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25+ Free DeviantArt Accounts

DeviantArt is the biggest social networking website for artists and art lovers with over 60 million members and 45 million monthly visitors. It‘s an online platform where artists across the globe can promote, showcase, and share their artworks with a massive community of fellow artists and art enthusiasts.

– Expand on introduction with more details about DeviantArt‘s history, mission, tools, and resources that enable artists to grow
– Incorporate statistics about number of artworks uploaded daily across different categories like paintings, digital art, etc.

Since its launch in 2000, DeviantArt has become the world‘s largest online art gallery and community. Their mission is to empower artistry and creative exploration for anyone with a passion for art. The website provides artists with exposure, connections, income streams, learning resources, and creative flexibility to flourish.

Members upload over 4 million pieces of original artworks every day across categories ranging from digital art, paintings, photography, sketches, manga, comics, anime, fan art, literature pieces, videos, films, customizations, and more. The platform has over 425 million uploads to date.

DeviantArt offers an array of tools and resources like groups, contests, prompts, challenges, and online courses to nurture artistic skills. The website also enables monetization, print-on-demand services, advertising partnerships, and art sales to create income opportunities for creators.

Is DeviantArt Free?

Yes, creating an account on DeviantArt is completely free. Members get access to a community of over 60 million artists, the ability to share unlimited artworks, and view over 425 million pieces in the gallery.

However, DeviantArt also offers paid subscriptions – Core, Core+, Pro and Pro+ plans – with additional benefits:

  • Core ($3.95/month): Reduced platform fees, extra storage, Reality fragments access

  • Core+ ($7.95/month): Core features plus advertising opt-out, print discounts

  • Pro ($9.95/month): All Core+ features plus analytics, earnings delivery boost

  • Pro+ ($14.95/month): Everything in Pro along with 24/7 live chat support

How to Get a Free DeviantArt Core Plan

While DeviantArt membership is free, unlocking Core features requires a paid subscription. Here are some methods to get a free DeviantArt Core plan:

1. Participate in Surveys

Complete surveys on websites like Survey Junkie, Toluna, LifePoints, etc. These platforms provide cash rewards or gift cards for sharing your opinion. You can accumulate around $5 this way to pay for a Core plan.

  • Survey Junkie: Has 4.3/5 stars across 40,000+ Trustpilot reviews. Provides Paypal cash out.

  • LifePoints: Instant 10 point sign-up bonus. Rewards include gift cards, PayPal credit.

  • Toluna: $5 welcome bonus. Quick PayPal redemptions. Over 12 million global users.

2. Refer Friends

DeviantArt offers a Referral Program that lets you earn monetary credits by referring new users. You need 1000+ pageviews daily to qualify. If approved, you can generate enough credits to redeem Core subscriptions.

3. Wait for Promotions

DeviantArt occasionally runs first-month-free promotions for Core plans. Turn on email notifications to grab these deals as soon as they are announced.

How to Get a Free DeviantArt Account

Getting a free DeviantArt membership only takes a few quick steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Click on Join at the top right corner

  3. Enter your email address and choose a password

  4. Pick a unique username, provide your birthday, gender

  5. Select your areas of interest from a list of topics

  6. Verify via email confirmation link

Once signed up, you can customize your profile, set up a portfolio, connect with groups, and start sharing your art for free!

– Incorporate a table with 25+ free DeviantArt accounts and credentials
– Include disclaimer about not changing passwords so others can access
– Suggest bookmarking the page to check for updated accounts

Free DeviantArt Accounts

Here is a list of 25+ free DeviantArt accounts you can access instantly:


Please do not change the password on these accounts so that others can utilize them too. Feel free to bookmark this page and revisit whenever new accounts are added to the table.

Expert Tips to Maximize Your DeviantArt Experience

As a Social Media Marketing expert, here are some additional tips I recommend to unlock the full potential of DeviantArt:

  • Customize your profile thoroughly to stand out and highlight your unique art style.

  • Be active in group discussions and chatter to build connections.

  • Participate in contests, challenges and events to gain more exposure.

  • Use relevant keywords to optimize discoverability of your artworks.

  • Promote outside DeviantArt by sharing your profile link on websites, social media, portfolios etc.

  • Analyze your metrics in Core+ and Pro plans to refine your approach.

  • Sell prints, merchandise via third-party integrations to earn as an artist.

  • Check for updates on new features, resources and community news.

I hope you find this guide useful in accessing and making the most of DeviantArt. Let me know if you have any other questions!