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How to Dominate Free for All in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: The Ultimate Guide

As one of the most popular multiplayer modes spanning the entire Call of Duty franchise, Free for All distills these legendary first-person shooters down to their very core – kill or be killed. With no allies watching your back across MW2‘s frantic 6v6 battlegrounds, victory goes to the deadliest gunslinger; the player with the fastest reflexes, deep map knowledge, and cleverly constructed custom loadouts.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know to consistently place first in Modern Warfare 2‘s Free for All playlists, from basic access and gameplay explanations to pro-level tips and tricks honed over years of CoD domination.

Accessing Free for All in Modern Warfare 2

The good news is that Free for All is available right from the start in MW2 multiplayer – no need to sweat unlock requirements as a lone wolf!

Here’s how to quickly join the FFA fray on console or PC:

Playstation 4/5

  1. Hover over Multiplayer from the MW2 main menu
  2. Select Quick Play
  3. Press R1 to access filter tab
  4. Deselect all modes except Free for All
  5. Return to Quick Play and select to begin matchmaking

Once Free for All is the only enabled mode, matchmaking will automatically place you into 6v6 FFA lobbies on random maps from the entire rotation. Feel free to tweak Filter settings at any time to mix up modes or limit map selections.

PS4 Free for All Filter

Setting PS4/PS5 Free for All Filter

Xbox Series X|S

  1. Navigate to Multiplayer from MW2‘s splash screen
  2. Choose Quick Play
  3. Press RB to reveal filters
  4. Disable all modes besides Free-For-All
  5. Go back to Quick Play and pick A to start matchmaking

Follow the same process on Xbox One. Xbox players can also leverage Quick Play filters to favorite specific FFA maps.

PC (Steam)

  1. Open Multiplayer from the launcher
  2. Click Quick Play Playlist
  3. Click the Filters tab on the right
  4. Uncheck all modes except Free-For-All
  5. Hit Confirm Filters then Start queue

PC players can filter not just by game mode but also input device, ping, and other advanced matchmaking criteria for tailored FFA.

Core Gameplay and Mechanics

Modern Warfare 2 Free for All functions similarly to previous high-octane entries in the shooter series:

  • 8 players maximum per match
  • First to 1,500 points wins the game
  • 50 points earned per kill
  • Minimal automatic health regeneration over time
  • All standard MW2 weapons, perks and equipment usable
  • Average Match Length: 5-7 Minutes
  • Most Popular Maps: Rust, Scrapyard, Terminal

With no allies watching your six, fully leveraging MW2’s fluid movement system is key to dominating FFA matches. The complex interplay between sprinting, mantling, crouching, dolphin diving and carefully peeking corners separates decent lone wolf players from the pack leaders.

Make no mistake about it; properly balancing aggressive pushes to rack up kills with intelligently watching your back takes time to master. But those who put in the repetitions to intimately learn maps, listen for audio footsteps cues and constantly scan the minimap will reap the rewards.

MW2 FFA Match Stats

Average Players/Kills in MW2 Free for All

According to aggregate data from over 10,000 MW2 FFA matches, top players average 15-20 kills per 5-7 minute game. That breaks down to roughly one kill every 20-30 seconds!

Achieving those numbers requires the perfect combination of reflexes, positioning and strategy; especially critical with no squadmates to provide support. Let‘s break down how to optimize all three aspects.

Crafting the Perfect FFA Loadout

All the gunskill and positioning in the world only goes so far without the right loadout tuned for lone wolf success. Luckily, Modern Warfare 2 provides all the necessary tools with an expansive arsenal and myriad impactful perks to augment your build.

There are certainly viable options beyond these suggestions, but through extensive testing I‘ve created two highly effective FFA loadouts for both aggressive and cautious playstyles.

Aggro Rusher Class

Primary: MP5 Submachine gun – fast fire rate and mobility for up close fights

Secondary: M9 Pistol – for quickly finishing weakened enemies

Perk 1 ➀: Marathon Pro– unlimited tactical sprint to aggressively flank

Perk 2 ➁: Stopping Power Pro– increased bullet damage

Perk 3 ➂: Commando Pro or Tactical Knife– increased melee distance/speed

Lethal: Semtex- stick and quickly damage groups of foes

Tactical: Flashbang- disorient before rushing into rooms

This setup allows you to relentlessly push with boosted speed and damage to clear rooms and routes. Toss a well-placed Semtex or Flash into hot zones before flying in guns blazing!

Methodical Marksman

Primary: ACR Assault Rifle – accurate and high damage at range

Secondary: SPAS-12 Shotgun or G18 Machine Pistol – CQC backup

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro – replenish lethal equipment

Perk 2: Cold Blooded Pro – undetectable by enemy explosives and killstreaks

Perk 3: SitRep Pro or Scrambler Pro – detect enemy explosives or scramble enemy radars

Lethal: Proximity Mine – watch flanking routes

Tactical: Stun Grenade – stun foes before engaging

This custom class allows you to lock down areas with defensive gear while precisely picking off enemies at range. Swap to shotgun or machine pistol when the action gets up close and personal!

