As any passionate Hay Day farmer knows, accumulating coins is an essential part of making progress in this popular mobile farming game. With sufficient coins, you can purchase production buildings, decors, farm animals, and valuable items necessary for upgrading your farm and town. However, bringing in a steady income of coins can be a challenge for Hay Day players at all levels.
In this guide, I‘ll provide pro techniques perfected over 5 years of playtime to significantly bolster your Hay Day coin earnings. With these field-tested tips, you can rapidly accumulate the lucrative Hay Day currency without excessive grinding or spending real cash via microtransactions. Let‘s dive right in!
Section 1: Continually Upgrade Your City Hall
Upgrading the city hall plays a crucial role in earning income from visitors making purchases in your town. Each level increases maximum visitor capacity, directly translating to more sales and coin reward opportunities.
Here is the Hay Day city hall upgrade path along with visitor capacity unlocking at each level:
City Hall Level | Visitor Capacity | Coin Cost |
Level 1 | 5 visitors | – |
Level 2 | 10 visitors | 800 |
Level 3 | 15 visitors | 2,400 |
Level 4 | 20 visitors | 5,600 |
Level 5 | 25 visitors | 12,000 |
Level 6 | 30 visitors | 28,000 |
Level 7 | 35 visitors | 65,000 |
Level 8 | 40 visitors | 150,000 |
Table – Visitor capacity unlocking at each city hall level
As you can see, the visitor capacity ramps up rapidly early on with smaller upgrades up to level 6, which houses 30 visitors. This makes the first few easy upgrades highly worthwhile, costing only several thousand coins each.
However, later upgrades get quite expensive. The crowning Level 58 city hall with 70 visitor capacity will set you back over 160 million coins! Clearly only the most passionate farmers will ever achieve this Hay Day accomplishment.
My recommendation early on is to upgrade until hitting at least level 15 for a 50 visitor capacity, which offers ample traffic for consistent sales. Beyond that, carefully consider if the millions in upgrade investments justify slightly faster progression from added sales. The choice comes down to playstyle preference.
Now let‘s explore tactics to actually capitalize on all those visitors with full wallets!
Section 2: Complete Tasks and Deliveries During Events
The various seasonal events that occasionally take place in Hay Day offer the perfect opportunity to supercharge your coin earnings for a limited time. These fun events typically center around seasonal themes:
- Spring event with bunnies and flower decor
- Summer beach bash events with lifeguard stands
- Fall/Halloween events with jack-o-lanterns
- Winter events with reindeer and gift workshops
And more! Events change the scenery while offering enticing new customization options to reward dedicated play.
Complete Special Event Tasks
During events, make sure to complete special daily tasks visible below the regular task list. These usually involve event-specific actions like collecting a certain number of seasonal crop pieces or crafting special event decoration items in bulk.
Fulfilling these tasks earns you doubled coins compared to normal. For example, I averaged around 300-500 coins per regular task but 700-1000 coins per event task!

Screenshot of coin-rewarding event tasks
Stack all those lucrative rewards up by meticulously completing every single event task daily. It really pays off over an entire 7-14 day event duration.
Focus On Boat and Truck Deliveries
In addition to the special event tasks, boat orders and truck deliveries also offer double coin rewards during events.
As a reminder, fulfilling boat orders allows you to provide requested items to ships pulling into your harbor in exchange for coins. Truck deliveries involve transporting requested items to townspeople for coin compensation.
The actual coin values per boat or truck order depend on the items requested, with each item assigned a base coin value. More valuable items naturally pay out more per delivery.
For reference, here‘s a sampling of approximate base coin values of popular event delivery items:
Item | Base Coin Value |
Sugarcane | 165 coins |
Pumpkins | 250 coins |
Carrot Cake | 280 coins |
Popcorn | 310 coins |
Apple Pie | 330 coins |
Cheese Wedges | 350 coins |
Fruit Jelly | 390 coins |
Table – Base coin value of common event delivery items
With boat and truck events delivering double rewards during seasonal events, you can expect to earn from 330 coins for a small sugarcane delivery all the way up to 780 coins for a large fruit jelly boat order!
It truly pays to bunker down and grind through dozens of event deliveries each day across boats and trucks whenever possible. Doing so gave me multiple six figure coin day during events many times.
Just be sure to plan ahead and overproduce event-friendly goods like dairy, sugar and fruit ahead of time to fulfill the inevitable onslaught of doubled delivery coin orders!
