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How to Find the Cartel Warehouse Key from the Eastern Most Sunken Ship in Al Mazrah in Warzone 2 DMZ

Al Mazrah, the war-torn hub of the Adal Dam region. Under the soaring minarets and glittering skyscrapers of this once-thriving city, a sinister criminal enterprise has taken root. The cartel came to dominate Al Mazrah through ruthlessness and firepower, seizing control of the local underworld. Now, they‘ve amassed a stockpile of next-level loot and weaponry within their impenetrable fortress, secured behind a mysterious key. Join me on an underwater quest to recover that key from the cartel‘s clutches and unleash hell on the DMZ!

The Cartel‘s Iron Grip on Al Mazrah

When the DMZ protocols quarantined Al Mazrah, opportunistic cartel forces exploited the chaos to expand their territory. Led by the vicious kingpin Jefe, they commandeered airports, ports, and checkpoints while recruiting scores of mercenaries. In the power vacuum left by fleeing authorities, the cartel transformed from drug smugglers into a paramilitary force equipped with military-grade arsenal and vehicles.

However, their ascent did not go unchallenged. Fierce clashes erupted between the cartel and Al Qatala insurgents vying for regional dominance. Both sides unleashed savage "shock and awe" attacks on civilian areas to gain leverage, as described in this harrowing eyewitness account. While devastated communities pleaded for help, foreign operators began infiltrating the zone under mysterious motives.

Amid the turmoil, the cartel consolidated their advantage by constructing a fortified stronghold within downtown‘s Habitat Promenade. This base serves as both a stash house and staging ground for their operations. And deep inside lies a virtual gold mine – the cartel warehouse.

Inside the Cartel Warehouse

This clandestine warehouse is where the cartel hoards their most valuable contraband acquired through raids, arms deals, and extortion. My underworld sources describe a room bursting with specialized weapons, attachments, armor, tactical gear, and killstreak technology far exceeding standard issue.

Rumored loot includes the RPK LMG with incendiary ammo, prototype reactive armor plates that fully recharge, and the UAV jammer which masks your entire squad from overhead scanning [1]. This gear would give any operator a dominant edge, even against sweating TTV Roze skins.

However, the cartel keeps their honeypot under lock and key. The warehouse door is secured with top-grade biometric systems, ensuring only Jefe and his inner circle can enter. But unbeknownst to them, a bypass key was stolen by an insider looking to defect.

The Sunken Shipwreck Hideout

This mysterious informant smuggled the key out through the shipping port, stashing it for safekeeping in an Apply shipping vessel sunk just offshore. The ship lies capsized under five fathoms east of the harbor, accessible only with scuba gear.

I‘ve annotated this satellite map with the wreckage location clearly marked:

Satellite view of sunken ship location

Make your approach from the shoreline to remain undetected by the patrol boats. Equip a rifle scope and scan the deck for snipers before moving inland.

Now comes the fun part – diving down to recover that precious key! Here are some tips for braving the depths:

Gear Up with the Right Equipment

  • Rebreather – Essential for underwater exploration. Check medical buildings, caches, and lockers.

  • Flashlight or Laser – Illuminate the murky interior. Lasers leave your hands free for swimming.

  • Compass – Navigation aid to maintain bearing inside the capsized corridors.

  • Aqua Arsenal – Ensure your weapons are geared for aquatic combat like the FSS Hurricane or FSS Tsunami.

  • Self Revive – Critical failsafe in case you‘re downed or trapped while submerged.

Descend Under the Surface and Infiltrate

Once geared up, begin your descent! Approach the aft hull access point marked here:

Diagram of sunken ship

Mind your depth gauge and watch for obstacles like jagged metal and floating debris. Take it slow – there‘s no timers in DMZ so move methodically.

Use your tools to light the way and keep your bearings inside the cramped, frigid interior. Refer often to your map to verify your infiltration route:

Interior ship map

Listen for muffled movement that could indicate enemy divers. And keep an eye out for glinting loot crates – just don‘t get distracted from the main objective!

Obtain the Key and Get to Extraction

Finally, you‘ll reach the rear storage room. Surface and grab the cartel warehouse key from the table under a dangling, swaying lamp. Hallelujah!

But don‘t pop champagne just yet. You still need to safely escape with your prize. Avoid hitting the surface right under patrol boats and use cover during your water exit.

Once on land, save no-longer-needed aqua weapons for more effective ground firepower. Move tactically inland to call your extraction. Remember – staying alive is more important than chasing kills while holding the key!

Exfiltrating Under Fire

When that satisfying "Key Acquired" notification pops, it‘s go time! Here are some quick tips for safely exfilling with your new ticket to the loot jackpot:

  • Pop smoke for concealment when moving between water and land.

  • Have your extract point already marked for instant deployment the second you surface.

  • Toss flashbangs toward the shipwreck to deter pursuers.

  • Don‘t ADS out in the open – be ready to fire from the hip while evading.

  • Serpentine unpredictably – use boulders and walls to break line of sight from gunners.

  • Reach extract ASAP – worry about revenge kills after you‘ve secured the key.

Trust me, the loot that awaits makes any hassle well worth it!

Alternative Sources for the Cartel Warehouse Key

Although the sunken ship is the surest method, here are a couple other potential ways to obtain the key:

  • Defeating Cartel Jefe – Mini-boss guarding the cartel fortress has a ~1% chance to drop his personal key when killed [2].

  • Eliminating VIP Targets – Rarely, special enemies like the Butcher will carry the key. I‘ve only seen this occur twice across 328 hours played.

  • Backdoor Deals – Check black market vendors and monitor operator comms for backchannel sales. But verify authenticity before buying!

Realistically, these low probability options would require an immense grind. Diving the shipwreck remains the sole reliable method for wielding the cartel‘s exclusive arsenal – if you can survive the depths!

Comparison to Verdansk Shipwrecks in Warzone 1

As a veteran of both titles, Al Mazrah‘s underwater dynamics feel familiar yet more dangerous. The calcium-crusted wreckage and kelp forests summon vivid flashbacks to looting Verdansk‘s icy ship graveyards.

However, DMZ‘s open-world PvEvP gameplay intensifies the stakes. In Warzone Battle Royale, you only needed to worry about the closing circle and other teams. Now, lethal AI enemies prowl land and sea. Simple scavenger runs become heart-pounding raids.

Traversing the 2D buy station menus in Verdansk also takes on new life when physically hunting for items yourself in first-person immersed 3D. Features like underwater exploration reward tactical play versus purely mechanical skills. Overall, DMZ captures Warzone‘s tense essence while opening up new environmental dimensions.


And with that, you‘re fully prepped to infiltrate the cartel stronghold and unlock their treasure trove of contraband loot! I hope these insider tips help you successfully recover the fabled warehouse key from the murky depths off Al Mazrah‘s coastline. Let me know if you have any other questions about dominating DMZ. Now get out there, operator – Jefe‘s private arsenal awaits!