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How to Find the Entrance to Pavlov Complex in Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart is an alternate reality action RPG set in a visually stunning world populated by deadly mutants and powerful robots gone rogue. As the newest Major P-3 agent armed with an experimental glove and advanced weaponry, it‘s up to you to get to the bottom of what caused robots crafted for prosperity to turn against their makers.

One of the key objectives early in Atomic Heart is locating the entrance to Pavlov Complex, an underground facility focused on advanced android engineering and production. This guide will walk you through exactly how to find the hidden entrance to Pavlov Complex, setting you up to progress deeper into unraveling the mysteries behind the emerging chaos.

Why Infiltrating Pavlov Complex Matters

Early in the Soviet paradise, you may feel like an invincible hero slashing through waves of enemies. But the stakes escalate dramatically as you advance. Scientists and security personnel descending into violence demonstrate something has gone very wrong behind the scenes.

Gaining entrance into Pavlov Complex and its state-of-the-art laboratories represents a pivotal moment because you need to access restricted research that political officials have kept hidden.

Depositing the severed head of Dr. Viktor Abramov, the lead scientist who has ominously transformed into a powerful boss mutation, into an advanced diagnosis machine kicks off a cascade of events that expose corruption at the highest levels. This guides the next phase of the mystery to uncover who is really pulling the strings amidst the chaos.

Without this critical step of accessing Pavlov, you cannot progress the storyline to advance beyond the comfortable confines of City 38 into more dangerous territories with extreme technological and biological threats. So locating the entrance hidden cleverly behind Soviet propaganda posters sets the stage for higher stakes assignments.

Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Pavlov Complex Access

As a facility cloaked in secrecy, hidden below the shiny veneer of a flawless paradise, gaining access to Pavlov Complex isn‘t straightforward. But follow these exact steps and I‘ll lead you directly there:

Identify the Inconspicuous Starting Point

The starting point itself to Pavlov access is cleverly concealed. You‘ll need to look for a seemingly unremarkable conference room with some unfortunate human casualties and a mutated creature carcass left behind from prior carnage.

  • Specifically locate the room with dead scientists still seated around a table as if their meeting was unexpectedly interrupted. One deceased member lies sprawled across the table itself.

Pro Tip: This room is inside the R&D Lab area, accessible with a key card from a dead guard early in the facility. So access this key card first then navigate towards signs pointing to the R&D Lab.

Navigate Around the Table Past Propaganda

  • With the bodies lying around the table in your sight, walk directly ahead towards the front of the table and hang an immediate right.

  • Hug the wall, brushing past some Soviet-style motivational posters. This path opens into a descending stairwell.

  • As you walk down the steps, continue hugging the interior wall as the staircase curves left.

Expert Advice: Don‘t be distracted by the impressive and sometimes unsettling propaganda artwork lining the facility hallways. Keep your eyes forward moving decisively through this brief transition area. The posters actually conceal a hidden passage built for covert scientist access we‘re taking advantage of.

Call the Elevator to Access Lower Floors

  • At the bottom of the steps you‘ll spot a large numbered panel with mechanical buttons and controls.

  • Push the large obvious rectangular red button on the middle right side to call the elevator.

Insider Tip: The red emergency phone on the panel sadly won‘t offer any guidance. But activating the elevator is key here.

Descend to Floor 34

  • When prompted, step into the elevator cabin and push Floor #34 to descend into the classified depths of Pavlov Complex.

Veteran Player Tip: Floor 34 won‘t be labelled so scroll down the numbers til you see it. Pavlov Complex spans over 80 floors with only upper tiers mapped publicly to conceal what happens further below.

Transporting Dr. Viktor‘s Head to Access Intel

After the brief automated elevator ride, the doors open to grant you initial access into Pavlov Complex. Just down the first hallway is the Analysis Lab.

Your next objective at this point is carrying the severed head of your vanquished foe Dr. Viktor Abramov to deposit into a robotic analysis machine. This grants insight through downloaded memories and experiences to explain Viktor‘s shocking transformation amidst familiar surroundings.

  • Backtrack to the boss battle site to retrieve Viktor‘s head if you haven‘t already
  • Carefully transport the head through the opened Pavlov elevator without taking damage
  • Follow signs guiding you straight ahead to the Analysis Lab
  • Prepare to defend yourself once deposited!

With the head analyzed, your glove updates with new data that reveals a secret passage concealed behind more propaganda posters. This kicks off the next intense sequence of gameplay with new mysteries around the true purpose of experiments being conducted.

Further Reading

I‘ve authored several other guides to help you navigate challenges, boss battles, and pivotal moments in the Atomic Heart alternate reality:

This guide focused specifically on locating the hidden entrance to reach the depths of Pavlov Complex which represents an early but critical turning point. Accessing this classified facility filled with covert scientists and advanced experiments sheds light on the loss of control amidst the illusion of a Soviet utopia.

I hope mapping out the exact route through propaganda posters down the concealed stairwell culminating in an elevator ride to Floor 34 gives you confidence and clarity entering a pivotal Atomic Heart location! Let me know in comments if this walkthrough assisted your mission.