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How to Get and Use the Drained Conch Cup in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact‘s Version 4.0 update introduced many new mysteries to unravel in the hydro region of Fontaine. One puzzling addition is the Drained Conch Cup, a Precious item with cryptic origins and unknown effects found in Fontaine‘s corners. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll share insider tips to get your hands on this rare cup, speculate on its potential uses, and ensure you’re fully prepared to maximize its powers, once uncovered.

Diving Into the World of Genshin Impact and Fontaine

For the uninitiated, Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG that has enthralled over 60 million players globally. As the amnesiac Traveler stranded in the magical land of Teyvat, you set out on a journey across seven nations, each tied to an elemental power and lore inspired by real-world cultures.

Genshin’s gameplay revolves around controlling a party of 4 characters in real-time battles using their unique elemental abilities, weapons, and talents. Players progress through an engrossing story, explorable open world, challenging dungeons, and massive boss battles while constantly expanding their roster of characters.

Fontaine is Genshin’s latest nation added in Version 4.0, introducing a new hydro region with French Baroque inspirations. Led by the divine Hydro Archon Lyssa, Fontaine is known for its elaborate academia focused on artificial life creation and cutting-edge engineering, often pushing ethical boundaries in pursuit of knowledge.

Fontaine is comprised of three stunning regions: the urban metropolis of Court of Fontaine, the coastal Beryl Region with laboratories perched over the sea, and the prestigious universities of Belleau, training the nation’s top minds and talents.

New Threats and Allies in Fontaine

Fontaine’s learned scholars have studied visions and attempted to recreate them through science. This has led to ethical dilemmas and unintentionally created new threats like the man-made Hydro Specters you’ll frequently encounter. Fontaine’s murky political waters have also fostered shadowy groups like the Conspiratio, who seek to steal forbidden knowledge.

Of course, not all Fontainians have ill-intent. The knight Vicente believes in justice and joins your party after an encounter with a rampaging automaton goes awry. Mika is a young researcher that aids you in unveiling the Conspiratio’s plans, at great risk to herself.

Your journey also crosses paths with Lyney and Lynette, twins from the landed Phantasmagoria clan who ballet dance across battlefields, shrouded in illusions. They bring Fontaine’s reverence for the ethereal and ephemeral to life.

Harnessing the Fountain of Lucine

A major new mechanic in Fontaine is the Fountain of Lucine, unlocked early in the Archon quests. Here, you can use Hydro Sigils collected from exploration and quests to raise the Fountain’s Blessing level.

At certain breakpoints, your characters receive major boosts like:

  • Level 2: +16% Hydro DMG Bonus
  • Level 4: +100 Elemental Mastery
  • Level 6: +20% Energy Recharge

As the blessings grow stronger, even non-hydro characters benefit from increased healing and skill cooldown reductions.

Unlocking the Fountain’s full potential requires collecting every Hydro Sigil, so saver your primos for characters with treasure seeking talents like Lyney’s hydro ring or the new gadget, the Cartable Couturier.

Seeking Out the Mysterious Drained Conch Cup

The Drained Conch Cup is a newly introduced Precious item found only in Fontaine as of Version 4.0. Visually, it appears as an ornate golden chalice decorated with shells and ocean motifs.

It can currently be obtained through two known methods:

Method 1: Head to the Institute of Natural Philosophy and enter the basement area “Narzissenkreuz Ordo.” Defeat the Hydro Specters guarding the room and open the Precious Chest to receive one Drained Conch Cup.

Method 2: In the Institute’s above ground halls, locate the room with a Hydroculus inside. Open the Precious Chest here to obtain a cup.

Based on community reports, these chests respawn around every 3 days, allowing you to amass a stockpile over time. Equip the Treasure Compass to quickly home in on their locations. Anemo skills like Venti’s wind currents also help gather enemies for faster clears.

Chest Locations Respawns Every
Narzissenkreuz Ordo 3 days
Hydroculus Room 3 days

Brainstorming the Conch Cup‘s Potential Purposes

The biggest mystery surrounding this ornamental cup is its purpose. No uses have been discovered as of Version 4.0, leaving players speculating on what potent effects it could unlock. Here are the leading theories on how the Drained Conch Cup may come into play:

Crafting Component

Many theorize the cup will be used to craft new weapons releasing in future Fontaine updates. Precedents include the Everflame Seed needed to forge the 5-star catalyst Everlasting Moonglow.

Fontaine’s focus on advancing human ingenuity could lead to technological weaponry beyond standard swords and bows. The Conch Cup may provide materials for these creations, or say, be melted down to coat Conductive wiring.

Upgrade Material

Another plausible theory is the Conch Cup serving as an Ascension or talent level up material for upcoming characters, especially those with deep ties to Fontaine.

