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GetInsta Review 2023 – Is this App a Scam?

If you‘re looking to grow your Instagram account, you may have heard promises from GetInsta about getting free followers and likes without needing to share your password or take surveys. But as someone who has advised social media users and brands on safe growth tactics for over 5 years, I have concerns about GetInsta that users should be aware of.

In this in-depth review, I‘ll analyze multiple aspects of GetInsta to determine if the service could do more harm than good when it comes to growing your Instagram:

  • GetInsta Overview: What the service promises
  • Assessing Credibility of Free Engagement Claims
  • Instagram Terms of Service Violations
  • Potential Security Risks
  • Lack of Transparency Around Company & Practices
  • GetInsta Engagement Test Results
  • Warning Signs of Unsafe Growth Services

I‘ll support my impartial assessment of GetInsta with data points gathered through firsthand testing and checking company details against signs of reliable Instagram growth tools.

Promises of Free Instagram Followers and Likes

First, let‘s explain exactly what GetInsta claims to offer its users…

GetInsta states that you can get 100% free, high-quality Instagram followers and likes, without needing to take surveys or share your account password.

The service says the free engagement has no limits, but to access it you must download the GetInsta app. GetInsta also offers paid followers starting at 50 per day for $0.99.

At first glance, this might seem like an easy way to kickstart your Instagram growth. But as we dive into the details, I have 5 main concerns users should know.

Concern #1: GetInsta‘s Dubious "Free" Engagement Claims

While free followers and likes might sound enticing, I‘m skeptical of services promising unlimited free Instagram engagement without caveats like surveys or disclosing passwords.

Typically it takes providing something in return (email addresses, zip codes for ads, etc.) to access free social media services.

The fact GetInsta doesn‘t ask for anything in return raises questions about how it can sustain providing unlimited free engagement.

My guess is the engagement is coming from fake accounts, or will stop after you get started with the app.

I‘ll analyze more credibility concerns ahead…

Concern #2: Potential Instagram Terms of Service Violations

Instagram has explicit rules against inauthentic activity like fake accounts and buying engagement. Violating Instagram‘s Terms of Service risks account suspension/bans.

Since GetInsta promises free engagement in unlimited quantities, it likely relies on fake follower accounts and automation bots to deliver likes and followers.

Services using these tactics almost always violate Instagram‘s Terms around fake engagement. I‘ve seen many clients get caught in Terms of Service sweeps after using sites and apps offering deals too good to be true.

While GetInsta might grow your numbers temporarily, the followers tend to be inactive accounts that don‘t engage with your profile. And they can disappear quickly when Instagram cracks down on policy-breaking activity.

Concern #3: Asking Users to Download Apps Raises Security Concerns

To access its promised free engagement, GetInsta requires downloading its iPhone/Android app.

Any time an app wants access to your mobile device, it presents potential privacy and security risks. GetInsta likely gains access to personal data stored on your phone once you install the app.

I also caution clients about disclosing passwords to any online service making dubious claims about engagement or growth. GetInsta says it doesn‘t ask for passwords.

But the need to download GetInsta‘s app to get free followers still opens the door to potential security issues – especially if the service has shady practices around data and privacy in other areas.

Concern #4: Lack of Transparency Around GetInsta‘s Company and Practices

A major warning sign with any Instagram growth service is a lack of public information about who owns and operates the business. I could not find any evidence of individuals or companies behind GetInsta‘s platform.

The service‘s website contains no mentions of a parent organization, leadership team, or company address/location details.

This lack of transparency about who runs GetInsta sets off credibility alarm bells. Reputable services want users to know who stands behind their offerings.

Questionable services tend to hide company details because they have something to conceal – whether shady business practices, inauthentic engagement tactics, or unwillingness to address issues.

Without transparency, GetInsta avoids accountability for its free engagement claims and app data practices.

Concern #5: My GetInsta Engagement Test Showed Major Follower Drops

The best way to assess an Instagram growth service is to directly test the engagement they provide.

So I purchased GetInsta‘s plan for 150 followers per day for 30 days. Here is what I found:

  • Followers arrived in my first 2 days, but then delivery slowed over the next 3 days
  • The followers had generic usernames and no profile pictures – signs of bot/fake accounts
  • By day 5, nearly 35% of delivered followers disappeared from my profile
  • From days 6-30 I averaged only getting ~100 followers daily, not the 150 promised

Dropping followers point to inauthentic engagement from temporary bot/fake accounts. My test revealed cracks in GetInsta‘s claims around follower quality and delivery.

The bot followers GetInsta sent me would do nothing to genuinely grow my profile. Any growth from the purchased followers would be short-lived before disappearing.

Warning Signs of Risky Instagram Growth Services

Beyond concerns specific to GetInsta, users should watch for these 5 warning signs to avoid unsafe Instagram growth services:

1. Promises unlimited free engagement. No service can sustain this without fakes or breaking Instagram‘s rules.

2. Requires downloading apps or disclosing passwords. Opens security risks.

3. Won‘t reveal company details/leadership. Signals something to hide.

4. Doesn‘t discuss Instagram‘s Terms of Service. Shows disregard for platform rules.

5. Refuses to address fake engagement issues. Unwillingness to take accountability and fix problems.

By contrast, reliable services clearly explain their growth tactics comply fully with Instagram‘s Terms of Service against inauthentic activity. They are also transparent about who runs operations behind the scenes.

The Bottom Line

I cannot recommend GetInsta if you want safe, effective Instagram account growth. Between questionable claims of unlimited free engagement, Terms violations from fake activity, security risks, lack of transparency, and engagement quality issues, there are too many warning flags.

You expose your Instagram account to potential harm using services like GetInsta promising the world but likely fueling growth through shady tactics and inauthentic activity.

Do your homework thoroughly vetting any company offering Instagram followers and likes – free or paid. If something seems too good to be true around social media growth, approach cautiously and look for warning signs.

Prioritize transparent companies focused on helping you build authentic communities that engage with your content and brand. Temporary vanity metrics mean little if the accounts are ghost followers.

Let me know if you have any other questions finding trustworthy Instagram growth services without safety pitfalls!