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Mastering Finn Combos in MultiVersus

Finn the Human from Adventure Time established himself early on as one of the most combo-heavy characters in MultiVersus. With an diverse toolkit allowing for extended juggle combos, Finn rewards players for creativity and labbing out new sequences.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll break down everything you need to know to master Finn‘s combo game.

An In-Depth Look at Finn

For those unfamiliar, Finn is the constantly optimistic protagonist of the popular Cartoon Network series Adventure Time. Armed with an arsenal of swords, crossbows, and gadgets – Finn relies on finesse, aggression, and problem-solving to take down threats across the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo.

In MultiVersus, Finn fits squarely into the Assassin class archetype:

  • High damage output
  • Low defense/HP
  • Excellent ground mobility
  • Versatile aerial attacks

This leads Finn to favor a rushdown playstyle – using speed and pressure to open up combo opportunities then converting them into big damage.

Maximizing combos is the key to succeeding with Finn at high-level play. With strict execution and creative labbing, Finn players can exploit his strengths while navigating around weaknesses.

Key Combo Terminology

Before diving into Finn combos, let‘s review some core fighting game terminology:

  • Starter – The first attack in a combo used to launch opponents.
  • Extender – An attack used mid-combo to continue an aerial juggle.
  • Finisher – A final attack used to end a combo, usually sending opponents off-stage.
  • String – A series of attacks with no gaps that can‘t be dodged between hits.
  • Cancel – Interrupting one attack‘s animation by inputting another.

Having these concepts down makes breaking down and learning combos much easier!

Finn‘s Vital Combo Starters

Finn has several great options to start combos and launch opponents into a juggle state. Here are his most vital openers:

Up Ground Attack

Finn‘s most essential combo starter. The final slash burst sends opponents vertically with perfect juggle trajectory. Become consistent at landing this attack both raw and out of movement strings.

Input: Up + Attack   
Startup: 10 frames
Total: 28 frames

Down Air Attack

A quick downward spike that meteor smashes airborne opponents then pops them back up for follow-up attacks. Use to start combos when above foes.

Input: Down + Attack (air)
Startup: 12 frames  

Side Ground Attack

Finn‘s sweeping 4-hit sword combo travels horizontally, passing through opponents. Launches Finn and foe sideways at the end.

Input: Side + Attack 
Startup: 6 frames
Total: 31 frames 

Practice sinking these vital starters into your muscle memory through repetition in training mode.

Keeping Combos Going with Extenders

Any decent combo can be elevated to greatness with well-chosen extender attacks to tack on extra damage. Useful juggle extenders for Finn include:

Up Ground Attack

Finn‘s best overall extender for continuing air combos thanks to vertical knockback and combo-friendly 28 frame duration. Dash or wavebounce earlier attacks into Up Ground to extend.

Up Special (Backpack Attack)

Upwards rising spin combo that can juggle out of Up Ground to prolong air combos at mid-to-high damage ranges.

Input: Up + Special
Startup: 15 frames
Total: Varies 

Neutral Air

Short hop this quick sideways slash attack to maintain combo momentum and stage position at low-mid percentages when Up Attacks risk overextending.

Discover Finn‘s extender attacks that best support your playstyle through hands-on experimentation. Now let‘s examine how you can put these pieces together…

Crafting Optimal Finn Combos

With combo starters, extenders, and finishers covered – let‘s look at practical examples you can employ in battles:

Low Percent Combo Routes

Down Air -> Up Ground -> Neutral Air

  • A basic jumper conversion off a falling Down Air spike.
  • Keeps opponent closeby instead of sending too far.

Side Ground Attack -> Jump > Fastfall Up Air

  • Carries momentum from Side Ground launcher.
    -gent Fastfall Up Air adds a quick attack before landing to continue string pressure.

Mid-High Percent Combos

Down Air -> Up Ground -> Up Special x2

  • Starts an aerial juggle off Down Air.
  • Up Special rises and strikes rapidly to extend combo.
  • Can link 2-3 depending on damage.

Up Ground -> Full Hop Up Air -> Falling Up Air -> Up Special

  • Maintains juggle off initial Up Ground.
  • Full Hop and Falling Up Air provide air stall allowing final Up Special to connect.

The key is learning how to connect Finn‘s attacks to fit positions and percentages then executing them reliably in matches. Lab out your own sequences!

Additional Finn Combo Tactics and Theory

While starter into extender into finisher combinations can take you far, those looking to maximize Finn should add advanced combos tactics into their gameplay:

Wavebouncing – Reverse aerial momentum mid-move by quickly flicking the movement stick left/right. Enables surprise attack angles to link new combos.

Platform Extensions – Continue air combos by falling onto platforms mid-juggle for more attacks before finishing.

Dodge Cancelling – Buffer a dodge input to cancel attack recovery animations then quickly input another attack.

COIN Optimization – Collect gold between stocks to overcharge Up Special. Turn gold drops into extra combo finisher damage!

Dedicated labbing to polish these advanced tactics can push Finn‘s combo-friendly toolkit even further. I‘m still finding new routes after over 500 matches as Finn!

Balancing Aggression and Defense as Finn

A common mistake I see from developing Finn players is focusing too heavily on nonstop attacking. What sets expert Finn‘s apart is balancing relentless aggression with intelligent defense.

Bait out unsafe whiff punishes using Finn‘s ground mobility to weave in and out of range. Look to block and evade high-threat attacks using tricky platform movement. Don‘t be afraid to use Down Special COIN bag as an escape tool to create space and reassess the neutral game.

Going all-in on combos will make you predictable. Mix up timing on starters, throw in empty hops, occasionally grab release combos early to condition opponents‘ DI habits. An unpredictable Finn with solid fundamentals becomes an unstoppable force!

How I Handle Finn‘s Bad Matchups

While amazing in advantage states, Finn struggles when opponents zone him out or win neutral exchanges. Use platform dashes to cautiously navigate around foes with disjointed hitboxes like Superman. Identify and close distance against projectile users like Velma and Steven, blocking when necessary.

Once in range, immediately put opponents in disadvantage with safe aerials and tilts. Don‘t get overeager chasing off-stage – Finn‘s vertical combo game shines most near platforms. Play the ground positioning game until scoring clean hit confirms to start combo sequences.

Learning these subtle matchup nuances expanded my Finn gameplay exponentially after plateauing. Even disadvantages can become advantages if you creatively adapt!

Conclusion – Quest to Master Finn‘s Combos

Hopefully this guide provides a comprehensive breakdown on unlocking Finn‘s immense combo potential in MultiVersus. Use the information here as a baseline – test ideas in training, refine new routes in matches. Upload your wildest combos and become part of the quest to keep pushing Finn‘s meta forward!

What tips do top Finn mains have for rising combo enthusiasts? Share your thoughts below!