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How to Find Energy Block in Genshin Impact

Veteran travelers understand the true value of energy blocks in Genshin Impact. These glowing cubes contain the condensed elemental energy needed to upgrade Sacred Sakura and gain incredible rewards. But hunting them down can be tricky for newcomers.

In this comprehensive 2200+ word guide, I‘ll share expert tips to help you locate and collect energy blocks efficiently. You‘ll gain the knowledge to fully utilize these precious resources on your journey through Teyvat!

What Are Energy Blocks and Why Do You Need Them?

Energy blocks are cube-shaped objects that spawn in set locations around the Genshin Impact open world. They contain concentrated elemental energy from all seven elements: Pyro, Hydro, Electro, Cryo, Anemo, Dendro, and Geo. When interacted with, energy blocks provide items called Mysterious Energy Blocks.

But what exactly do you use them for? Well, Mysterious Energy Blocks are offered to Soraya, the Statue of the Omnipresent God, which stands before the Sacred Sakura tree. This allows you to gain Sacred Sakura Sigils, which level up the tree and grant incredible rewards over time.

Here‘s an overview of the rewards from leveling the Sacred Sakura tree:

  • Primogems
  • Standard Wish Fates
  • Crown of Insight
  • Weapon Ascension Materials
  • Talent Level-Up Materials
  • Artifacts
  • Unique furnishings

Based on calculations by the community, you‘ll need around 1450 sigils in total to fully upgrade the Sacred Sakura tree. And it takes 5 Mysterious Energy Blocks to gain 1 sigil from Soraya.

So essentially, energy blocks are a fundamental resource for unlocking the tree‘s treasures. The more you collect, the faster you‘ll progress through the rewards track. This makes hunting energy blocks a priority!

Where to Find Energy Block Locations in Teyvat

Now that you understand their immense value, let‘s discuss where to find energy blocks. They primarily spawn in the open world and respawn over time after being collected.

Here are some of the most common energy block locations to focus your search:

Caves and Tunnels

Many energy blocks generate deep inside caves and winding tunnel systems. For example, blocks frequently appear in the Chasm underground, inside the tunnels of the Serpent‘s Bowels. Other fruitful caves include the Tianqiu Valley, Qingxu Pool, and Liyue‘s innards.

[Insert image of cave energy blocks]

Cliffs and Mountainsides

Search along sheer cliffsides and rugged mountains. The verticality of these areas often hides energy blocks from view unless you‘re gliding at the right angle. Some noteworthy spots are near the Statue of the Seven in Liyue Harbor, the peaks of Mt. Hulao, and the cliffs of Dragonspine.

[Insert image of cliffside energy blocks]

Electrograna Trees

Many blocks manifest around Electrograna trees and blooms. Their branches seem to energize and draw in elemental energy. Target the network of trees spanning from Narukami Island to Kannazuka and Tatarasuna. Also check around the Electrograna found in the Chasm‘s surface.

[Insert image of electrograna tree energy blocks]

Shrines and Ruins

Search for cubes among the old shrine ruins scattered about the landscapes. The Seirai, Tsurumi, and Watatsumi Islands harbor plentiful energy blocks around their damaged shrines, as do ruins in Mondstadt‘s Stormbearer Mountains.

[Insert image of shrine energy blocks]

With so many potential spawn points, collecting energy blocks comes down to thoroughly exploring the world. But once you know the hotspots, grabbing your daily haul becomes much easier.

How to Obtain and Collect Energy Blocks

Now for the fun part – collecting those energy blocks! Here is a step-by-step process:

1. Locate the Energy Block

Use an elemental skill like Venti‘s Skyward Sonnet to help spot blocks from high vantage points. The cube‘s bright glow stands out when airborne. You can also equip the Treasure-Seeking Seelie gadget to help guide you.

2. Approach and Clear Out Enemies

Fight any nearby enemies before attempting to grab the block, so you won‘t get interrupted. Use ranged attacks to pick off opponents from a distance.

3. Switch to a Light Character

Swap to a nimble character like Sayu to move faster and reach the block more easily. This is especially helpful for hard-to-access locations.

4. Interact and Collect

Walk up to the energy block and press the interact button to add 1 Mysterious Energy Block to your inventory. Make sure not to plunge attack by mistake!

5. Locate Next Target

Glide or teleport to the next energy block location. Having a route planned between spawn points will optimize your collection speed.

Some key tips to remember:

  • Glide, climb, and use Elemental Skills to reach tough spots

  • Fight enemies before interacting to avoid interruptions

  • Switch to lighter characters like Sayu for mobility

  • Return to locations periodically as blocks respawn

With practice, you‘ll get into an efficient rhythm. These blocks will start accumulating before you know it!

Offering Energy Blocks at the Sacred Sakura Tree

After collecting energy blocks, you‘ll want to cash them in at the Sacred Sakura tree for sigils by speaking with Soraya, the Statue of the Omnipresent God.

Here is the simple process:

  1. Teleport to the Sacred Sakura Waypoint

  2. Interact with Soraya

  3. Select the "Offer Mysterious Energy Block" option

  4. Receive 1 Sacred Sakura Sigil in exchange!

To maximize rewards, you should offer energy blocks in batches of 5, since that‘s how many it takes to get 1 sigil.

For context, here is a breakdown of how many sigils you‘ll need to fully upgrade the Sacred Sakura tree:

| Sacred Sakura Level | Sigils Required |
| Level 50 | 1450 |

At 5 energy blocks per sigil, that comes out to 7,250 energy blocks needed in total!

So offer those extras as often as possible. It all contributes to unlocking those juicy lvl 50 rewards.

Final Tips and Summary

After reading this extensive guide, you should now be a master at locating and collecting these precious Genshin Impact energy blocks. Here are some final tips to recap:

  • Check caves, cliffsides, electrograna, and ruins for hidden blocks

  • Retrace your steps as blocks respawn every few days

  • defeat enemies first and use agile characters for quick collection

  • Offer spare blocks at Sacred Sakura to gain sigils

  • Collect energy blocks daily to maximize your progress

With diligence and these strategies, you‘ll accumulate energy blocks and sigils rapidly. That luxurious Sacred Sakura Tree will be complete in no time!

Let me know if you have any other questions. And happy hunting for these cubes out there in Teyvat!