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Unlocking the Elusive Verse 3 in Bayonetta 3’s Chapter 2

As a longtime fan and expert in stylish action games, I was eagerly anticipating the release of Bayonetta 3. This bewitching series has always delivered tight gameplay and over-the-top spectacle, so I couldn’t wait to guide witty heroine Bayonetta through thrilling new battles.

One of the first challenges I encountered was tracking down Verse 3 hidden within Chapter 2. As someone who has played every entry in the series, I knew finding collectibles like these could prove tricky. Luckily, after thorough exploration guided by my gaming experience, I uncovered its location.

In this guide, you’ll learn step-by-step how to find Verse 3 in Chapter 2 of the brilliant Bayonetta 3. With these tips, you can snag this sneaky hidden collectible in no time.

An Overview of the Bayonetta Series Phenomenon

But first, let’s appreciate why so many fans have been desperately awaiting this sequel.

The Bayonetta games stand out as some of the finest examples of stylish action games. Their gameplay is all about chaining together crazy combos while dodging attacks with split-second timing.

So far, the series has sold over 3.5 million copies worldwide, with Bayonetta 2 receiving a coveted perfect score from Famitsu magazine in Japan. Fans and reviewers widely praise the games’ smooth combat, charismatic lead heroine, and absurd, gravity-defying spectacle.

I’ve been hooked ever since the first Bayonetta back in 2009. As a connoisseur of combat-driven action games, I love how Bayonetta always rewards skill while dishing out bonkers flourishes like giant demons and environments collapsing around you. It scratches a specific itch other games struggle to reach.

So when Nintendo finally unveiled a surprise trailer for Bayonetta 3 at The Game Awards in 2017, I was beyond thrilled. It’s been a four year wait, but this Umbra Witch’s return did not disappoint. Now it’s time to master its intricacies!

Step-By-Step Instructions to Verse 3 in Chapter 2

Bayonetta 3 introduces players to its satisfying combat during its opening chapters in Tokyo. After an epic fight atop a skyscraper helipad, Chapter 2 takes Bayonetta down to the streets.

It’s here the game presents one of its first real challenges – finding the well-hidden Verse 3 collectible. Follow these instructions carefully to claim your prize.

Start at Tokyo’s Main Street

The search begins on the city streets now swarming with angels to defeat. You’ll come across a towering “DFH” monitor – head to the tall building just next to it.

Street view with DFH monitor visible

The “DFH” monitor signals the skyscraper where Verse 3 awaits inside

Seek Out the Blue Bus Stop

Don’t enter the skyscraper just yet! The path to Verse 3 uses a more creative route. Look along the sidewalk for a blue bus stop shelter. Jump and climb atop it.

Scale the Building Exterior to the Fifth Floor

From this vantage point, look up the side of the building to spot some platforms jutting out. Use these footholds to ascend up the exterior wall until you reach the fifth floor.

Stop when you’re just underneath the Japanese text adorning the building’s face. Check your altitude using the floor numbers beside windows.

Bayonetta jumping up building exterior

Use platforms like these to climb the outside of the building

Locate the Purple Light Source

This is the trickiest part. You need to carefully walk Bayonetta around the perimeter of the fifth floor while watching for a purple glow coming from inside the building.

Get close enough and you’ll see it’s a bright purple light source – that’s our target!

Bayonetta looking at purple glow

A glowing purple light marks the Verse 3 challenge location

Complete the Web and Burn Them! Challenge

Interact with the purple light to trigger a combat challenge titled “Web and Burn Them!” Kill all the enemies during two waves to complete it and unlock Verse 3.

With my expertise, here are some quick tips:

  • Use break dance kicks on smaller spiders to group them up
  • Launch large armored spiders into the air for aerial combos
  • Stay mobile and utilize witch time dodges to avoid swarm attacks
  • Switch between punches, kicks, and wicked weaves for maximum damage

Once you’ve bested the last foe, Verse 3 will appear where the purple light was. Pick it up to finally snag this collectible!

And that’s it – an descent up the building exterior leads you straight to Verse 3 without having to scour the inside. Pat yourself on the back for sleuthing skills before diving back into the exhilarating combat.

Additional Tricks for Mastering Bayonetta 3

As an experience Bayonetta veteran, allow me to share more pro tips to help you save the multiverse in style:

Take advantage of Demon Masquerade – This new ability channels demonic powers to supercharge your attacks. The transformations also grant unique mobility options essential for certain battles and puzzles.

Master the new Naive Angel Mode – By equipping this, you can deliberately “die” to turn into an angel. This lets you explore otherwise inaccessible areas for secrets!

Customize your arsenal – Through the menu, you can personalize your loadout with different single/dual pistols, shotguns, katanas, whips, and more. Find what works for your playstyle.

Experiment with Viola’s abilities – The new witch Viola and her companion Cheshire offer completely different combat and mobility compared to Bayonetta. Give them a try!

Slow down time liberally – When in doubt, activate witch time by dodging right before an attack connects. You’ll do more damage while enemy movements are slowed.

Don’t be afraid to “die” – On normal difficulties, dying just cuts your score and gives enemies some life back. So feel free to learn enemies’ patterns through trial and error!

Hopefully my deep familiarity with the series can help fellow fans master this bewitching sequel. And for anyone struggling with Chapter 2’s evasive Verse 3, use my instructions to claim your prize. Now get out there and show those angels they picked a fight with the wrong witch!