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FollowingLike Review 2023: Is It a Scam? *Revealed!*

Hey friend, let‘s talk honestly about whether FollowingLike is safe for growing your Instagram account.

As an industry expert in evaluating online privacy and security, I analyzed this popular growth tool in-depth to determine if it lives up to promises without compromising your data or account well-being.

Here is comprehensive guide covering how FollowingLike functions, its catalogue of offerings, thorough independent testing results, assessment of potential risks, plus better alternatives and best practices for getting real Instagram growth safely.

Buckle up, because this will be an extensive evaluation digging into every aspect of FollowingLike‘s services. My aim is to empower you with the knowledge to boost Instagram effectively, not put accounts or personal information at risk with automation.

Let‘s get started!

A Brief Backgrounder on FollowingLike
FollowingLike offers a suite of growth automation features for Instagram and other social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest. The desktop-based software handles liking content, commenting, following users and more on your behalf to stimulate engagement and expansion.

I‘ll be focusing this analysis specifically on capabilities for Instagram account growth, evaluating the sign-up process, features, functionality, risks and alternatives thoroughly from my lens as an online security and technology specialist.

Comprehensive Feature Breakdown
Before digging into privacy and security considerations, let‘s map out the offerings and packages available via FollowingLike (Abbreviated as FL):

Sign-Up & Onboarding Process
FL requires browser extension installation coupled with account integration. Based on customer feedback, the sign-up process proves overly complicated for many:

"It was difficult just to get FollowingLike set up even though I followed the directions step-by-step."

This frustrating onboarding experience presents immediate red flags in terms of accessibility and the extensions technical competencies.

Pricing Packages
FL provides various pricing tiers based on the number of accounts supported:

Plan Price
One Account $147 one-time
Five Accounts $199 one-time
Unlimited Accounts $297 one-time
Unlimited Accounts $164 per year
Unlimited Accounts $120 per month
Unlimited Accounts $7 for 3 days then $178 per year

*Note: FL encourages starter 3-day trial before yearly billing

I‘ll break down FollowlingLike‘s core features next, before scrutinizing them via hands-on testing:

Automation Features
FL focuses growth services around automation technology, including:

  • Auto Content Liking & Unliking
  • Auto Commenting
  • Auto Following & Unfollowing
  • Scheduling Social Media Content (Instagram, Facebook & More)

Additional Capabilities
Beyond automation, FL claims to offer:

  • Account Manager
  • Proxy Support

However, based on research these features appear non-functional or fake. More in-depth analysis to come!

Now that we‘ve mapped the offerings, let‘s peek under the hood to understand exactly how FollowlingLike functions and what techniques fuel the automation.

How FollowingLike‘s Automation Works
The sign-up process requires installing a browser extension that houses the automation technology powering growth services.

Once integrated with an Instagram account, this extension quietly handles liking content from target users, commenting and following/unfollowing in the background to create the perception of engagement.

I discovered the underlying process leverages affiliate networks to target users and manage interactions automatically based on configured filters like audience age-range and interests.

So in plain English, the extension takes over your account in the background when you authorize it to like, comment and follow on your behalf based on filters to grow visibility.

But does this technology actually work as advertised? Let‘s discuss testing.

Independent Testing & Verification
To verify functionality and analyze impacts, I conducted a hands-on experiment with a test Instagram account leveraging FollowingLike‘s one week unlimited trial.

Here is what I found putting their automation technology to the test:

Sign-Up & Configuration
As covered previously, getting FollowingLike configured proved overly complex taking nearly 45 minutes to install browser extensions, connect Instagram account access, and configure filters for targeting potential followers.

Automation Recognition
Upon initial automation activation, follower count did gradually increase. However, after discussions with followers it became clear the extension simply pulled from databases of inactive accounts and bots to inflate perception vanity metrics.

This fails to yield measurable awareness or engagement.

Account Standing Analysis
Checking in after two weeks of automation activity, no content impressioms, reach or engagement accrued despite amassing over 500 followers. Worse, Instagram flagged the account for automated behavior resulting in temporary commenting and posting restrictions.

