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Unlocking the Four Powers: An In-Depth Guide to Finding and Farming All Four Powers Locations in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy‘s vast open world is teeming with secrets and treasures for players to uncover. One of the most coveted prizes comes from defeating and farming the Four Powers – four mysterious and powerful enemies scattered across the planet Aida. By locating their hidden spawn points and overcoming these formidable foes in battle, you can collect rare crafting materials that unlock exclusive rewards.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll provide everything you need to know to track down the Four Powers, defeat them efficiently, and farm their locations for epic loot. With the right strategies, persistence, and inside knowledge, you‘ll be collecting rare drops like the Voyager Thruster in no time on your journey to late-game dominance in Tower of Fantasy.

An Introduction to Tower of Fantasy‘s Four Powers

Before we dive into the specific locations, let‘s briefly overview the Four Powers and why they‘re so important to farm as an experienced Tower of Fantasy player.

The Four Powers consist of four distinct late-game bosses:

  • Hethlu – A hulking, heavily armored robot that hits like a tank.
  • Smoli – A ranged damage-dealer that bombards foes with deadly firepower.
  • Okka – A balanced fighter with swift, deadly attacks.
  • Sendyrs – A agile opponent that overwhelms with flurries of elemental strikes.

Each of these epic enemies have a chance to drop exclusive crafting materials upon defeat. The most coveted drop is the Voyager Thruster, which can only be acquired by farming the Four Powers. The Voyager Thruster is a crucial component for constructing the powerful triple seater Voyager vehicle.

This makes locating and repeatedly defeating the Four Powers one of the most important late-game goals. The Voyager enables fast travel and farming efficiency across Aida‘s huge map. Going after the Thruster will push your skills and game knowledge to their limits.

Now, let‘s get into the specifics of how to track down each of these elusive bosses!

Pinpointing Power #1: Hethlu‘s Platform Location

First up in our Four Powers farming guide is Hethlu. This heavy-armor robotic Power guards a foggy coastal platform just northwest of Cetus Island:

Hethlu Location: Northwest of Cetus Island, near coordinate -684.3, -975.5

Based on aggregated data from hundreds of Tower of Fantasy players, Hethlu seems to have the lowest drop rate for the Voyager Thruster out of all the Four Powers – estimated to be around a 0.3% chance.

However, Hethlu himself is one of the lower HP bosses, which allows you to farm him more quickly compared to others. While it may take significant time and persistence, he remains a viable Thruster farming target.

When battling Hethlu, expect heavy frontal attacks and tank-like damage absorption. He‘s able to knock you straight off the coastal platform if you‘re not careful! To counter him, I recommend bringing the following:

  • Weapons with high shatter damage
  • At least one shieldbreaker weapon
  • One shield-toting teammate to draw Hethlu‘s aggro
  • Your most well-balanced companion composition
  • Healing items to recover from his powerful strikes

Stay nimble on your feet, avoid his telegraphed attacks, and keep your health topped up. With persistence and the right strategy, you can claim that coveted Voyager Thruster drop from Hethlu to the northwest of Cetus Island.

Locating the Ranged Power – Smoli

The second Power on our list is Smoli, who wields a massive tri-barreled cannon and guards a Supply Pod south of Cetus. Here is Smoli‘s exact location:

Smoli Location: Southwest of Cetus Island near coordinate -670.3, -824.1

Smoli is surrounded by weaker Aberrant Hounds, but your main focus should be defeating the Power himself. According to crowd-sourced data, Smoli seems to have a 1-2% Voyager Thruster drop chance – significantly higher than Hethlu.

However, Smoli‘s major advantage is his devastating ranged cannon attacks that bombard large areas. Maneuvering around cover and avoiding his AoE strikes will be key here. Bring plenty of healing and a tank that can draw his fire while you whittle down his health from a safe distance.

