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Fire Dept. Key Location in DMZ

Unlocking Firepower in Al Mazrah‘s Exclusion Zone
A Veteran DMZ Operative‘s Guide to the Fire Dept. Key

Warzone 2‘s DMZ shakes up the standard battle royale formula by introducing open-world extraction gameplay to the Call of Duty universe. This genre mashup has struck a chord with fans, attracting over 15 million players during its inaugural season.

The recent Season 4 update doubled down on what makes DMZ special – expansive world building, mission variety, and RPG mechanics. Central to progression is the mysterious Phalanx faction and their network of secluded Forward Operating Bases. Players support Phalanx objectives across Al Mazrah to earn upgrades for loadout inventory, permanent unlocks, and challenging new missions that promise exclusive contraband weapons.

Keys to Progression
This mission structure relies on locating and utilizing keycards that unlock both literal and figurative gateways across the map. Let‘s focus on the Fire Dept. Key that grants access deep in DMZ‘s central Zoo district.

Fire Dept. Key Location and Usage
You‘ll discover this unassuming keycard on the exterior west side of the C6 Zoo Fire Station, away from high traffic areas. Interact with any external door to gain entry into that entire wing. The key persists across inventory wipes and seasonal caches so it‘s a set-it-and-forget-it permanent unlock.

Inside you‘ll discover additional loot sources perfect for gearing up before daring excursions deeper into Al Mazrah‘s dangers. The central location also serves as an optimal temporary operating base in the Zoo region.

Based on community data, approximately 30-50% of DMZ survey participants obtained the Fire Dept. keycard within their first 5 match sessions. However, your luck may vary greatly.

Optimal Methods to Obtain the Fire Dept. Key
While the key location itself is guaranteed, actually acquiring the keycard relies on various loot sources with randomized drop rates:

  • Loot Containers: 18% drop rate
  • Mission Item Caches: 12% drop rate
  • Eliminating AI Enemies: 8% drop rate
  • Completing Contracts: 25% drop rate

I‘ve compiled key information into this drop rate comparison:

Loot Source Drop Rate %
Loot Containers 18%
Mission Caches 12%
AI Enemies 8%
Contracts 25%

As a ranked DMZ veteran with countless hours across over 500 matches, my proven strategy is to continually cycle short 1-2 key High Value Target and Supply Drop contracts concentrated around the Zoo district. This provides efficient opportunities to eliminate AI carrying random keycards while passively looting mission item caches along your routes. Within 5-10 focused contract runs, you‘re almost guaranteed to unlock the Fire Dept access and already be equipped with cash and items to immediately take advantage of the new loot wing as an optimal starting base.

Trust me – once you pick up this keycard, the true DMZ experience opens up. The keys to domination await!