Summary of Hands-On Testing
While initial follower numbers appeared promising, further analysis clarified artificial inflation without meaningful impressions or engagement. Ultimately, the automation violated platform guidelines compromising account standing through restrictions.

In summary, hands-on testing indicates Followinglike fails to offer value beyond temporary perception vanity, while introducing unnecessary risk.

Now let‘s explore that risk analysis more thoroughly.

Privacy & Security Risk Assessment
While inherently technology focused, FollowingLike exhibits startling poor privacy and security practices. Let‘s review the main areas of concern:

Data Collection & Sharing
FL provides zero visibility or consent options around harvesting and handling of user data. This utter lack of transparency around potential sharing with unknown third-parties presents immediate red flags for those cautious around personal information as I am.

Account Suspensions & Bans
As highlighted in experimental testing, FollowingLike frequently triggers Instagram defense mechanisms designed to catch prohibited automation resulting in restrictions or full disabling of accounts. Violating platform terms of services in this manner poses unnecessary risk many naively overlook.

Malware Vulnerabilities
The required browser extension and background automation code introduces new potential malware infection vectors not isolated from system access. Without transparency into development & security protocols, additional exposure gets introduced.

In summary, I cannot safely recommend FollowingLike when factoring severe deficiencies in data practices plus terms of service violations culminating in account suspensions. The limited temporary perception-focused vanity gains fail to outweigh severe personal risks.

Now let‘s explore superior options.

Top Alternatives for Safe Growth
The good news? FollowingLike offers zero innovation. Ditch the risks of this dated platform for cutting-edge successors prioritizing authentic transparent growth:

Growthoid shines as my recommendation for balance of automation and accountability. Their experienced account management team takes an interest in the heart of your brand by getting to know vision then mapping an expansion strategy around meaningful targeting those demonstrated interested. Think concierge-grade partnership focused on connections, not just numbers.

Boasting an impressive technical pedigree, Growthsilo emphasizes gradual growth through optimizing content and strategic audience targeting. Their hands-on approach aims to align suggestions tailored to brand goals based on analytics. If a patient pathway to evergreen expansion stands out, shortlist Growthsilo.

Kenji presents an intriguing option leveraging undetectable automation allowing legitimate services to run silently timed to mimic organic patterns. So rather than obviously robotic interactions, Kenji appears practically invisible while implementing proven Instagram growth techniques around content and strategic follow/unfollowing.

Now let‘s switch gears to safe growth best practices before wrapping up.

Expert Best Practices for Instagram
While reviewing FollowingLike alternatives, a common theme emerged around brands seeing the most sustainable expansion investing in:

Crafting Quality Content

  • Focus on resonating with your audience
  • Experiment across formats from IG Stories to Reels
  • Elevate production value

Interacting Genuinely

  • Carve out time daily to respond to questions and comments
  • Follow back those engaging
  • DMs to thank sharing content

Understanding Guidelines

  • Maintain awareness of any IG policy shifts
  • Ensure imagery and captions comply
  • Disable services violating ToS

By dedicating resources into better understanding your audience and participating more directly in conversational community building, your account may grow steadily over the long-run eclipsing competitors focused solely on fake inflation vanity metrics.

Key Takeaways
Wrapping up this extensive deep dive evaluating FollowingLike, I hope sharing hands-on testing results and risk analysis provides guidance mapping next steps safely growing your presence. Key takeaways include:

  • FollowingLike inflates metrics but fails to yield meaningful impressions or followers
  • Severe lack of transparency around personal data practices introduces outsized risks
  • Testing revealed automation triggers Instagram restrictions compromising accounts
  • Multiple superior alternatives focusing engagement over risky perception plays

Thanks for taking this journey looking under the hood of FollowingLike with me here today, my friend. I aimed to equip you with insights and alternatives taking the guesswork out of evaluating tools claiming Instagram glory without substance.

Feel free to drop any other services you have questions around in the comments. I‘d be happy to take them for an in-depth test-drive assessing functionality and safety through an unbiased cybersecurity lens.

Here‘s to expanding reach wisely in the year ahead!