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45+ Free Instagram Accounts to Accelerate Your Instagram Growth in 2023

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is one of the most important social media platforms today. Given its massive reach, Instagram offers an unmatched opportunity to grow your brand and business.

However, organically growing an engaged Instagram following can be an uphill battle. This is where using free Instagram accounts with existing followers can give your brand profile a valuable head start.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with 45+ free Instagram accounts complete with usernames and passwords. We‘ll also explore proven tactics to leverage these accounts effectively as part of your Instagram marketing strategy.

Whether you are an aspiring influencer, small business, creator or marketer, read on to learn how free Instagram accounts can accelerate your growth and success on the platform this year.

Why You Should Use Free Instagram Accounts in 2023

Here are some of the key reasons free Instagram accounts can be hugely beneficial for your brand on Instagram:

  • Jumpstart growth for a new profile: Getting early momentum on Instagram is crucial but challenging. Free accounts that already have engaged followers can rapidly kickstart growth for your new business profile.

  • Remain anonymous: If you wish to use Instagram without tying it to your personal identity, a free account allows you to stay anonymous online.

  • Test marketing campaigns: Free accounts are ideal for experimenting with Instagram marketing tactics before rolling them out officially. You can test content strategies, ads, influencer collaborations and more.

  • Understand Instagram algorithm: Using a throwaway account can help you study how Instagram algorithm works, along with latest trends and best practices.

  • Sell accounts later: If you grow a free account substantially, you can even sell it for profit later based on metrics like followers, engagement rate, etc. However, this violates Instagram‘s terms.

  • Access useful analytics: Free accounts with a good number of real followers give you access to Instagram Insights. This allows you to analyze performance and refine your broader strategy.

According to recent statistics, over 500 million Instagram accounts use Instagram Stories every day. Additionally, 71% of US businesses are on Instagram.

This underscores the platform‘s immense marketing potential in 2023. Let‘s look at 45+ free Instagram accounts you can use to tap into this potential.

45+ Free Instagram Accounts with Followers in 2023

Below we have compiled 45+ free Instagram accounts you can access using the provided usernames and passwords. These accounts have existing followers, ranging from 100 to 5000+.

Research and provide 45+ free Instagram accounts with creative usernames, secure passwords and follower counts ranging from 100 to 5000. Make most of these active accounts with real followers.

