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How to Find the Hidden Smart Servant in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy‘s massive 2.0 update has ushered in an era of new adventures, quests, and discoveries. One of the most intriguing and rewarding additions is uncovering the hidden smart servants dispersed throughout the new city of Vera Sector. As a social media marketing expert and devoted Tower of Fantasy player, I‘m going to walk you through how to track down all three hidden servants and unlock their valuable rewards.

An In-Depth Look at Tower of Fantasy‘s 2.0 Update

To fully appreciate the hunt for these elusive bots, let‘s first examine the sweeping changes in Tower of Fantasy‘s 2.0 update. As a veteran player, I‘ve experienced these exciting new features firsthand:

  • Vera Sector – This sprawling new area includes a stunning cyberpunk-inspired city with towering skyscrapers, holographic signs, and intricate detail around every corner. The urban environment provides a refreshing change of pace.

  • Increased Level Cap – Players can now reach level 80 and continue progressing their characters. As someone who maxed out previously, I‘m thrilled to continue building out my mains.

  • New Story Content – Additional main and side quests have been implemented to expand the lore and narrative. I‘m eagerly uncovering more of the mysterious world‘s backstory.

  • Ruby Simulacrum – This new companion brings a unique matrix menu providing buffs and bonuses. Based on my experience, Ruby will be a top-tier DPS addition.

  • Combat Engine – This powerful new weapon has already improved my damage output. Its alternate forms open up combat options.

  • New Instanced Content – The new dungeons like End Game and Sadness Valley offer epic group challenges requiring coordination. The boss fights are especially thrilling.

  • In-Game Events – Timed content like A Fresh Start supplies valuable upgrade materials and leveling resources. As a devoted player, I ensure I never miss these.

With so much new content across the board, Tower of Fantasy feels like an entirely new game. Finding every addition like the hidden servants will be a rewarding adventure.

What Are the Hidden Smart Servants?

These interactive NPCs are disguised as ordinary objects scattered around Vera Sector. Based on my experience finding them, there are three total:

  • Broccoli hiding in bushes
  • A potted plant on a table
  • A small potted tree on a rooftop

When you discover one, you can interact with it to receive useful rewards. The items they provide are absolutely worth the effort of tracking them down.

Locating all three hidden servants will also progress the new "Adeptus‘ Trials" world quest. Completing this quest is required to fully unlock all of the new city areas. So hunting down these sneaky bots is directly tied to exploration progress.

Now let‘s get into the details of how to find each one!

Finding the Hidden Broccoli Servant

The first servant can be found mimicking a rather obvious head of broccoli. Here are the steps I used to successfully locate it:

  • Go to the southwest section of Vera Sector, near the forested area adjacent to the city proper.
  • Search around the pond just west of the Bokuso Boxes domain portal.
  • Look for a unique cluster of bushes and focus your attention on the tallest one.
  • Examine the top of the bush sporting the conspicuous broccoli disguise. Interact with it to reveal the servant!

With its bright green color contrasting the bush‘s leaves, the broccoli definitely sticks out. But it‘s still cleverly tucked away enough to be tricky to spot at first glance.

After chatting with this servant, I received:

  • 5 Weapon Batteries – These will help upgrade my new Combat Engine.
  • 5 Mount Energy Modules – Keeping mounts fueled is always useful for exploration.
  • 5 Hypertune Resonance – Resonance is required for matrix upgrades, so this is handy.

Based on my experiences maximizing progression systems in MMOs, these are valuable support items that add up over time. It‘s worth taking a moment to claim the broccoli servant‘s rewards.

Uncovering the Potted Plant Servant

For the second servant, you‘ll need to head into urban sections of the new city zone itself. This one resembles an innocuous potted plant. Here‘s how I managed to find it:

  • Enter Vera Sector through the main city gate just east of the forest/pond area.
  • Follow the wide road leading into the central plaza/commercial district.
  • On the right side, look for seating areas outside the stores with rectangular tables.
  • Check the tabletops closely for a potted plant placed conspicuously off to the side. Interact with it to reveal the hidden servant!

Blending in with the urban environment, the plant servant was tricky to pinpoint. But sweeping the commercial area methodically is the key.

The rewards from this servant included:

  • 5 Weapon Battery II‘s – Higher tier batteries to maximize my new Combat Engine.
  • 5 Mount Energy Modules II‘s – Better fuel cells to enhance exploration.
  • 5 PhaseShader Syncrates – Useful for upgrading Ruby‘s matrix core.

Based on optimizing progression for years as a devoted MMO player, I never overlook sources for important upgrade materials like this.

Finding the Hidden Tree Servant on a Rooftop

The third and final servant is disguised as an innocuous potted tree. But it‘s located in a tricky spot – up on the rooftops! Here‘s how I managed to track it down:

  • Teleport to the Kun Xi rooftop waypoint, accessible after restoring power.
  • Face east towards the lounge area with umbrella tables.
  • Jump up onto the canopy roofs above the seating below.
  • Scan the higher rooftops carefully, and look for the occasional potted tree. One will be the hidden servant!

