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How to Find and Secure Your Recovery Phrase on Trust Wallet

As a leading cryptocurrency wallet, Trust Wallet puts users in full control of their digital assets and keys. But with great power comes great responsibility of managing your backup recovery phrase – essentially the master password to your cryptocurrency vault.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn step-by-step how to view your 12 or 24 word recovery phrase on Trust Wallet. More importantly, you‘ll understand why proper backup security for this passphrase is absolutely vital.

Follow these best practices, and you can confidently harness Trust Wallet‘s features while avoiding common pitfalls that could lead to an empty wallet!

Overview: Why the Recovery Phrase Matters

Let‘s quickly understand what this recovery phrase is and why it‘s so important…

What is a Recovery Phrase?

A recovery phrase, also called a seed phrase or mnemonic phrase, is a randomly generated list of 12-24 words used to back up your wallet. Wallet providers like Trust Wallet create these phrases when you first configure your crypto storage.

The sequence of words collectively forms a master key that fully controls access to the wallet and any funds it holds.

Why it Matters For Security

Think of your recovery phrase as the master password to your cryptocurrency vault. Anyone gaining access to your phrase could restore your wallet on another device to control its contents.

Without carefully backing up AND securing this phrase when first setting up your wallet, loss or theft of your mobile device could mean losing access to crypto holdings forever.

According to analyst firm CipherTrace, over $50 million in crypto funds were lost due to lost or forgotten wallet passphrases over just a 6 month period in 2020. And those are just the reported cases!

So let‘s learn the quick process to find and backup your wallet recovery phrase on Trust Wallet…

Step-By-Step Guide to Accessing Your Recovery Phrase

  1. Launch the Trust Wallet mobile app
  2. Navigate to Settings and select "Wallets"
  3. Tap the Info icon next to wallet you wish to backup
  4. Choose "Show Secret Phrase"
  5. Carefully record the 12 word phrase displayed

Now let‘s walk through each step in more detail…

1. Open Your Trust Wallet App

First, ensure you have the Trust Wallet app installed on your mobile device, available for both iOS and Android platforms.

Open the app and sign in to your wallet account. If configured with multiple wallets, it doesn‘t matter which one you select to back up.

Trust Wallet App Icon

Fig 1. – Trust Wallet app icon

2. Go to the Settings and Select "Wallets"

From Trust Wallet‘s bottom tab navigation bar, choose the Settings icon shaped like a gear.

Trust Wallet Settings

Fig 2. – Access Trust Wallet settings

Next select the "Wallets" option to manage integrations.

Trust Wallet Wallets Settings

Fig 3. – Choose wallet settings

This screen displays any wallets previously added and configured within Trust Wallet.

3. Tap the Info Icon Next to Your Wallet

On the wallets screen, tap the info icon next to the wallet you want to back up.

For example, when first getting started, you likely only have 1 wallet labeled "Main". Tap the icon to access more options.

Trust Wallet Info Icon

Fig 4. – Tap the info icon to backup wallet

Tapping the icon will load details for that specific wallet.

4. Select "Show Secret Phrase"

Under the Backup section, choose the "Show Secret Phrase" button to view your recovery phrase.

Trust Wallet Show Secret Phrase

Fig 5. – Locate and tap Show Secret Phrase

First a disclaimer will appear emphasizing this phrase provides full access to the wallet and funds. Take this warning seriously!

5. Carefully Record Wallet Recovery Phrase

After accepting the risks, your 12 or 24 word recovery phrase will display.

Fig 6. – Carefully record wallet recovery phrase

Trust Wallet Recovery Phrase

This is your ONLY chance to correctly record this phrase! Use pen and paper stored somewhere very safe.

Never digitally store unencrypted wallet recovery phrases.

For full security guidance read on…

Securing Your Recovery Phrase

Finding your wallet recovery phrase on Trust Wallet is easy. Ensuring tight security for storage and access is where many crypto users fall short.

Follow these expert-approved recommendations, so your funds avoid becoming another sad statistic:

Store Paper Copy in Safe Location

Print or neatly hand write the phrase on paper without digital record. I strongly advise against taking a cell phone photo!

The crypto hardware wallet provider Ledger recommends storing your recovery sheet in a safety deposit box, home safe, or other very secure site one would use to store a physical key.

Many users have also successfully utilized a steel wallet storage system with etched recovery phrases.

Encrypt Digital Backups (Advanced)

If you decide to keep an additional encrypted digital copy in case physical records are damaged, use robust encryption from a trusted provider.

Do NOT rely on basic password managers, cloud storage encryption, or homemade ciphers. These have shown repeated vulnerabilities.

Instead leverage an advanced standard like AES-256 bit encryption properly implemented by a trusted open source tool.

Avoid Screenshots, Photos

Never store unencrypted digital photographs or device screenshots of your phrase. Also don‘t type it into emails or messaging apps for sharing.

These are all easy targets for hackers.

Beware Phishing Attacks

No legitimate crypto or wallet provider will ever ask you to enter or submit your recovery phrase to them or online.

Trust Wallet emphasized this clearly when revealing your phrase. Be extremely wary of phishing attacks trying to steal your phrase.


Viewing and backing up your Trust Wallet 12 word recovery phrase is quick and easy following the simple steps outlined here.

Equally important is recording and securing this master backup key to your crypto assets using robust encryption and storage.

Apply the recommendations shared here from leading industry sources, and you can confidently harness all Trust Wallet‘s self-custody features for managing your expanding cryptocurrency portfolio!