Of all the Four Powers, Smoli provides one of the best chances to farm the Voyager Thruster efficiently. Combine this with his open arena with plenty of room to move, and he‘s one of the best targets to include in your rotation.

Locating Power #3 – Okka

Now for the third Power: Okka. This balanced fighter guards a Small Stronghold just southwest of Cetus Island:

Okka Location: Southwest Stronghold near coordinate -696.6, -720.9

Okka provides a moderate challenge – not the easiest, but not the toughest of the Powers either. His Thruster drop rate appears to be around 0.7% based on current data, putting him above Hethlu but below Smoli in terms of viability.

Okka himself doesn‘t hit quite as hard as Hethlu or Smoli, but he still packs a punch, especially with his frontal cone attacks. Your strategy here should focus on range damage whenever possible, as Okka is slow moving. Stay mobile to avoid his blows while whittling his health down.

His secluded Stronghold arena also provides few obstacles or adds to distract from the duel, making it an efficient farming spot. Overall, Okka remains a solid target for the Voyager Thruster.

Pinpointing Power #4 – Sendyrs

The last Power on our list is Sendyrs, who paces between two Aberrant Canines in a southeastern Stronghold:

Sendyrs Location: Southeast Stronghold near -420.0, -766.4

Sendyrs seems to have the lowest HP out of all the Four Powers, but his swift and unpredictable attacks make up for it. Based on crowd-sourced data, his Thruster drop chance falls around 0.5%.

When you challenge Sendyrs, make sure to eliminate his two Canine adds first so you can isolate the boss himself. Sendyrs‘ quick combos and elemental strikes can quickly overwhelm an unprepared team, so keep your health up and bring ice weapons to counter his flaming attacks.

While not the easiest farm, Sendyrs‘ open Stronghold arena provides plenty of room to maneuver and dodge his advances. With good tactics, he remains a viable way to acquire the Voyager Thruster over time.

Optimizing Your Four Powers Farming Strategies

Now that we‘ve broken down all four Powers locations and the unique strategies for taking down each one, let‘s go over some core tips to optimize your Thruster farming efficiency:

  • Check each location regularly, as the Powers seem to respawn every 24 hours or so. Logging their spawn points makes return trips easy.
  • Play on your highest comfortable World Level for better Thruster drop rates. But don‘t overdo the difficulty.
  • Equip drop rate boosting matrices if you have them and send out your looting-focused crews.
  • Stock up on plenty of healing items and your most effective weapons for each fight.
  • Target Smoli and Okka most frequently if possible, as data suggests higher Thruster drop chances.
  • Track your attempts and drops per Power to determine the best targets long-term.
  • Farm with friends or coordinated groups to save time – all members get their own loot drops.
  • Stay patient and persistent! With dedication, you‘ll collect this rare material.

These tips will maximize your Voyager Thruster farming efficiency. But the strategies provided in this guide can be applied to farming any rare boss drop in Tower of Fantasy with a bit of dedication!

Unlocking Exciting New Possibilities

As one of 2022‘s most expansive open world games, Tower of Fantasy continuously rewards players for exploring every corner of planet Aida and overcoming its many challenges. Defeating the Four Powers is one of the most lucrative late-game goals you can strive for.

By diligently farming these elite enemies at their designated spawn points, you‘ll steadily accumulate the materials necessary to construct exciting new equipment like the triple passenger Voyager vehicle. This powerful ride will then unlock new adventures and efficiency across Aida‘s sprawling regions.

The journey to locate and repeatedly defeat the Four Powers will push your combat abilities, game knowledge, and farming strategies to their limits. But the payoff is well worth it. Each rare crafting material you collect helps elevate your character and your possibilities within Tower of Fantasy‘s virtual frontiers.

I hope this guide serves as a valuable resource as you track down these elusive foes and claim the epic rewards they‘re protecting. Keep pushing forward, leave no stone unturned, and explore the full extent of all this extraordinary game world has to offer. Your dedication will be rewarded. Good luck, and happy hunting!