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How to Open the First Rune Chest in God of War Ragnarok

As Kratos and Atreus journey across the Nine Realms in search of answers, they will come across mystical rune chests that offer rewards when unlocked. In this guide, you‘ll learn how to find and open the first of these legendary chests in God of War Ragnarok.

Overview of Rune Chests

The specially marked rune chests located throughout the realms are known as Nornir chests. They are sealed by magical runes that must be removed to gain access to the upgrades within.

Legend tells that the chests are bound by ancient magic from the three Nornir sisters, the Shapers of Destiny – Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld. Each nornsir chest has three corresponding seals that must be broken by obliterating the engraved ruins. Once all three have been destroyed, dispelling the sorcery, the chest unlocks.

Inside these legendary chests are powerful Horn of Blood Mead or Hornsbreath artifacts that can permanently upgrade Kratos and Atreus‘s offensive capabilities and survival skills. +5 to strength and runic here, +7 to defense and vitality there…over the course of their journey these small boosts add up exponentally. Seeking out and unlocking all of the hidden Nornir chests across the treacherous but dazzling landscapes of Midgard and the legendary Nine Realms beyond is an important quest for the father and son duo.

After all, ever more fearsome beasts and gods block the path to Fimbulwinter and their ultimate fated confrontation with mighty Odin himself. Upgrading their weapons, armor and skills could mean life or death for Kratos, Atreus and the vulnerable, kindhearted inhabitants of the realms that will suffer if they fail.

Location of the First Nornir Chest

Early in their journey, the first Nornir chest can be found tucked amidst the stunning vistas of the Goddess Falls region of Midgard‘s Lake of Nine.

Shortly after Atreus returns with the Leviathan Axe, triumphantly handed down from his mother‘s spirit, you’ll come upon the chest nestled against a rock face with a small waterfall cascading nearby – serene save for an ominous raven watching from above, a spy for Odin.

However, opening this chest requires unraveling where each of the three mythic seals has been hidden across rock and through water…

How to Break the Seals

  1. Seal #1 Location: Turn around from facing the chest and look up the sheer rockface to spot the first glowing ruin engraved amid gray stone and green moss. Use your Leviathan Axe‘s frosty bite to destroy the rune and dispel a third of the Nornir magic.

  2. Seal #2 Location: Cleverly concealed, the second runic seal lurks out of sight to your right. Cross over the gentle stream and ascend the hill to spot an isolated boulder. Blast the second ancient rune with your axe to demolish it. Only one seal remains!

  3. Seal #3 Location: Finding the last sneaky seal requires observation and environmental problem-solving. Look downstream for the geyser venting bursts of hot steam into the air. Freeze its spurting flow with your icy axe. The water level recedes, unveiling a hidden platform by the opposite bank across stepping stones.

Quickly dash over the freshly revealed walkway before the ice melts to water once more. Pull yourself atop the short climb and roll forward. Squint during your brief window of elevated opportunity to spot the last runic engraving. Destroy the final seal! With an earsplitting crack, the Nornir magic crumbles.

Opening the Chest

The imprisoned chest breaks open with an ancient groan. Mythic bonds now broken, approach and gain your reward. Press Circle/B to open the freed chest. Inside lies a Powerful Horn of Blood Mead, infused by the Nornir themselves.

As you raise this artifact before you, channeling crackling magic, a soul-stirring sound rings out across the chasm. Take a moment to pause and listen – this once beautiful stretch of Midgard has become infected by a creeping, insidious evil that must be cured…

Equip the Horn of Blood Mead on the Equipment tab in the pause menu. This artifact will buff Kratos‘s Rage meter, Luck rating, Strength by 3 points and Runic by 2 points – very useful bonuses this early that will echo through all of the adventures ahead!

Now eyes clear amidst the roaring Goddess Falls, make sure both Kratos‘s Leviathan Axe and Atreus‘s Talon Bow have artifacts equipped to grow stronger for the battles and adventures ahead. A powerful journey lays before you still…

Keep sharp across all terrain – landmarks thought benign may hide lucrative secrets! Search for the telltale glow of runes across all Nine Realms. Destroy the seals to claim chests and further upgrade your arsenal against destined foes. Chest by chest, seal by seal, Kratos and Atreus can shift the tide of Fate itself to save the realms from merciless destruction.

Further Reading

  • How to Open the Dragon Beach Nornir Chest
  • How to Break through the Sylvan Saddle Cracked Floor
  • Legendary Chests of the Nine Realms Locations