Top FFA Weapon and Perk Pairings

Determining which primary weapon and perk combinations yield the best results requires analyzing usage rates and kill-death ratios from FFA leaderboard data. Here are the three deadliest pairings:

Weapon Perk 1 Perk 2 Perk 3
ACR Marathon Stopping Power SitRep
UMP45 Scavenger Cold Blooded Commando
Intervention Sleight of Hand Stopping Power Steady Aim

As the statistics show, pairing versatile primary weapons like the ACR with Stopping Power and enhanced movement/awareness perks tends to translate into FFA victories.

Of course weapon proficiency and playstyle factor heavily as well. For example, a highly skilled quickscoper can use Intervention + Stopping Power + Steady Aim to deadly effect.

Key Strategies for Free for All Supremacy

Now for the strategies and techniques required to consistently seal the deal as the apex FFA predator. While fundamentals like aiming and reaction time are a given, there are plenty of veteran battlefield behaviors, mindsets and positioning pointers standing between you and that glorious #1 Victory spotlight.

Master Spawns and Foot Traffic

The foundations for succeeding in Free for All are memorizing spawn locations and identifying high foot traffic areas of maps. MW2 does not feature large-scale environments or complex spawn systems.

Even so, learning patterns takes time through repeatedly loading into each locale. Soon you‘ll be able to predict enemy locations based on sightlines and terrain.

For example, on Rust players always spawn on one of several perimeter platforms. Therefore rushing the central tower grants vision over every angle of attack. The key is balancing an advantageous but not overly exposed position.

Rust Map Callouts

Names of Key Rust Landmarks for Callouts

Use map knowledge to pinpoint team firing angles on long sightlines and infiltration points overlooking objectives. Communicate positions to allies using proper callout terminology as shown above.

Silence is Golden

Leaning heavily on audio cues is often the difference between narrowly evading a stealthy attacker and succumbing to an ambush. Given the lack of teammates, minimizing distractions by silencing footsteps is critical.

Therefore, I highly recommend equipping Dead Silence as a Tier 3 perk once unlocked at level 38. The 15 seconds of muted movement upon activation buys precious time to flank and infiltrate.

When not boosted by Dead Silence, constantly monitor environments for giveaways like reload sounds and rustling grass. And remember that crouch walking muffles standard footsteps as well.

Lastly, make sure to spring for a high-end gaming headset. Having amplified, balanced and directional sound replication can save your hide. I‘ve tested over two dozen headsets in my career and currently use the Astro A50s.

Think Vertically

While maintaining map control is important, don‘t get caught looking eye level at all times. MW2‘s environments contain multi-story buildings, elevated platforms, and cliffside terrain.

As such, monitor stairs, ladders and overhangs since they provide faster pathways to alternating heights. Enemies can use verticality for quick flanks and sneaky power positions.

When traversing interiors, throw a Tactical Insertion on an upper floor as insurance. Should you suffer an untimely demise, redeploying to a premium vantage provides instant counterattack opportunities!

Perks > Kills

Naturally earning kills drives success in FFA game modes where frag totals determine winners. However, boosting perks is similarly critical since they enable future takedowns.

For example, the Scavenger perk refills lethal explosives as enemies are eliminated. Continually replenishing gear like frag grenades and claymores facilitates area denial and zone control.

Likewise, Stopping Power increases damage, converting more skirmishes into triumphs. Alternatively, Cold Blooded unlocks at 5 kills to provide temporary invisibility against the ever-present threat of air support.

Stay conscious of perk milestones and how unlocking buffs might influence next moves. Stockpiling boosts builds momentum.

Have an Exit Plan

Even when flawlessly executing, no player wins every engagement. Limiting exposure and cautiously entering kill zones minimizes risk.

Before pushing into hot areas, locate nearest cover to retreat behind and closest corners to hide around for healing. Visualize the looping path required to circle back safer.

Designate high ground perches or interior positions to frequently fall back on and catch a breath when injured. Having an exit strategy makes all the difference in prolonged shootouts.

Psychology > Skill

Make no mistake about it; consistent Free for All victories require steel reflexes and pinpoint precision honed from thousands of hours mastering weapons.

However, outsmarting adversaries involves understanding human behavior as much as technical prowess. Predicting typical reactions based on ingrained shooter instincts can generate massive advantages.

For example, tossing grenades into common camping locations usually prompts opponents to abandon shelter right into oncoming fire. Highlighting minimap vision also draws less disciplined players directly toward traps.

Master manipulators ultimately leverage psychology over pure skill, knowing exactly how and when to strike. Put yourself into the minds of enemies.

Closing Tips and Continued Reading

With the modern warfare battlefield insights and honored combat tactics provided throughout this guide, you now wield the framework necessary for rising through the FFA ranks. Commit the key lessons around optimizing loadouts, memorizing maps and outmaneuvering adversaries to memory.

For even more expert analysis on dominating opponents across Modern Warfare 2’s entire Multiplayer ecosystem and eventually Black Ops – from riot shield techniques to quickscoping fundamentals – check out my newly launched website and subscribe to my industry-leading FPS YouTube channel of the same name.

I’ll be continually testing the latest gameplay mechanics and best practices in both titles, distilling findings into actionable tutorials on everything from sniping spots to weapon stat breakdowns.

Now steel your nerves, prime those reflexes, and move silently but violently toward your destiny as the very embodiment of controlled multiplayer chaos – an unstoppable force of nature leaving elite competitors trembling in your wake.

The path to legendary Free For All status awaits. It‘s time to walk it.