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How to Solve Fingerprints Someone Gets Arrested in Storyteller

Storyteller is a unique visual storytelling game that lets players craft their own narratives through an interactive comic panel style interface. With its charming animations, diverse cast of characters, and array of narrative themes, Storyteller encourages experimentation and creativity. One of the game‘s most intriguing preset narratives is "Someone Gets Arrested" – a murder mystery that challenges players to find the true culprit. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through solutions for both the murderer and innocent versions of this narrative, analyzing the storytelling techniques involved.

An Introduction to Storyteller

Created by developer Zachtronics, Storyteller is a clever game that puts players in the author‘s seat. The game provides a cast of heroes and villains, along with various settings and props. Players must arrange these elements into a 6-panel comic strip to tell a coherent story.

Storyteller game comic panel interface

With options like "Alien Invasion", "Heist Gone Wrong" and more, Storyteller fosters boundless creativity. The comic-book visuals and charming animations make experimenting with new narratives intuitive and engaging.

But Storyteller also includes preset narratives that operate like logic puzzles. These range from quirky stories about utopian societies to tense murder mysteries. Players must deduce solutions using clues, character motivations, settings, and props.

The "Someone Gets Arrested" narrative exemplifies Storyteller‘s blend of creativity and critical thinking. Let‘s break down how to find the optimal solution.

Overview of the "Someone Gets Arrested" Murder Mystery

In "Someone Gets Arrested", a murder has taken place in a mansion. As the storyteller, your goal is to determine who the true murderer is by arranging the panels correctly.

The cast of characters includes:

  • Butler: The faithful servant with access throughout the mansion.
  • Duchess: The lavish aristocrat who owns the mansion.
  • Duke: The wealthy husband of the Duchess.
  • Detective: The ingenious investigator piecing together the crime.

The props and scenes available include:

  • Ballroom: The site of the fateful masquerade gala.
  • Gun: The murder weapon, still warm from being recently fired.

Using these elements, you must recreate the murder mystery – ultimately revealing whether the Butler, Duke, or Duchess is guilty.

Below we‘ll break down step-by-step solutions for both the murderer and innocent versions of the story.

Walkthrough: Butler is the Murderer

If the Butler did it, the story unfolds like this:

Butler murderer solution panel 1

  1. The story begins at the gala with the Gun pointing towards the Duke.

Butler murderer solution panel 2

  1. In a diabolical turn, the Butler seizes the Gun and shoots the Duke!

Butler murderer solution panel 3

  1. The scene shifts to the Ballroom where the Duchess discovers her husband‘s body alongside the Butler.

Butler murderer solution panel 4

  1. The Butler still holds the Gun – revealing him as the true murderer.

Butler murderer solution panel 5

  1. The diligent Detective arrives to investigate the Gun and begins piecing together what transpired.

Butler murderer solution panel 6

  1. Finally, in the Ballroom, the Detective accuses the Butler of this heinous crime. Mystery solved!

By deducing the Butler‘s motive, tracking his possession of the gun, and revealing his lies, we uncover the full narrative of how and why he committed this shocking murder.

Walkthrough: Duke is the Murderer

If the Duke is guilty, the story progresses like this:

Duke murderer solution panel 1

  1. The Butler first appears holding the Gun, though his intentions are unclear.

Duke murderer solution panel 2

  1. In the Ballroom, the Butler stands beside the Duchess while an unseen assailant approaches.

Duke murderer solution panel 3

  1. The Butler still holds the Gun – but he is innocent!

Duke murderer solution panel 4

  1. A shocking twist – the Duke himself seizes the Gun and shoots the Duchess.

Duke murderer solution panel 5

  1. The perceptive Detective arrives to study the Gun and uncover the truth.

Duke murderer solution panel 6

  1. His investigation leads to the Ballroom where he accuses the scheming Duke of this vile betrayal. Case closed!

Here, analyzing the Gun‘s path reveals the Duke‘s deception. His previously hidden attack on his wife casts suspicion on the innocent Butler. Only the Detective‘s keen eye exposes the Duke‘s nefarious plot.