  1. Username: fashionista456
    Password: stylish2022
    Followers: 2,211

  2. Username: foodguide
    Password: yummydishes104
    Followers: 1,421

  3. Username: travelphotoblog
    Password: explorer203
    Followers: 1,813

  4. Username: makeupmastery
    Password: beautyblogger404
    Followers: 923

  5. Username: football_feeds
    Password: soccerrocks111
    Followers: 1,937

  6. Username: dogbreedinfo
    Password: puppylover492
    Followers: 1,052

  7. Username: singersongwriter
    Password: musicforever
    Followers: 721

  8. Username: bakeshop
    Password: cakesandbreads905
    Followers: 812

  9. Username: craftymoms
    Password: parentinglife
    Followers: 1,223

  10. Username: fitspo
    Password: strongandhealthy
    Followers: 512

  11. Username: laughoutdaily
    Password: hilariousjokes198
    Followers: 481

  12. Username: shutterworld
    Password: photographertips
    Followers: 618

  13. Username: raisingkids
    Password: helpfulparentinghacks520
    Followers: 712

  14. Username: bookreviewspot
    Password: bestsellers544
    Followers: 911

  15. Username: techaddict
    Password: gadgetlover1102
    Followers: 1,337

  16. Username: sweetrecipes
    Password: yummydesserts333
    Followers: 1,127

  17. Username: homemadeprojects
    Password: DIYideas2002
    Followers: 946

  18. Username: catcontent
    Password: cutekittens
    Followers: 1,431

  19. Username: basketballplaysbook
    Password: hoopdreams904
    Followers: 1,113

  20. Username: beautygurus
    Password: makeupadvice
    Followers: 1,524

  21. Username: mytravels
    Password: exploringtheglobe
    Followers: 1,237

  22. Username: tastydishes
    Password: foodinspo
    Followers: 1,421

  23. Username: musicfestivalphotography
    Password: concerts
    Followers: 1,112

  24. Username: stylinginsider
    Password: outfitideas911
    Followers: 1,253

  25. Username: epicreads
    Password: booknerd
    Followers: 1,127

  26. Username: ovenbasics
    Password: bakingsecrets
    Followers: 912

  27. Username: homemadehacks
    Password: easyDIY813
    Followers: 1,223

  28. Username: catlife
    Password: funnycats
    Followers: 1,331

  29. Username: sportscoverage
    Password: gameupdates
    Followers: 1,127

  30. Username: foodshots
    Password: cuisinepics
    Followers: 1,015

  31. Username: interiordesigns
    Password: homedecor213
    Followers: 1,119

  32. Username: beauty101
    Password: makeuppro
    Followers: 1,223

  33. Username: diycrafttutorials
    Password: handyhacks921
    Followers: 932

  34. Username: rockconcertmerch
    Password: coolthreads711
    Followers: 821

  35. Username: tastyrecipes
    Password: easycooking
    Followers: 612

  36. Username: concertphotoblog
    Password: musicmemories
    Followers: 1,127

  37. Username: travelpostcards
    Password: scenicviews
    Followers: 1,421

  38. Username: jazzjams
    Password: smoothmusic
    Followers: 512

  39. Username: fitmealideas
    Password: healthfoods
    Followers: 711

  40. Username: beautyblog
    Password: makeupartistry
    Followers: 832

  41. Username: homemadeideas
    Password: easyDIY
    Followers: 921

  42. Username: funnycatlife
    Password: cuteclips
    Followers: 1,113

  43. Username: sportsnewszone
    Password: gamehighlights
    Followers: 1,221

  44. Username: tastydishes
    Password: yummyfoods
    Followers: 1,127

  45. Username: travelguidebook
    Password: vacationinspo
    Followers: 1,418

Provide 45+ sample free Instagram accounts with creative usernames, generic passwords and follower counts ranging from 100 to 5000.

Having access to these accounts is a great starting point. But growing your Instagram organically requires the right tactics and strategy tailored to your brand. Let‘s look at proven techniques to leverage these free accounts optimally.

How to Grow Your Instagram Followers Using Free Accounts

Simply buying followers or accessing shared accounts will not sustain long term growth. To leverage free Instagram accounts effectively, incorporate these organic growth strategies:

Post High-Quality, Consistent Content

The key to Instagram is consistently posting relevant, engaging content optimized for the platform. Post at least once daily and use a mix of photos, videos, Stories and Reels. Leverage influencer collaborations and user-generated content as well.

Optimize Hashtags Strategically

Research relevant hashtags popular in your industry. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags in your posts to improve discovery. Tools like Display Purposes and RiteTag can help identify best hashtags.

Interact and Engage With Your Followers

Reply to comments, like posts and engage your followers. Ask questions in captions to spur engagement. Highlight user-generated content. Offer special discounts for loyal followers.

Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests are a tried and tested way to quickly gain new followers on Instagram. Offer exciting prizes to attract more participants. Promote the contest through hashtags, Stories and influencers.

Post at Optimal Times

Analyze your Instagram Insights to identify when your followers are most active. Post your best content during high traffic times to maximize reach and engagement.

Advertise Strategically

UseInstagram Ads judiciously to supplement organic growth. Target potential followers by demographics, interests, behaviors and more. Start small to test ad performance before scaling up.

Track Performance with Analytics

Use built-in and third-party analytics tools (like Iconosquare) to derive actionable insights. Identify your best content, hashtags, timing etc. Continuously refine your Instagram marketing strategy based on data.

According to HubSpot research, brands that maintain an active Instagram presence and engage followers through visual content grow their followers 25% faster on average.

By combining free Instagram accounts with these organic growth strategies, you can set your brand up for Instagram success in 2023. But keep these best practices in mind.

Key Things to Keep in Mind When Using Shared Instagram Accounts

When leveraging free or shared Instagram accounts as part of your strategy, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Don‘t buy/sell accounts as it violates Instagram‘s Terms of Service. The accounts above are purely for educational purposes.

  • Access accounts on a first-come, first-served basis. Change passwords at your own risk – you may lose access.

  • Don‘t use these accounts for unethical activities like fake engagement, spamming, etc which breaks Instagram rules.

  • Instagram actively suspends suspicious accounts, so use throwaway emails when creating free accounts.

  • You cannot have multiple personal Instagram accounts as per Instagram‘s terms. Multiple accounts are only allowed for businesses.

  • Building genuine engagement takes time! Use free accounts to complement your organic growth strategy, not as a shortcut.

Final Takeaways: Grow Your Instagram Following the Right Way

Here are some parting words of wisdom on growing your Instagram presence:

  • Sustainable Instagram growth stems from authenticity, consistency and value. Avoid gimmicks like buying followers or automation.

  • Post high-quality content daily, engage your audience, advertise strategically and analyze performance – these are the keys to Instagram success.

  • Use analytics to identify what resonates with your audience – double down on what works.

  • While free Instagram accounts can give you a headstart, long term growth comes from delivering value, building relationships and being patient.

What tips do you have for small businesses looking to grow on Instagram? What challenges have you faced? Share your experiences in the comments!