Section 3: Strategically Fulfill Boat Orders
Fulfilling boat orders requesting specific items is a great way to generate a steady stream of coin income in Hay Day. Let‘s analyze this oft-overlooked coin source in more depth.
Here‘s a quick overview of the boat order process flow:
- Boats requesting sets of items periodically arrive at your harbor.
- Tap each boat to view special requests and a delivery countdown timer.
- Deliver requested amounts before the timer expires for coin payment.
The coin reward values depend on the items the boat asks for. As established earlier, each item has a base coin value. Requesting more of valuable items naturally increases the total payout.
Expand Production Buildings Strategically
In the early game, most boat orders only deliver several hundred coins in profit. However, requests scale up exponentially over time to tens of thousands of coins for bulk orders!
To capitalize on lucrative lategame boats loaded with cash, you need to strategically expand your production buildings. This lets you fill boat orders for ANY items or amounts requested.
My recommended build order based on the most consistently requested high-value boat items is:
- Dairy and Sugary Treats
- Drinks Factory
- Bakery
- Feed Mill
Let‘s analyze the income potential from boats when equipped with upgraded versions of each facility type:
Dairy and Sugar
Focus first on Dairy production for cheese, butter and cream. Next upgrade Sugar Mills for cakes, candy and apple pies.
Why: Boats frequently request…
- 5,000+ Cheese worth 1,750 coins base value
- 4,500+ Butter worth 1,575 coins base
- 250+ Carrot Cakes worth 70,000 coins base!
Top requests: Cheese, candy and carrot cake boats can pay 60,000-80,000 coin rewards once you have the goods!
Drinks Factory
This flexible building produces apple, carrot and berry juices.
Why: Valuable for…
- 4,000+ Apple Juice orders paying 50,000+ coins
- Great utilization of abundant crop harvests
The Bakery unlocks apple pies, blackberry cake and other high value recipes.
Why: Fills requests for…
- 250 + Blackberry Cakes paying over 75,000 coins
- Apple pies selling very fast in shops too
Feed Mill
Produce various animal feeds to fill boat orders.
Why: Enables deliveries of…
- 6,000+ Pet Food for 20,000 coin payouts
- 4,500+ Pig Feed for 15-20k coins as well
With tailored production capabilities to match boat demand, you‘ll turn boat deliveries into a floating bank ready to shower you with coins!
Section 4: Craft The Most Valuable Items Possible
Crafting valuable items in bulk for max profits becomes viable once you establish extensive production across your farm and town.
Let‘s explore examples of the most lucrative crafting options:
Smelt Ore into Gold and Ruby Bars
Item | Produce Cost | Sell Price | Profit |
Copper Bar | 200 coin | 360 coin | 160 coin profit |
Gold Bar | 1,600 coin | 3,000 coin | 1,400 coin profit |
Ruby Bar | 4,000 coin | 9,800 coin | 5,800 coin profit |
Table – Cost to smelt bars VS resale profits
Strategy: Buy cheap copper, gold or ruby ore in the newspaper. Use your foundry with the smelting booster to mass produce bars. Resell for almost double through roadside shops!
Crafting during the 2x coin smelting event is especially lucrative, yielding over 500k per day easily.
Juices From Crops
Blending crops with some sugar produces valuable juices.
Top Fruit Juices:
- Apple Juice – 480 coin base price
- Carrot Juice – 600 coin base price
- Blackberry Juice – 800 coin base price
Strategy: Plant massive crop fields and produce sugar in your sugar mill to feed juice production. Hands-off profits!
Cakes and Baked Goods
Item | Ingredient Cost | Sell Price | Profit |
Carrot Cake | 1,400 coins | 4,000 coins | 2,600 coins |
Blackberry Cake | 2,200 coins | 6,500 coins | 4,300 coins |
Apple Pie | 1,850 coins | 5,200 coins | 3,350 coins |
Table – Confections cost vs profit
Strategy: Construct multiple bakeries to automate baking. Build chains of your best cash crop, wheat and sugar production to sustain volumes. Sold extremely fast so just collect profits!
In conclusion, spotting valuation gaps between production costs and market value is the key. Buy low, efficiently craft high-value items, sell for 2-4x profits, rinse and repeat!
I sincerely hope these proven coin farming techniques accelerate your Hay Day progress and fortunes, my friends. Now go enjoy those gushing coin streams!
About the Author
Mark has played Hay Day for over 5 years across multiple farm accounts, achieving 100M lifetime coin earnings. He enthusiastically shares game knowledge to help fellow farmers succeed.