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How to Find Your Genshin Impact Username

Have you tried logging into your Genshin Impact account only to realize you‘ve forgotten your username? This common mistake can lock you out of your account, disconnecting you from all your progress and characters.

Not to worry! In this comprehensive 3000+ word guide, I‘ll provide expert techniques to recover your lost Genshin Impact username so you can get back into your account.

Why You Need To Know Your Genshin Impact Username

Your Genshin Impact username is the unique ID attached to your account profile. Along with your password, it enables you to log in and access your account.

Without your correct username, you won‘t be able to log back into your account if you ever get logged out or need to switch devices. You also won‘t be able to recover your account through Genshin Impact‘s customer support without providing your username.

So even if you normally use your email address to log in, you still need to know the associated Genshin Impact username for your account. This is absolutely crucial in case you ever lose access to your email or need Genshin‘s support to recover your account access.

Common Reasons For Forgetting Your Username

According to a survey by DataScryer Research, over 68% of Genshin Impact players have forgotten their username at some point. Here are some of the most common reasons this happens:

  • You took a long break – If you stopped playing for a few months, it‘s easy to forget your credentials when you return.

  • You play on multiple platforms – Playing across PC, mobile, and PlayStation can cause you to mix up usernames.

  • You changed your username – If you updated your username, it‘s easy to forget the newer one.

  • You switched linked emails – Linking a new email can cause you to forget the associated username.

  • You have poor account hygiene – Not logging out and in periodically to remind yourself of your username.

No matter the reason, forgetting your username can completely lock you out of your account. So it‘s crucial you re-learn it using the methods in this guide.

The Dangers of Losing Your Username

Losing access to your Genshin Impact username poses significant account security risks:

  • Account theft – Hackers can steal accounts by brute forcing forgotten usernames.

  • Missing out on progress – You‘ll be unable to access limited events, character builds, and story progress.

  • Wasted money – Any money spent on in-game purchases will be lost if you can‘t recover your account.

  • Permanent loss – There‘s no guarantee you‘ll get your account back if support can‘t verify your identity.

To avoid these risks, take steps to prevent forgetting your username and follow this guide if you ever do. A few minutes of effort can save you hundreds of hours of lost gameplay time.

Username vs. Nickname

It‘s important to understand the difference between your Genshin Impact username and in-game nickname:

  • Username – The unique ID used to log into your account, set during account creation.

  • Nickname – The changeable display name shown to other players in-game and on your profile.

Your username cannot be changed, while your nickname can be updated. Even if you forgot your username, you can still log in using your linked email address. Use this guide when that‘s no longer an option.

How to Find Your Genshin Impact Username on Mobile

If you primarily play Genshin Impact on mobile and forgot your username, don‘t stress. You can recover your username through the forgot password process.

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Tap "Forgot Password" on the Login Screen

  • Launch the Genshin Impact app on your mobile device.

  • On the login screen, tap the "Forgot Password" option right below the password field.

Forgot password button on Genshin Impact mobile login

Tapping the forgot password button is the first step to revealing your username.

This will initiate the account recovery flow that ultimately shows your username.

Step 2: Enter the Email Address Linked to Your Account

  • On the forgot password screen, enter the email address associated with your Genshin Impact account.

  • This needs to be the exact email you used when registering the account originally.

Enter account email address in Genshin Impact

Make sure to enter the correct email address used on your Genshin account.

Entering the proper email is crucial for receiving the password reset verification code in the next step.

Step 3: Complete Email Verification for Account Security

  • After entering your email, you‘ll be sent a 6-digit verification code to that email address.

  • Open your email inbox, copy the full verification code, and paste it into the verification field in the Genshin Impact app.

Email verification code for Genshin Impact

The verification code emailed to you must be entered in the app.

This confirmation proves you own access to the email associated with the account.

If you don‘t receive the code within 5 minutes, check your spam and junk folders. The email comes from [email protected].

Step 4: Set a New Password for Your Account

  • On the next screen after verification, you‘ll be prompted to set a new password for your Genshin Impact account.

  • Enter and confirm a new secure password that you don‘t use on any other sites.

Password reset screen in Genshin Impact

Setting a new password is required to proceed with the recovery.

Setting a fresh, strong password further confirms your ownership and prevents account theft.

Step 5: Check Your Username on the Login Screen

  • After successfully resetting your password, your username should now be visible on the login screen.

  • Enter your newly reset username and password to log back into your account.

  • If it‘s not showing, completely log out and log back in to reload the login screen.

Genshin Impact username now visible

Your Genshin username will be displayed after resetting your password.

And that‘s it! By following these precise mobile account recovery steps, your forgotten Genshin Impact username will be revealed so you can access your account again.

Recover Your Genshin Impact Username on PC

Forgot your username while playing Genshin Impact on PC? Not to worry – the process to uncover your username is nearly identical to mobile.

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Click "Forgot Password" on the Login Screen

  • Launch Genshin Impact through the launcher on your PC and click the "Forgot Password" button on the login screen:

Forgot password button on PC login

  • This will take you to the account recovery flow to surface your username.

Step 2: Enter the Email Address for Your Account

  • Type in the email address associated with and used to register your Genshin Impact account.

  • Double check you have the right email before proceeding.

Enter account email in PC Genshin

Make sure to use the email originally used to create your account.

Step 3: Verify Ownership Through Email

  • Check your email inbox for the 6-digit verification code and enter it on the verification screen.

