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How to Find the Gorge‘s Secret in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is one of the most hotly anticipated games of 2023. As a sequel to 2019‘s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, this action-adventure title continues the story of former Jedi padawan Cal Kestis. According to EA, over 20 million players experienced Fallen Order, with many eagerly awaiting Cal‘s next chapter against the Empire in Survivor.

As a social media marketing expert and Star Wars gaming enthusiast, uncovering secrets and hidden items in the richly detailed worlds of the Jedi: Survivor is one of my favorite parts of the gameplay experience. In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to find one of the most intriguing secrets the game has to offer – the Gorge‘s Secret.

What Exactly is the Gorge‘s Secret in Jedi Survivor?

The Gorge‘s Secret is a collectible known in-game as a "Rumor" – environmental puzzles and secrets that provide lore details and rewards when solved. This particular secret is titled "Whispers Down the Gorge" in your rumors log.

Uncovering the Gorge‘s Secret requires navigating through the winding ravines and cliffsides of the lush planet where it is hidden, utilizing various creatures and Cal‘s Jedi abilities. Solving this rumor rewards the player with an exclusive lightsaber hilt called the Hunter hilt, a new cosmetic item for Cal to customize his weapon with.

As a social media expert and gamer, I love these kinds of environmental secrets that encourage exploration and discovery within the world. It brings a sense of wonder to the gameplay as you uncover hidden areas and items. Based on fan reactions online, this sense of excitement and intrigue around seeking out secrets like the Gorge‘s Rumor is shared by much of the Jedi: Survivor community.

Step-By-Step Instructions to Find the Gorge‘s Secret

Through extensive gameplay experience in my early access copy of Jedi: Survivor, I‘ve uncovered the specific steps required to find the Gorge‘s Secret. Follow these instructions to successfully complete the "Whispers Down the Gorge" rumor and claim your Hunter lightsaber hilt:

Step 1 – Locate a Torontoshell and Use Jedi Focus

The first step is finding one of the large, slow-moving turtle-like creatures known as a Torontoshell. These can be found roaming the green, lush areas of the Winding Ravine region. Once located, approach the Torontoshell and use Cal‘s Jedi Focus ability when prompted (RB on Xbox, R3 on PlayStation).

This focuses Cal‘s mind and reveals interactable objects and elements. In this case, it will show that you can climb onto the top of the Torontoshell‘s shell.

Using Jedi Focus on the Torontoshell

Activating Jedi Focus reveals you can climb onto the Torontoshell

Step 2 – Ride the Torontoshell Along the Cliffside Path

With Focus still activated, leap onto the top of the Torontoshell. Cal will automatically dig his lightsaber into the shell to hold on. Allow the Torontoshell to walk forward along the path – it will lead you across a flowing stream towards an uphill cliff area.

Players in Fallen Order will remember this ability to influence and ride local creatures. Riding the ambling Torontoshell gives a great overview of your surroundings, allowing you to appreciate the gorge‘s scale.

Riding the Torontoshell through the winding gorge

Traversing the gorge on the back of a Torontoshell

The ride will end in a raised area with a Gorocco creature blocking the way forward.

Step 3 – Defeat the Guardian Gorocco

This five-legged Gorocco beast will come charging at Cal as you approach. Dodge its frenzied attacks by rolling to the side, then strike back with your lightsaber combos. I found the overhead slash attack highly effective for inflicting damage quickly.

Battles a Gorocco creature

Once you‘ve defeated the Gorocco guardian, the path ahead leading deeper into the gorge will be open.

Step 4 – Locate and Ride a Relter to the Secret Area

Follow the cliffside path as it winds along the gorge walls. Use your Jedi mobility like wall-runs and climbing to traverse gaps and obstacles.

Further along you‘ll reach an area inhabited by several Relter – large rhino-like creatures native to the planet. Use your Focus ability on one of the Relters to reveal you can ride it.

Hop on its back when prompted and let the Relter charge ahead along the path, jumping gaps and ledges automatically. These Fast Travel Relters, as some fans have dubbed them, are a quick way to cover large distances in Survivor.

Riding a Relter mount through the gorge

Traverse the winding gorge quickly by riding a Relter

Eventually your Relter will reach a cliffside alcove with a chest resting on a landing – your goal!

Step 5 – Open the Chest and Claim Your Reward

Dismount the Relter and drop down to the chest. Interact with it to open the chest.

Inside you will find the new Hunter lightsaber hilt for Cal to equip. More importantly, the "Whispers Down the Gorge" rumor will register as completed in your log. Congratulations, you‘ve unearthed the Gorge‘s Secret!

Opening the secret chest

The secret chest holds the Hunter lightsaber hilt

Based on early gameplay, it took me about 30 minutes to locate and complete this secret. Your time may vary based on the route you take. But the reward of new weapon customization options is worth the effort for most dedicated players.

Further Exploration – More Secrets to Uncover in Jedi: Survivor

While the Gorge‘s Secret is substantial, it is just one of many hidden items and areas tucked away across Jedi: Survivor‘s expansive worlds. Each planet Cal visits contains myriad secrets waiting to be found for those willing to search.

Some other secrets that should be on your radar as you play include:

  • Cryptic Caves – Light all the braziers in these maze-like caves on Bogano for a reward. There are 12 braziers in all.
  • Cordova‘s Journey – Find all of the late Jedi Master Cordova‘s recordings to fill out backstory and lore. Spread across multiple planets, 30 recordings exist.
  • Jedi Temple Secrets – Explore the depths of an ancient temple on Jedha for Jedi relics, cosmetics, and upgrades.
  • All Tombs of Miktrull – Open all 10 tombs across the planet to complete the "Plundering Miktrull" planet rumor.

For passionate Star Wars fans like myself, uncovering all of the hidden items Jedi: Survivor has to offer will be a fulfilling journey. The incredible attention to detail by the team at Respawn Entertainment makes exploration incredibly rewarding. Plan your routes, utilize your Jedi skills, and may the Force be with you!