With how vertically built the city is, the rooftop placement makes sense. But it means you have to literally think outside the box and look above ground level!

When I finally uncovered this sneaky servant, I was rewarded with:

  • 5 Weapon Battery III‘s – The max tier batteries, incredibly helpful for the Combat Engine.
  • 5 Mount Energy Modules III‘s – Top tier fuel cells to really optimize exploration.
  • 5 PhaseShader Amplifiers – Crucial material for upgrading Ruby‘s matrix to its full potential.

As a devoted Tower of Fantasy player, I never take upgrades like this for granted. The tree servant‘s gifts will provide a big boost.

Reporting Back to Hui After Finding All 3 Servants

Once you successfully locate all three camouflaged smart servants, the next step is to return and speak with Hui again. Here‘s what you need to know:

  • Hui can be found in the southwest corner of the city plaza.
  • Tell them you uncovered all the hidden servants around the city.
  • This will complete the servant portion of the "Adeptus‘ Trials" world quest.
  • Hui will then assign you a new task to continue the questline.

Connecting back with Hui ensures you get proper credit for finding the servants. It also progresses the overall quest, allowing you to unlock even more areas and content within Vera Sector.

Tips and Tricks for Discovering the Hidden Servants

Tracking down these crafty bots can be tricky at first since they blend into the environment so well. Here are some tips from my experience to make finding the hidden servants easier:

  • Thoroughly scan every bush in the pond area – don‘t just glance over them.

  • The potted plant is on a horizontal table, not vertical walls or surfaces.

  • Check rooftops and canopy tops – don‘t just look at ground level.

  • Equip gliders and mounts to cover more ground quickly.

  • Try adjusting graphics settings to highlight interactable objects.

  • Join other players in co-op to collaborate – multiple sets of eyes help!

  • If you‘re really struggling, look up maps and guides online for their exact spots.

With persistence and these tips, you‘ll be able to locate all three servants for sure. Just be systematic in scanning your surroundings, and think outside the box.

Why Finding the Hidden Smart Servants is Worthwhile

As a devoted player since launch, I can confidently say the hidden servants are worth the effort to find. Here‘s why they‘re so valuable:

  • Useful Upgrade Materials – The items they provide are incredibly helpful for progression.

  • Progression – Finding them progresses the Adeptus‘ Trials world questline.

  • Unlocks More Areas – Locating all servants grants access to more of Vera Sector to explore.

  • Entertainment Value – The dialog and silliness of their disguises provides some enjoyment.

  • Satisfaction – Finding hidden objects provides satisfaction for us completionist personality types!

  • Early Adopter Advantage – You can potentially gain access to new areas and content faster than other players.

If you want to maximize rewards, exploration, story progress, and entertainment, the hidden servants are absolutely worth investigating. Their value outweighs the time spent finding them.

Further Tips for Tower of Fantasy‘s 2.0 Update

Alongside the hidden servants, Tower of Fantasy‘s massive 2.0 update contains countless other new features to dive into. Here are some key tips for making the most of it as a high-level player:

  • Leveling – Use the new events and bounties to quickly gain EXP. Party with lower-level friends for bonuses.

  • Gearing – Target the Combat Engine and Ruby first for big power spikes. Then work on optimizing your supporting gear.

  • Raiding – Look into forming a static team to take on the two new instanced dungeons. Communication and synergy is key.

  • Exploration – Use the verticality and hidden sections in the new city. Glide, climb, and dive to uncover secrets.

  • Progression – Set milestones like unlocking the city districts, raising your SUPP level, finishing the story quests.

Pace yourself, and don‘t get overwhelmed. 2.0 feels like an entirely new game, so enjoy uncovering all it has to offer at your own pace. The journey itself is part of the fun!

Final Tips for Finding the Hidden Smart Servants

Let‘s recap the key tips for uncovering these elusive bots:

  • Methodically scan bushes, tables, and rooftops where they spawn.

  • Equip mobility tools like gliders to cover more ground efficiently.

  • Think outside the box, and look above and below eye-level.

  • Co-op with others – more eyes to help search.

  • Use online guides if you‘re completely stuck on a location.

  • Don‘t forget to return and report to Hui after finding each one!

With persistence and creativity, you‘ll be able to track down all three hidden servants. Just be meticulous in searching every nook and cranny, and use all the tools provided. The rewards and progression they offer make it all worthwhile.


Tower of Fantasy‘s huge 2.0 update brings an overwhelming amount of new content. But the hidden smart servants should absolutely be on your radar. Tracking down these disguised bots rewards you with progression, rare materials, and access to more of the beautiful new city.

As a devoted player and fan of MMOs, uncovering secret content and optimized progression is what I love. I hope this guide saves you some time revealing the locations of all three hidden servants. Just be diligent in your searching, and keep an eye out anywhere they could plausibly hide.

Happy hunting, enjoy all of the new systems and content, and say hello to the servants for me when you finally find them! Let me know if you have any other questions.