The dendro character Collei requires 168 Rukkhashava Mushrooms for her Ascensions. Similarly, Drained Conch Cups may be exclusively needed in large quantities to max out chars like Lyney, Lynette or Mika.

Ability Enhancement

Some believe consuming or equipping the cup could apply buffs, whether temporarily or permanently. It could enhance hydro abilities specifically, or more universally boost damage, critical hits or energy recharge.

As an item associated with Fontaine’s Archon, it may activate parts of the Fountain of Lucine’s blessings without needing to raise its level. Tying such a rare item to the new region’s signature mechanic would make sense.

Quest Progression

A common theory is the Drained Conch Cup being a quest item for progression in Fontaine’s extensive World and Story Quests.

Examples include the Holy Lyre required to complete the Lynn storyline in Mondstadt. Keys and sigils are also frequently used to unlock domain barriers and mechanisms during quests.

An Archon Quest involving animating an ancient Fontaine relic would be a fitting opportunity to utilize the Conch Cup’s mystical origins.

I expect miHoYo will continually expand on Fontaine’s NPC stories and mysteries in future updates. The cup may be our ticket to accessing those hidden chapters!

Trading and Currency Potential

Some believe the pristine cups could hold value for trading. NPCs may offer rare loot in exchange for them.

There’s also speculation around using them as currency for purchases, like redeeming them for resources, artifacts, or bonus rewards from certain activities.

Examples include the Intertwined Fates obtainable weekly using Anemo and Geo Sigils. Fontaine characters and mechanics may allow trading Conch Cups for equally valuable prizes.

Analyzing the Drained Conch Cup‘s Stats and Properties

While its effects are still veiled, analyzing the Drained Conch Cup‘s innate attributes can shed some light on its potential:

  • As a Precious class item, its rarity indicates great value and power on par with items like the Sacred Sakura‘s Favor.

  • Its ornate sea shell and gold motif points to associations with hydro abilities, new Fontaine characters, and great prosperity.

  • The description “drained” hints that it may need to be filled or empowered before activation.

  • Its respawn timer around 3 days restricts farming, indicating the devs intend it to be a rare and impactful item.

  • As a chalice, it is likely meant to "hold" something, whether liquid or energy. Chalice motifs symbolize abundance in mythology.

Compared to universal cups like the Traveling Doctor‘s, the Conch Cup seems specialized for Fontaine, with rarity implying great potency. It may even draw parallels to the Holy Grail legends.

Recommended Team Roles and Synergies

When the Drained Conch Cup‘s powers come to light, you’ll want the right party setups ready to utilize them fully. Here are some team building tips:

Main DPS: Lyney‘s Echoing Slash coils perfectly with the cup‘s likely hydro boosts. Ayato and Childe are great enablers too.

Sub DPS: Quickswap to Yelan or Xingqiu‘s damaging bursts to exploit any damage buffs.

Support: Sangonomiya Kokomi provides heals and hydro application for reactions.

Anemo: Sucrose gathers enemies beautifully for Lynn‘s Powder Flare AOE. Venti regenerates energy.

Geo: Yun Jin‘s talent boosts normal attack focused carries like Ayato. Zhongli‘s shield enables aggressive play.

I‘ll provide additional updates on ideal team roles, synergies and rotations to maximize the Drained Conch Cup once its powers are fully revealed.

Optimizing Your Farming Approach

While waiting for clues on the Drained Conch Cup‘s purpose, you can optimize collecting them through methods like:

  • Using an Anemo character to quickly group enemies for efficient clears.

  • Having a pyro character like Xiangling apply AOE damage over time for easy kills.

  • Equipping 4 pieces Viridescent Venerer to reduce hydro resistance and speed up the fights.

  • Preemptively building characters who may end up synergizing with the cup like Lyney and Ayato.

  • Plotting efficient routes through the Institute to save time between chest locations.

  • Mixing in elite boss/ley line runs during your respawn waiting period to maximize resin.

  • Engaging in co-op mode to allow each player to loot the chests separately.

Tip Effect
Anemo abilities Gather enemies faster
Viridescent Venerer 40% hydro RES reduction
Co-op looting 4x cups per clear

Optimizing your approach allows you to stockpile more cups preemptively so you’re fully prepared once their purpose is unveiled!


The Drained Conch Cup has captured the imaginations of theorists and lore enthusiasts as they speculate what twists Fontaine’s coveted item has in store. While shrouded in mystery for now, equipping yourself with a stockpile of cups promises to offer a great edge once their powers come to light.

I‘ll be sure to provide updates here on any revelations around the elusive Drained Conch Cup and share recommendations on maximizing its potential. So stay tuned, and happy treasure hunting in Fontaine! Please subscribe for more Genshin Impact guides and content!