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How to Get an Auto Clicker

Getting an auto clicker can transform the way you use your computer. With the ability to automate repetitive clicking tasks, auto clickers can save you time, reduce strain, and open up new possibilities. In this comprehensive 2100+ word guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to get started with an auto clicker.

What is an Auto Clicker?

An auto clicker is a software program that automates mouse clicking. Once installed, the auto clicker will simulate left, right, or middle mouse button clicks at specific intervals and locations without requiring user input.

Some common uses for auto clickers include:

  • Grinding or farming in video games – Auto clickers can repeatedly take the same action like attacking or collecting items. This automation helps you progress faster in games.

  • Clicking repetitive tasks on your computer like submitting forms, refreshing pages, or navigating menus. Auto clickers remove the monotonous manual work.

  • Assisting those with physical disabilities – Auto clickers provide accessibility for those unable to perform mouse clicks themselves.

  • Automating steps – Auto clickers can be programmed to follow specific click patterns, automating complex multi-step processes.

Auto clickers range from simple free utilities with basic options to advanced paid software with intricate customizations and programmable scripts.

Benefits of Using an Auto Clicker

Auto clickers provide many helpful benefits:

  • Saves time – By automating repetitive clicking, auto clickers enable you to allocate your time better.

  • Reduces strain – Limiting repetitive manual clicks helps avoid wrist and hand pain or injury.

  • Allows multi-tasking – Your computer can keep clicking away while you focus attention elsewhere.

  • Customizable – Auto clickers provide settings to tailor the clicks to your specific needs.

  • Free options available – Simple auto clickers are free to download and easy to set up.

  • Accessibility – Auto clickers assist those unable to perform repetitive mouse clicking motions.

For these reasons, auto clickers are extremely useful tools for anyone looking to work smarter, avoid injury, or access their computer more effectively.

How Auto Clickers Work

Auto clickers function by directly interfacing with your computer‘s mouse input, then simulating clicks at the OS level. The auto clicker sends mouse commands just like a physical input device would. This allows it to automate clicks without needing special software support.

When activated, the auto clicker takes over control of the mouse, overriding any physical mouse movements during the clicking process. It continues sending click commands at the configured interval and settings.

Advanced auto clickers even allow scripting more complex automation by stringing together varying sets of clicks, movement, and timing. This allows auto-clickers to automate nearly any repetitive task.

Getting an Auto Clicker

Ready to get started automating your clicks? Here‘s a step-by-step guide to downloading, installing, and configuring your first auto clicker:

Step 1: Choose an Auto Clicker Program

There are dozens of auto clicker utilities available, but here are some of the most popular and trusted options:

  • MurGee Auto Clicker – Simple interface but lacks some advanced features.

  • OP Auto Clicker – Open source with good customizations and reliable operation.

  • Auto Clicker by Shocker – Lots of useful presets and hotkey activation options.

  • AutoHotkey – Requires scripting but extremely powerful and customizable.

  • GS Auto Clicker – Premium option focused on advanced programmable automation.

For straightforward automated clicking tasks, MurGee, OP Auto Clicker, or Auto Clicker by Shocker are good free choices. AutoHotkey provides unparalleled control for those willing to learn scripting. GS Auto Clicker is great for those seeking robust premium features.

Evaluate your needs, computer proficiency, and budget to select the best software for you.

Step 2: Download and Install the Program

Once you‘ve chosen your auto clicker, visit the official website and download the correct installer file for your version of Windows. Most auto clickers will have an .EXE or .MSI file available.

Be sure to download only from original sources like the developer‘s website, reputable software sites like SourceForge, or the Windows/Mac app store. Third party download sites often contain malware.

After downloading, run the installer just like any other program. Depending on the software, you may be asked to grant administrator privileges so the auto clicker can interface directly with your mouse.

Step 3: Configure the Auto Clicker

Open the auto clicking program and access the settings or configuration menu. Here you can customize options like:

  • Click interval – The time between each simulated click, such as 10 clicks per second.

  • Mouse button clicked – Choose left, right, or middle mouse button.

