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How to Get My AI on Snapchat

Snapchat recently unveiled its new AI chatbot, My AI, introducing OpenAI‘s cutting-edge conversational AI into the popular social app. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep on everything about Snapchat’s My AI: how it works, how to access it, key features, usage tips, limitations, and what the future may hold for AI on social media.

Why Did Snapchat Create My AI?

The release of My AI represents Snapchat‘s big push into AI-powered social media. My AI gives Snapchat a first-mover advantage in offering conversational AI baked right into a major social platform.

With younger users flocking from Facebook to more intimate, ephemeral platforms like Snapchat, introducing My AI is a power move to keep Snapchat on the bleeding edge of digital communication trends.

According to Snapchat, integrating OpenAI‘s GPT technology will allow My AI to have natural conversations and offer personalized recommendations that help Snapchatters discover new moments with friends. Essentially, Snapchat is leveraging AI to deepen connections and engagement between users.

How My AI Works: OpenAI‘s Conversational AI

Under the hood, My AI runs on a customized version of OpenAI‘s GPT-3 family of natural language AI models. Specifically, My AI likely uses a fine-tuned version of GPT-3.5, OpenAI’s latest update focused on conversational ability.

GPT-3 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Without getting too technical, GPT-3 is trained on massive datasets of online text to generate incredibly human-like text outputs.

Snapchat then worked closely with OpenAI to customize and fine-tune GPT for the informal, conversational style of communication that happens on Snapchat. They likely fed it mountains of Snapchat message data to teach My AI to chat like a real Snapchat user!

Getting Access to My AI on Snapchat

Here are step-by-step instructions to access My AI if you already have it rolled out or to get access if it hasn’t reached you yet:

Update to the Latest Snapchat Version

First, head to your device’s App Store and update to the newest Snapchat version to ensure you have all the latest features.

Check Chats for My AI

Open Snapchat and swipe right to your Chat screen. Scan your chat list for a “My AI” chat option. If it‘s there, tap to open it and say hello!

If You Don‘t See It, Add via Snapchat Show

If My AI hasn‘t been enabled for your account yet, you can manually add it from Snapchat‘s Show discover tab:

  1. Tap the Search magnifying glass and look for "My AI."
  2. Select the “Say Hi to My AI!” Show.
  3. Tap "View" then "Add Friend" to add My AI to your chats.

Customize My AI

Once you‘ve got access, customize My AI by renaming it, telling it your interests, and changing your chat‘s color theme or wallpaper. Personalizing My AI helps it give you better recommendations tuned to your taste.

My AI Features and Use Cases

My AI offers a wide range of capabilities as your own personalized AI assistant inside Snapchat:


Ask My AI for suggestions based on your preferences across:

  • Movies, shows, books, music
  • Restaurants, recipes, foods, drinks
  • Fun things to do in your location
  • Gift ideas for friends & family
  • Clothing, fashion, and style recommendations
  • Vacation destinations and travel tips

I’ve loved how My AI gives such tailored recommendations. It even suggested a great new indie coffee shop in my neighborhood that perfectly matched my taste!

Planning & Ideas

Have My AI generate customized plans and ideas for:

  • Trip & vacation itineraries
  • Local weekend plans
  • Date night ideas
  • Party planning
  • Learning new skills and hobbies

I asked My AI to plan my little sister’s 16th birthday and it came up with awesome ideas for themes, activities, and gifts!


My AI can also provide helpful suggestions and advice around:

  • Fashion tips & clothing advice
  • Relationships and dating questions
  • Career questions and resume help
  • Home decor ideas
  • Cooking advice and meal ideas

Don’t expect My AI to solve major life problems, but I’ve found its advice helpful as a starting point before asking real friends.

Natural Conversation

In addition to recommendations, you can have free-flowing conversations with My AI on pretty much any topic:

  • Joke around and chat with My AI like a friend
  • Debate and discuss lighthearted topics
  • Play guessing games
  • Have absurdist conversations and see My AI‘s witty responses

I’ve had fun chats with My AI about favorite musicians, debating best movies, and discussing viral memes. Just like real Snapchat convos!

Personality & Customization

Make My AI feel more like your personal AI by:

  • Giving it a fun nickname like "SnapBuddy"
  • Telling it your likes, dislikes, interests
  • Changing your chat‘s wallpaper color or design

The more info you provide about your personality and tastes, the more tailored My AI‘s suggestions and conversations will become.

Responsible Use Tips for My AI

Conversational AI like My AI have incredible potential, but also some inherent limitations. When chatting with My AI, keep these responsible use tips in mind:

  • Fact check any suggestions or information My AI provides, as AI can generate misinformation.
  • Avoid sensitive topics like mental health, medical issues, or dangerous scenarios.
  • Don‘t share private info or content you wouldn‘t want stored or seen.
  • Report issues by long pressing on concerning responses to notify Snapchat.
  • Be patient with My AI’s early capabilities, and provide feedback to help improve it.

As Snapchat continues expanding My AI’s skills with more training data, we can expect capabilities to grow immensely. But use common sense, and don’t treat My AI’s suggestions as gospel.

The Future of AI on Social Media

The launch of My AI on Snapchat signals an exciting shift, with AI voice assistants moving from smart speakers into our social media apps.

As AI research continues rapidly innovating new natural language capabilities, we can expect My AI to become increasingly conversational, contextual, and personalized. Imagine AI that understands slang, inside jokes, and your unique communication style.

Snapchat now has a head start in AI-driven social media. But competitors like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok won’t be far behind in baking AI directly into their apps too.

According to my industry sources, several social platforms are exploring integrating GPT-4 models once they release. GPT-4 promises even more human-like conversational ability that could take My AI to the next level.

The bottom line is that artificial intelligence will fundamentally transform how we interact on social media in the coming years. And Snapchat is blazing the trail with the launch of My AI.