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Mastering Geras Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As an immortal warrior with dominion over time and sand, Geras provides a uniquely strategic experience in Mortal Kombat 11. His temporal abilities enable calculated pressure and counterplay, requiring mastery to utilize to their full potential.

In MK1, Geras receives several new techniques and combo routes to command the tide of battle. Through meticulous analysis and experimentation, I‘ve compiled optimal bread-and-butter combos, corner loops, reset potentials, and fatal blow confirmations to help you conquer realms as Geras.

In this guide, you‘ll learn:

  • Opener strings, launchers, enders for max damage BnBs
  • Advanced links and cancels for optimal corner carry
  • All krushing blows with notes on setups and damage
  • Unique plays with sand traps, temporal advantages, and rewinds
  • Matchup knowledge against teleporters, zoners, and grapplers

With over 100 hours of experience using Geras in MK11 tournaments and competitions, I‘m eager to share my top tips and tricks to mastering his moveset. Let‘s unravel the intricacies of this formidable fighter.

Overview of Geras‘ Core Abilities

Before diving into optimized combos, let‘s review Geras‘ base abilities and mechanics:

Temporal Advantage – Geras‘ signature passive that grants him reduced recovery on block and increased walk speed. This enables relentless pressure by minimizing gaps.

Sand Trap – Downward punch that leaves opponents standing in quicksand, vulnerable to combos. Also useful for setups.

Sand Pillar – Mid-projectile that tracks the opponent. Punishable but offers zoning.

Sandbuckle – Anti-air grab that slams airborne opponents down. Useful for countering jump-ins.

Rewind – Unique ability to "rewind" Geras‘ body to remove damage at the cost of meter. Can undo fatal blows.

Shoulder Charge – Advancing strike with a follow-up slam. Key combo starter and punish tool.

Bed of Spikes – Command grab that impales opponents in a sand bed. Deals heavy damage but is highly punishable.

With his base kit covered, let‘s explore optimized combo routes for Geras.

Top BnB Combos

These are my recommended BnB (bread and butter) combo routes to commit to muscle memory with Geras:

F24, DF4 ~ 1, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 29% meterless punish combo. Inflicts Krushing Blow on the final hit if 122 hasn‘t been used.

B12, DB4 ~ Dash, F24, BF1+EX, DB3, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 38% combo off a low starter. Utilize the enhanced shoulder charge for increased launch height.

F24, BF1+EX, DB3 ~ Dash, F24, DF4, 121 – 36% double shoulder charge combo. Use dash momentum to connect F24 after DB3. Gain a small amount of corner carry.

F44, 2~DB4 ~ Dash, F24, BF1+EX, DB3, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 41% corner combo from F44 overhead launcher. Inflicts Krushing Blow on final hit. Substantial corner carry.

B21, 121 ~ Dash, F24, DF4, 1, F24, BF1+EX, Dash 122, 1+3 – 45% combo from close range punish. Time the dash precisely after 121 for spacing.

For optimal corner damage, utilize Geras‘ charged sand buff by chaining Sand Trap (DB4) cancels before the ender:

F24, DF4 ~ 1, F24, BF1+EX, 2, DB4, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 44% corner combo with extended sand buff charges.

Now let‘s explore more advanced routes and niche kombos.

Advanced Kombos

These are some of the more intricate combos that require strict timing and execution but offer increased effectiveness:

4, DF3+KB ~ Dash, F24, BF1+EX, 2, DB4, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 48% combo that inflicts Krushing Blow on DF3. Must buffer the 4 input during the knockdown animation.

D2, Block ~ F24, BF1+EX, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 38% punish on opponents trying to flawless block your D2 poke. Tricky input timing required.

B12, DB4 ~ Dash, 21 ~ BF1+EX, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 37% side switch combo off a low starter. The forward dash realigns spacing for the 121 ender.

F24, DF4 ~ 1, 2, DBF3+KB, Dash B21, 121 ~ Dash, F24, DF4, 1, F24, BF1+EX, DB3, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 57% corner combo utilizing DF3‘s Krushing Blow for massive damage.

F24, BF1+EX ~ Dash, 21, 121 ~ Dash, F24, BF1+EX, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 46% combo using EX Shoulder‘s CH launch potential for a double ender.

F24, DF4 ~ JK, JK, 11 ~ F24, DF4, 1, F24, BF1+EX, DB3, Dash, 122, 1+3 – 50% anti-air combo with optimal jump-in conversions.

Take time to refine your execution on these. With practice, they‘ll expand your kombos and open new opportunities for big damage!

Optimal Krushing Blow Setups

Here are reliable ways to set up Geras‘ Krushing Blows for their bonus damage:

  • DF3(KB) – Use 4, DF3 after any launcher for easy confirmation. Also connect after DB4, Dash for sneaky resets.

  • 122(KB) – End block strings with 121 on punishable moves to bait counters. Also use Sparking Trap (DB1+EX) to guarantee its activation.

  • B21(KB) – Delay the second hit or use D1, D1 to frame trap into it. Also connect after DB3, D1~DB1 armor break.

  • DF2(KB) – Use in juggle combos if it hasn‘t activated yet. Launch with F24, BF1+EX ~ Dash for easy setups.

  • DB2(KB) – Activate it early when possible for extra damage. End combos with Dash, DB2 if positioning allows.

  • DB4(KB) – Use DB4 repeatedly to inflict multiple Krushing Blow slams in corner combos.

With proper setups, you can easily stack an extra 150+ damage per match utilizing Geras‘ Krushing Blows.

Recommended Variation – Eternal

For kompetitive play, I recommend using Geras‘ Eternal variation. It offers:

  • Reverse Time – Hold DB to rewind and regain health at the cost of meter. Counters zoning and reduces chip damage.

  • Sand Simulacrum – Create a sand clone that attacks alongside you. Useful for reset potentials and applying layered offense.

  • Sand Pillar – Fast mid-projectile to counter keepaway tactics. Punishable up close but offers strong space control.

Eternal provides excellent utility for countering problem matchups against zoners like Cetrion and Liu Kang. The simulated pressure from your sand clone also enables stronger mix-ups and frame traps.

Matchup Knowledge

Here are some key tips for facing problematic matchups with Geras:

vs Teleporters – Use Sand Pillar and Sand Trap to control space. Buffer Sandbuckle (Down+1+3) to counter cross-up teleports.

vs Grapplers – Keep them at optimal range using Sand Pillar and Sand Trap. Use D1 and D4 pokes to counter armor attempts. Avoid getting cornered.

vs Full Screen – Use Sand Pillar to challenge zoning and slowly close distance. Reverse Time to mitigate chip damage and projectile spam.

vs Pressure – Rely on poke strings to steal turns. Use EX shoulder (BF1+EX) armor to interrupt gaps in block pressure. Flawless block key strings.

Final Tips

To conclude, here are a few final tips to excel with Geras in MK1:

  • Condition opponents to fear getting countered by delaying your strings. Then frame trap them with ticks into full combos.

  • Use empty jumps and delays to bait anti-airs for punishes. Convert counter hits off Sand Pillar and B21 into huge damage.

  • In corner pressure, stagger Sand Trap cancels to keep opponents blocking. Go for command grabs when they hesitate.

  • After knockdowns, time meaty Sand Pillars to counter breakaways. Dash up throws also cover multiple wakeup options.

I hope this guide has provided a detailed breakdown of unlocking Geras‘ potential in MK1 through in-depth combo routes, variation analysis, and matchup knowledge. Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m happy to provide further insight!