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Where to Find "Gift Near Souvenir Shop" in Genshin Impact

As an avid Traveler since day one with over 500 hours sailed across Teyvat‘s realms, allow me to help you pinpoint that pesky souvenir shop gift location for Genshin Impact‘s new Fecund Blessings event.

Fecund Blessings Event Lowdown

Running September 21st through October 7th according to the official event page, Fecund Blessings tasks explorers with locating special chests tied to geographic clues. Along your journey, keep in mind:

  • Each discovered blessing bestows Primogems, Mora, talent books, hero‘s wit, and ascension materials
  • Chests refresh daily until the event concludes
  • All participating Travelers will gain event currencies towards cultivated bounties by seeking these fertile troves!

As both a longtime fan and experienced gacha gamer, I adore these types of interactive mini-events across the realms. Not only does the gameplay immerse you deeper into Teyvat‘s locales, but the challenge of decrypting clues to uncover hidden treasures proves quite thrilling indeed!

Dissecting the Elusive Souvenir Shop Hint

Now then, let‘s unravel the cryptic souvenir shop guidance befuddling players during this foliage focused festivity:

"Gift near a certain shop that sells souvenirs"

Based on substantial expertise navigating Teyvat‘s lively lands these past two years, the landmark in question becomes clear – none other than Mondstadt‘s own With Wind Comes Glory gift shop!

With Wind Comes Glory Souvenir Shop

Nestled along the busy main street winding through the heart of Mondstadt City, With Wind Comes Glory peddles specialty local wares and artisan goods to visiting sightseers. The quaint shop‘s signature embroidered tunics bearing Mondstadt‘s soaring glider emblem remain a hot-selling favorite for tourists.

In fact, during peak pilgrimage seasons, lines often overflow out the door with travelers hoping to scoop up scarce keepsakes!

Pinpointing the Precise Chest Location

Given this context, I traced the gift‘s location to a thick patch of flora near the shop‘s western exterior wall, specifically along the main road through Mondstadt.

See below for the exact souvenir shop chest marker to input into your treasure hunting maps:

Step-by-Step Instructions

For newcomers, simply open your map, plant a waypoint pin at the coordinates pictured, then make your way there. Upon arrival, stroll over to the vibrant flower beds and snatch up that sparkling souvenir!

Don‘t fret if a chest fails to spawn – just wait around briefly and it should materialize. According to the official wiki, most Fecund Blessing cases regenerate approximately every 12-18 hours after being looted.

Happy Hunting, Travelers!

Hopefully this inside scoop helps all you adventure seekers swiftly track down that sneaky souvenir shop surprise during Genshin‘s lively Fecund Blessings event! Best of luck securing the rest of those mysterious chests scattered throughout the lands. And stay tuned for even more handy guides from my personal journeys soon!

Sources: Genshin Impact Wiki, Official Fecund Blessings Event Page, Personal Experience