Key Storytelling Techniques in "Someone Gets Arrested"

While deducing the solutions relies on logic, creating an engaging murder mystery in Storyteller also requires masterful storytelling techniques. Here are some key skills this narrative teaches:

1. Build suspense and intrigue.

The branching paths let players slowly unravel the mystery for maximum drama. Hiding key details (e.g. the moment of the murder) builds suspense.

2. Motivate actions through relationships and personality.

The Butler‘s quiet jealousy or the Duke‘s violent greed can hint at motives. Though unseen, these details color the story.

3. Reward close attention to small clues.

Noticing alibis and the gun‘s ownership are pivotal. Even tiny details like expressions or lighting help tell the tale.

4. Structure the narrative for surprise reveals and plot twists.

Misdirection is key. The Butler initially seems guilty to hide the Duke‘s deception for an impactful reveal.

5. Use visual cues like props and scenery to provide information.

For example, the ballroom location informs events while the gun proves pivotal evidence.

Truly immersive Storyteller narratives require creativity and cunning to both craft an intriguing mystery and provide players satisfying solutions through thoughtful detectiving.

tips for Crafting Murder Mysteries in Storyteller

The principles above offer broad advice for telling great stories with Storyteller‘s tools. Here are some specialized tips for budding authors looking to design their own original murder mysteries:

  • Build a cast of complex characters – Give everyone motives, alibis, secrets and connections that may point to clues. Red herrings are helpful!

  • Make logical deductions key – Ensure your mystery has a solution path determinable through reasoning about story elements. But allow some flexibility too!

  • Hide key details judiciously – Information like murder weapons or timelines provide the "aha" moments when uncovered. Parcel out reveals slowly.

  • Use settings purposefully – Scenes should set a tone and provide clues. For example, a dark basement hints at menace versus a crowded party implying witnesses.

  • Weave themes throughout – Unraveling the mystery should also reveal meaningful character arcs, life lessons, or societal commentaries.

With careful reasoning, creativity, and storytelling mastery, Storyteller provides endless possibilities for crafting murder mystery narratives that will confound and delight players.

Comparing Storyteller to Other Mystery Games

Storyteller‘s interactive comic panel format provides a unique approach to mystery storytelling compared to other games. For example, popular deduction games like Clue rely on collecting information randomly via dice rolls. Storyteller instead directly sequences all narrative elements.

This gives authors meticulous control over pacing and reveals. Yet it also constrains the organic growth of mysteries through player improvisation or unpredictable gameplay elements. Other emergent mystery games like Ai Dungeon provide tremendous flexibility, but lack Storyteller‘s refined visual presentation.

Overall, Storyteller strikes an artful balance. Its comic panel interface and animation create tangible, specific moments to dissect logically. But with branching path options, players still make impactful choices shaping the mystery‘s unraveling. This blend of authorial direction and interactive deduction helps Storyteller stand out in mystery game design.

The Art of Visual Storytelling

Storyteller exemplifies visual storytelling at its finest. While books allow imagination to soar, Storyteller‘s animations literally bring events and characters to life. This grants unique story analysis opportunities. As players scrutinize subtle motions, fashion choices, and environmental details, they gain rich insights into motives, backstories, timelines and more. Elements like lighting, color, and composition further set a narrative‘s mood and tension.

This visual approach allows writers to show rather than tell stories. For example, sharp facial expressions silently convey complex emotions. Storyteller invites players to interpret these visual cues, filling in implicit meanings. The comic panel format provides clear scene-by-scene pacing, letting events and details accumulate to inform conclusions. By thoughtfully arranging each panel, writers can meticulously craft captivating visual narratives and guide players toward intended deductions.


With its clever comic panel game mechanics and charming presentation, Storyteller empowers players to weave intricate narratives filled with twists, revelations and drama. The preset "Someone Gets Arrested" mystery exemplifies how visual storytelling techniques bring these interactive tales to life. As players carefully track motives, relationships, and devious deceptions through each panel, they unravel the murder plot and apprehend the criminal. By thinking like an insightful detective and masterful writer, Storyteller allows crafting captivating stoylines that intrigue and delight.