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How to Find Saved Videos on TikTok

With over 1 billion active users, TikTok has become one of the most popular apps for short-form video content. The platform makes it easy for users to save videos they enjoy directly to their smartphone gallery.

However, unlike other social media apps, TikTok itself does not have a built-in library or page to access your saved videos. So how can you find and rewatch those funny, inspirational, or informative TikTok videos you previously saved?

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the steps to locate and view your saved TikTok videos on both iPhone and Android devices.

Where TikTok Saves Your Videos

The first thing to understand is that TikTok does not store saved videos within the app itself. When you tap the “Save Video” option on TikTok, the video file gets saved directly to your device’s local storage.

On iPhones, saved videos are stored in the Apple Photos app. For Android devices, they get saved to your Gallery or Photos app. TikTok essentially downloads the video to your smartphone’s media library.

So in order to find your saved videos, you need access the gallery or photos application on your device – not the TikTok app. Let’s look at the step-by-step process for both major platforms.

How to Find Your Saved TikTok Videos on iPhone

Thanks to Apple’s user-friendly interface, finding your stored TikTok videos on an iPhone is quick and simple.

Step 1: Open the Photos App

From your home screen, tap on the Photos app icon to launch it. This is where all your device‘s photos and videos are stored locally.

Step 2: Tap into Albums

At the bottom of the Photos app screen, you will see a series of tabs – For You, Albums, Search. Tap on Albums to view your albums.

iPhone Photos App

Step 3: Locate the Videos Album

Scroll down until you see the Media Types header. Under this, tap on Videos to open your Videos album.

iPhone Videos Album

This album contains all video clips saved to your iPhone, including your TikTok saves.

Step 4: Browse for TikTok Videos

Scroll up and down through your Videos album to locate TikTok videos. They will be labeled "TikTok" under the file name.

Tap any TikTok video to play it directly from your Photos library.

Saved TikTok Video

And that‘s it! The process is very quick and intuitive on iPhones. All saved TikTok videos can be accessed from the Videos album.

If you save a lot of TikTok videos, they may get buried deep in your camera roll amongst your other clips. In that case, I recommend creating a dedicated album for your TikTok saves to keep them consolidated in one place.

Here is how to do that:

  • From your Videos folder, tap “Select” in the upper right corner
  • Tap to select the TikTok videos
  • Tap “Add To” in the bottom left
  • Create a new album titled “TikTok Saves”

This will act as your go-to place to find all your favorite saved TikTok videos.

How to Find Saved TikTok Videos on Android

The process of finding your saved TikTok videos on an Android device is nearly the same as iPhone. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Open Your Gallery/Photos App

Tap open the Gallery or Photos app on your Android device – this is where your media files are stored locally.

Note: On some Android devices this may be called "My Files" or something similar.

Step 2: Navigate to Albums

Look for the "Albums" tab or section. Tap here to view your albums.

Step 3: Locate TikTok Album

Scroll through your albums to find one labeled "TikTok." This is a default album that should store your saved TikTok videos.

Tap the TikTok album to open it up.

TikTok Album on Android

Step 4: Browse and Play Videos

You will now see small thumbnails of all saved TikTok videos in this album. Tap any video to play it directly from your gallery.

If you don‘t see a TikTok album, your videos may be scattered around in other folders based on date. You can manually browse through your gallery albums to try and locate them.

Some tips for finding saved TikTok videos on Android:

  • Check the album for the date you last recall saving a video
  • Use the search bar to search for "TikTok"
  • Look for the small TikTok logo in video thumbnails
  • Check your main Videos album if no dedicated TikTok folder

Once found, tap to play the video right from your Android gallery.

Keeping Your Saved TikTok Videos Organized

When you start building up a collection of saved videos, keeping them organized can become tricky as they mix in with your other media.

Here are some tips to keep your TikTok saves consolidated and easy to access when needed:

Use TikTok‘s Favorites Feature

Instead of fully saving videos to your camera roll, consider "favoriting" them within TikTok.

  • Tap the “Share” icon on a video
  • Select “Add to Favorites” to favorite it
  • View favorites from your TikTok profile under the bookmark icon

This stores videos neatly within the app itself. Great for access, but doesn‘t save them permanently offline.

Create a TikTok Album

As mentioned above, create a dedicated TikTok album in your device gallery to collect saves. Keeps them separate from other media.

Use a Third-Party Downloader App

Apps like VideoSaver, Snaptik, and MoreSave allow saving of TikTok videos to your device storage. Most include libraries to organize and manage the videos within the app as well.

Save to a Private Archive

On both iPhone and Android you can create password protected, private folders. Saving videos here keeps them accessible but hidden and secure.

Why You Can‘t Save Some TikTok Videos

When trying to save a video on TikTok, you may get an error that the video is "Unavailable" to save. This is because the video‘s creator has disabled the download feature.

TikTok allows creators to turn off saving for their content. This prevents people from downloading their original videos without permission.

If you really want to save a video with saving disabled, some third-party downloader apps can bypass that block. However, you should avoid overriding creators‘ preferences.

Statistics on Saving and Watching TikTok Videos

  • 78% of TikTok users say they primarily watch videos on the platform rather than create videos themselves (Oberlo)
  • 68% of users say they have directly saved a TikTok video to their camera roll (Wallaroo)
  • The most popular categories of videos that users save are comedy, animals, inspiration, and DIY/lifehacks (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  • Over 1 billion TikTok videos are saved to devices every single day (BusinessofApps)

As these stats show, saving TikTok videos for ongoing viewing is an incredibly common activity among users.

Final Tips for Managing Your TikTok Saves

  • Periodically review your saved video collection and delete any you no longer need to help avoid clutter.

  • For easy access, add a Saved Videos widget to your Android home screen or an album to your iPhone home screen.

  • Use descriptive filenames when saving videos to make them easier to identify later.

  • Back up your saved videos to cloud storage or an external hard drive in case your device is damaged or lost.


TikTok makes it simple for users to save entertaining, informative, or inspiring videos to their device to rewatch later. But since TikTok itself does not store these saved videos within the app, you need to access your camera roll gallery to find and view them.

Now you know exactly where to look on both iPhone and Android. You also have some great tips to organize your expanding collection of saved TikTok videos. Soon you’ll have your own personal “greatest hits” library of viral TikTok content to enjoy again and again, right on your smartphone.