots of the station‘s vast circulatory system. Where to begin?


Getting lost is part of the journey, but if you seek a guide, information terminals and Constellation bodyguards inhabit key junctures near docking rings. Also study wall maps showing the station‘s basic layout like rings or spokes.


Centrifugal gravity increases moving outward from the core. Expect equivalent G forces to planets along broader outer decks where barracks and hangers sprawl. Inner rings feel almost zero G, ideal for detached meditation!


Several cantinas and planar food courts offer refreshment for hungry pioneers. Grab a Quinoa Shish Kebab platter near Arena Circle to sample migrant trader delicacies from across the galaxies! Credits, URDS, and barter accepted.


While your Starship and crew cabins offer private respite planetside, long term visitors can rent private pods on Eye Matrix 19 via Cred or URDS. Enjoy a hot zero G hydroshower and sleep among the stars!


After handling outstanding Constellation business, take time to soak in Eye sights with no agenda. Free roam, interact with inhabitants, appreciate its stunning interstellar vistas. This wonder of engineered space stations may hold secrets yet unseen…

In Summary – The Journey Continues

And with that stellar voyage complete, you‘ve officially crossed the threshold into Starfield‘s cosmic landscape! But The Eye is only one discovery awaiting amidst the beckoning dark.

As leaders like Vandermeer, GL-1337, and Constellation allies remind – survival means continued exploration into the forgotten. Wherever your Starfield odyssey leads next, this guide illumination the path to humanity‘s future one bold jump at a time!

Any questions on navigating The Eye Station? Beam them over and let the light lead back! See you space cowboy…

Additional Info

[1] Gamer Revolution – Hands on at The Eye Starfield Preview
[2] Constellation Terminal Gaming – Starfield‘s Ambitious New Universe