  • Repeated clicks – Set it to keep clicking indefinitely or stop after a set number.

  • Click location – Either current mouse position or exact screen coordinates.

  • Hotkeys – Define hotkeys to easily pause, resume, or stop clicking.

Tweak the settings to your specific needs. For example, a fast interval for machine gun clicks or slower repeated clicks for navigating menus.

Step 4: Start the Clicking

With your auto clicker configured, start the automated clicking process. Look for a prominent "Start" button or hotkey like F6. The auto clicker will now simulate the mouse clicks precisely as you customized.

Make sure the window or application you want to click is active and in focus before starting. The auto clicker can‘t send clicks to inactive windows.

Sit back and watch your auto clicker take over those repetitive duties for you! Just keep an eye on it at first to make sure the clicks are registering properly.

Tips for Effective Auto Clicking

Follow these tips and best practices when setting up and running your auto clicker:

  • Start with a moderate click interval, then increase speed as needed. Too fast can freeze your computer.

  • Use repeating or loop mode instead of a set number of clicks for most tasks.

  • Define useful hotkeys to easily control and monitor the auto clicker.

  • For games, target rapid low-damage attacks over slow strong attacks for efficiency.

  • Ensure clicks land in the desired application by keeping its window focused.

  • Turn off your auto clicker when not in use to prevent unintended clicks.

  • Monitor the first few minutes to confirm clicks register as intended.

  • Run a test for at least 30 minutes before walking away to check system impact over time.

Advanced Auto Clicker Uses

Beyond basic clicking, advanced auto clickers open up specialized automation possibilities:

  • Click specific screen regions – Auto clickers with pixel level precision can target buttons, menu items, etc.

  • Randomized clicking – For games, randomizing the click location and timing can mimic human behavior.

  • Combining clicks and keystrokes – Automate nearly any repeated task on your computer by programming a click sequence.

  • Schedule automation – Set an auto clicker to run during specific hours for true hands-free control.

  • Portable clicking – Auto clickers on USB allow taking your automated clicking anywhere.

  • Macro and script recording – Programming auto clickers visually by recording and editing macro scripts.

While requiring more effort to configure, these advanced features let you truly customize auto clicking automation to your exact needs.

Are Auto Clickers Considered Cheating?

For single-player games and apps, auto clickers are generally not considered cheating, but rather simply automating tedious tasks. However, many online multiplayer games prohibit auto clickers and regard them as cheating. This is because they provide an unfair advantage over other human players.

Be sure to check the terms of service of any online games before using an auto clicker. For offline or single-player games, auto clickers are typically fine to provide relief from repetitive clicking. But always confirm the rules of any particular game before engaging an auto clicker.

Top 10 Auto Clicker Programs

Here are 10 of the most popular and powerful auto clicker tools available today:

  1. MurGee Auto Clicker – Straightforward and easy to configure.
  2. OP Auto Clicker – Full-featured and open source.
  3. Auto Clicker by Shocker – Useful presets and hotkeys.
  4. Ghost Mouse – Clicks and mouse movement automation.
  5. AutoHotkey – Scripting based with advanced customization.
  6. GS Auto Clicker – Premium option for robust automation.
  7. RobotJS – Lightweight JavaScript library.
  8. AutoIt – Similar to AutoHotkey using BASIC-like language.
  9. RPA software – For enterprise-grade process automation.
  10. Clicker Heroes – Web based auto clicker requiring no install.

There are also many mobile auto clicker apps available for both Android and iOS devices. With so many choices, you‘re sure to find an auto clicker tailored exactly to your needs and preferences.


Getting an auto clicker setup on your computer is a quick and simple process. Within minutes you can start automating repetitive clicking tasks and saving yourself time and effort. Choose a trusted auto clicking program, download and install it, customize the settings to your needs, then let the auto clicker take over those tedious duties. Just be mindful of game terms of service and monitor the auto clicker initially to verify proper operation. Employed responsibly, auto clickers can be powerful tools to streamline computer interaction and reduce strain. Give one a try today!