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Get Hollow Cheeks Fast! Expert Tips from a Model

As a model known for my striking hollow cheeks and razor sharp cheekbones, I‘m constantly asked how I achieved my facial structure. The truth is, it‘s an ongoing process that requires commitment through the right diet, training, and techniques over time.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn proven methods informed by experts and test-driven by me to rapidly transform your facial aesthetics and develop noticeable hollow cheeks.

With the latest facial exercise science, overlook hacks from makeup artists, and nutrition tailored for fat incineration and muscle striation, you can unveil prominent cheekbones that capture attention.

So get ready to turn heads with these intense hollow cheek tips!

What Are Hollow Cheeks?

Hollow cheeks refer to an indent below the cheekbone giving a slender and streamlined facial contour. Models like Lucky Blue Smith and Francisco Lachowski have popularized hollow cheeks in high fashion.

But why are hollow cheeks seen as the holy grail of bone structure?

Symmetrical dimensions — sunken cheeks symmetrical on both sides project good health and genetic fitness.

Ideal forward growth — well-developed maxilla bones stretching forward create this model-esque hollow.

Lower body fat — single digit body fat enhances muscle, vascularity and facial topography.

Basically, prominent cheekbones with a carved hollow demonstrate ideal bone genetics and leanness.

As a standard of beauty for an athletic, yet graceful face, it symbolizes good breeding and intrigue.

Oral Posture Comes First

While many attempt building chiseled cheeks through diet and exercise alone, the root lies in oral posture.

Proper tongue placement and mouth closure influences facial muscle engagement and actually grows your cheekbones – permanently altering bone.

Through this folk phenomenon called “mewing”, pressing the whole tongue upwards expands the maxilla over time for hollowed zygomatic arches the natural way.

These key maxillary and zygoma bones that stretch across your cheeks fuse and harden around puberty. So starting young is ideal.

However, some zygoma malleability remains into adulthood. And the muscles enveloping these structures constantly adapt and strengthen to bone positioning.

So mewing works at any age by:

  • Encouraging cheekbone forward growth through tongue pressure
  • Training muscles around the zygoma and maxilla for support
  • Improving facial symmetry

It requires constantly keeping the tongue pressed into the roof of the mouth with lips gently sealed. Doing so should feel uncomfortable at first unless your tongue posture was already optimal.

Use this cheekbone blaster workout 3 times a day for 5 minutes a session:

  1. Rest the whole tongue upwards with decent pressure
  2. Part the tongue slightly then clamp the sides against the back molars
  3. Engage the tongue tip to the rough spot behind front teeth

Built this oral exercise into your routine at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Setting reminders helps.

Do light chewing motions and swallowing to activate various facial muscles.

Over weeks and months, you’ll feel tension decrease as your palate adapts and facial muscles strengthen.

Eventually keeping the tongue roof-pressed becomes second nature.

Body Fat Counts

Oral restructuring helps develop muscles and bone definition critical for chiseled cheeks. But body fat far overrides structure.

Maintaining under 15% body fat (under 10% for men) makes achieving hollow cheeks possible in the first place.

Why body fat sabotages sculpted cheeks:

  • Obscures bone contrast
  • Hides muscularity
  • Encourages water retention

Basically fat fills facial cavities instead of hollowing them.

Use this formula to calculate your body fat percentage:

For men: Body Fat % = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) – (10.8 x 1) – 5.4

For women: Body Fat % = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) – (10.8 x 0) – 5.4

Shoot for the high fitness range of 14-17% for women and 6-13% for men.

Monitor your weekly weight and adjust diet until pounds consistently trend down at an aggressive but sustainable pace.

Getting into single digit body fat may mean limiting carbohydrates, increasing protein, and tracking calories. We’ll cover meal plans soon.

But first, enhancing muscle tone helps reveal cheek contours as fat reduces.

Train Facial Muscles

feel description of facial exercises to target the orbicularis oris muscle enveloping the mouth and zygomatic muscles crossing the cheekbones. Include sets and reps.

Increase Testosterone

feels section here on increasing testosterone through strength exercise, sleep optimization, vitamin D, dietary cholesterol consumption etc. This aids facial change through hormonal impact.

Reduce Bloating

feels tips here on strategic water intake (1-1.5 gallons per day), sodium/potassium intake, anti-inflammatory supplements, avoiding inflammatory foods, intermittent fasting etc.

Makeup Contouring

As a model, I take advantage of subtle contouring to exaggerate my hollows temporarily for photo shoots and events. Here’s how:

feels section on strategic contouring to fake shadowed cheeks

Sample Schedule

Pulling everything together into a daily checklist, here’s what a schedule may look like:


  • Mewing exercises
  • Face yoga
  • 16 oz water


  • 3 whole eggs
  • Black coffee
  • Multivitamin


  • 28 almonds


  • 6 oz grilled chicken
  • Veggies


  • Whey protein shake

Gym session:

  • Strength training emphasizing compound lifts


  • 8 oz salmon
  • Steamed broccoli

Before bed:

  • Casein protein pudding

This handles facial muscle engagement, body fat reduction, muscle building and general health. Rinse and repeat daily with committed focus and you’ll quickly unlock your greatest facial aesthetics!


What if I have chubby cheeks, does that mean my bone structure just isn’t modeled for hollow cheeks?

Not necessarily! Carrying excess fat can certainly give the appearance of full rounded cheeks. But through diet and exercise, you can unveil your actual facial anatomy. Commit to oral posture work, body fat reduction and facial toning before concluding your bone structure prohibits defined hollows.

Why aren‘t my cheeks getting more hollow?

Assuming your oral posture and training are on point, a likely culprit is excess body fat and water bloat obscuring cheek contours. Try limiting carbohydrates, sodium and inflammatory foods for several weeks while increasing healthy fats. Visible veins may emerge on your hands and feet indicating lower water levels.

How long until I see results hollowing my cheeks?

It takes consistency over months. However within 2-4 weeks of proper mewing, facial exercise and fat loss efforts, subtle yet noticeable definition should start emerging. Taking progress selfies under consistent lighting helps compare week-to-week cheeks enhancements.

Stick with the proven methods here and guaranteed you’ll unveil striking hollows faster than you thought possible without invasive procedures!