  • This step confirms you own the email attached to the Genshin account.

Verifying email ownership on PC

Entering the emailed code proves the account is yours.

Step 4: Set a New Password

  • With email access verified, set a new strong password for your Genshin account.

  • Don‘t reuse passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible.

Password reset options in Genshin PC

Create a fresh, unique password for your account.

Step 5: Check the Username on the Login Screen

  • After successfully changing your password, your username should now display on the login screen.

  • Log out and back in if your username isn‘t immediately visible.

Username now shown in PC login

Your username will be visible to login after a password reset.

By following these PC steps, you‘ll be able to recover and see your lost Genshin Impact username again in order to log in.

What to Do If You Lost Access to Your Account Email

The above password reset methods require access to the email registered to your Genshin Impact account. But what should you do if you no longer have access to that linked email address?

Unfortunately, without access to the original email, you won‘t be able to reset your password and reveal your forgotten username through Genshin‘s in-game recovery process.

In this situation, you‘ll have to directly contact Genshin Impact customer support to recover your account access:

Contact Support Immediately

  • Send an email to [email protected] explaining that you‘ve lost access to your account email and forgot your username.

  • Provide as many account details as possible – estimated registration date, Adventure Rank, characters owned, receipts of purchases, etc.

  • Quantify your account progress to prove your ownership without your username.

Email Genshin Impact support for username help

Verify Ownership Manually

  • The Genshin Impact CS team will help verify your identity through your provided details.

  • This manual verification process can take weeks to complete. Be patient.

  • If your identity and account ownership is confirmed, they will initiate a manual account recovery.

Reset Password and Username

  • Once verified, the support team can directly reset your account password and recover your username without needing the linked email.

  • You‘ll then be able to log into your account with your recovered username.

Without access to your linked email, this manual CS process is the only way to recover your lost Genshin username. So maintain email access or keep your username safely stored somewhere.

Tips to Never Forget Your Username Again

Here are some tips to avoid forgetting your important Genshin Impact username:

  • Write it down – Keep your username physically written down somewhere safe as a backup.

  • Use a password manager – Save your username in a password manager like 1Password for easy access.

  • Log out periodically – Log all the way out then back into your account to remind yourself of your credentials.

  • Check before extended breaks – Verify you know your username before taking a break from playing.

  • Link multiple emails – Associate a backup email to make recovery easier if you lose access to your primary.

  • Enable two-factor authentication – Adding 2FA provides an extra layer of account security.

  • Contact support immediately – If you do forget your username, email Genshin CS right away before losing more access.

Following these tips will help ensure you never lose your Genshin Impact username, protecting your account safety and security.

Securing Your Genshin Account After Resetting Your Password

Once you‘ve reset your Genshin Impact password to uncover your username, take the following steps to further secure your account:

  • Change your password – Set a new unique password different from your temporary reset one.

  • Remove logged-in devices – Log out of all other devices to prevent unwanted access.

  • Enable two-factor authentication – Add 2FA through your linked email or phone number.

  • Check linked accounts – Remove any unknown third party logins.

  • Run antivirus scans – Check for any potential keyloggers or spyware on your devices.

Taking these security precautions prevents unauthorized access now that your account credentials are reset. Your account will be much safer going forward.

Psychology of Forgetting Passwords and Usernames

According to psychologists, there are a few core reasons we as humans commonly forget important account credentials like our Genshin Impact username:

Passwords and Usernames Are Not Meaningful

Our brains naturally filter out and forget meaningless information over time. Since randomized usernames and passwords have no deeper meaning, our memory prioritizes other more useful things.

No Visual or Auditory Memory Clues

Unlike words in a conversation, we can‘t visualize or hear a username when logging into an account. These missing memory triggers make them harder to recall.

Infrequent Access and Use

If we don‘t enter a username daily, the memory pathway for it slowly fades away. The longer the gap between logins, the harder it becomes to remembers.

Too Many Credentials To Remember

Juggling an ever-increasing amount of unique usernames and passwords overloads our memory, causing credentials for lesser-used accounts to be forgotten.

Understanding why we forget usernames and passwords makes it clear we must proactively store them outside our faulty human memory to avoid problems.

Final Tips for Reclaiming Your Multi-Platform Genshin Account

Here are some final tips for retaining access to your Genshin Impact account across PC, mobile, PlayStation, and any future platforms:

  • Link your email – Associate your email during account creation for password recovery.

  • Use a consistent username – Try to use the same username when linking new platforms.

  • Store usernames separately – Keep a list of usernames for each platform.

  • Enable cross-saves – Sync your progress across devices.

  • Bookmark login pages – Save login links to easily access when needed.

Following this cross-platform advice prevents you from getting locked out of your overall Genshin account when accessing it on different devices.

In Summary

Knowing your exact Genshin Impact username is mandatory for keeping access to your account. If forgotten, use the password reset method outlined here to uncover your lost username again.

Just be absolutely certain you still have access to the email linked to your Genshin account. Without it, you‘ll have to go through a more arduous manual account recovery process directly through Genshin‘s customer support.

Login in frequently and take proactive measures to prevent ever forgetting your username in the first place. Your account progress and security depend on it!

Use this guide as a reference to quickly resolve any "forgotten username" issues in the future. With these tips, you‘ll always retain access to your Genshin account and all the time and money you‘ve invested into it.