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How to Get the Pistol (Second Weapon) in Scorn

As an isolated character trapped in Scorn‘s surreal and dangerous dreamscape, obtaining the pistol marks a major shift in how you can engage enemies and unravel mysteries. This guide definitively details acquiring this valuable weapon and using it strategically.

Orienting Yourself in Scorn‘s Unsettling World

Scorn‘s development began in 2017, led by Ebb Software co-founder Ljubomir Peklar as a passion project celebrating H.R. Giger‘s unique aesthetic [1]. His unconventionally nightmarish artwork became the visual inspiration for Alien, blending biomechanical and sexualized themes.

Peklar sought to evoke Giger‘s style in Scorn‘s visuals while crafting a FPS-centric horror experience brimming with atmosphere. The game eschews cutscenes and puts players directly into an interconnected world operating by obscure internal logic [2].

Regions appear biologically industrial, dominated by pipes and throbbing machinery. Sinister human-ish figures and unnatural creatures wander the twisting corridors. The setting seeps dread and discomfort.

You begin Scorn weaponless and frail. With limited combat options and sparse resources, stealth and evasion take priority over careless confrontation. Each new tool expands possible approaches, but caution remains essential in this malignant realm.

Claiming the Pistol in Act 3

After an unarmed couple hours emphasizing subterfuge tactics, discovering Scorn‘s pistol allows asserting yourself. This ranged weapon grants attacking and controlling encounters instead of just fleeing them.

Exact Location: The pistol rests in a wall-mounted weapons rack within a small room located after the Act 3 Elevator Puzzle.

Reaching this area requires navigating earlier structures and challenges:

Step Tasks
1 Activate terminal, extract new sphere
2 Enter large hall, head through right corridor
3 Pass or eliminate patrolling enemy
4 Locate next terminal, summon another sphere
5 Advance right to three-switch terminal room

Solving the Three-Switch Puzzle

This room contains a terminal with three marked controls, each unlocking different hallways when activated in the proper order. Experiment until discovering the correct sequence:

  1. First switch opens immediate left path
  2. Second switch opens distant left path
  3. Third switch opens rightmost path

Follow each path to hit their respective buttons, unlocking the elevator.

Reaching the Pistol

After solving the three-switch puzzle:

  1. Return to the terminal room
  2. Ride the unlocked elevator across the gap
  3. Pass through the door and continue onwards
  4. Turn right into a small room with a weapon rack
  5. Interact with the rack to acquire the pistol

Equip this rangeweapon to finally enable combat versatility!

Comparison to Other Weapons

How does Scorn‘s pistol measure against other discoverable weapons?

Weapon Attack Type Ammo Damage Rate of Fire Strengths Weaknesses
Pistol Ballistic Bullets Moderate Semi-auto Ranged Limited ammo
Pipe Weapon Bludgeoning N/A Low-Moderate Slow Common early weapon Short range
Shotgun Ballistic Shells High Pump action High damage up close Slow, spread shot

The pistol strikes an important balance – moderately damaging shots at range without needing to constantly reload. It can‘t match the overwhelming close-quarters destruction of the shotgun or ubiquity of early melee weapons. However, it better enables exploring Scorn‘s disturbing setting without being overwhelmed by enemies.

Using the Pistol Strategically

Despite the pistol‘s benefits, its ammo remains restricted. You‘ll commonly carry ~12 spare bullets, forcing you to spend shots carefully instead of firing freely. Here are tips to manage ammo:

Goal Strategy
Maximize damage Target enemy weak spots like heads or glowing areas
Conserve ammo Use pipes/shotguns first against weak foes
Crowd control Wound dangerous enemies so you can escape
Find more ammo Search the environment in desks, boxes, weapon racks

Along with aiding combat, the pistol also unlocks new narrative possibilities – blocked paths may now have destructible barriers allowing deeper investigation. It represents both increased personal power and deeper entanglement into the obscurity.

Upgraded capabilities come matched with expanded threats and challenge. Apply clever positioning and resource handling to overcome the dangers now keenerly tracking your presence thanks to your louder, deadlier abilities.

Further Resources

For more help navigating Scorn‘s intricacies:

Claiming Scorn‘s pistol empowers larger possibility spaces for righting wrongs and revealing reality. Just don‘t lose yourself wholly to vengeful violence or maddening mysticism. Maintaining humanity amid the encroaching inhumanity proves Scorn‘s ultimate challenge.