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How to Find Your Discord Token: A Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Guide

Your Discord token provides full access to your account, so keeping it secure is critical. With the right tools, you can locate your token—but this sensitive information should only be accessed when absolutely necessary.

This in-depth guide will teach you everything about Discord tokens: what they are, why they matter, and how to find yours safely. You’ll also learn best practices to keep your token—and your account—protected.

What Is a Discord Token and Why Is It Important?

A Discord token is a unique, secret string of characters used to access your account. It looks something like this:


You receive a new token each time you log into your Discord account. Tokens let the Discord API authenticate you without needing your username or password.

Your token provides full access to your account when entered in the Discord client. Anyone with your token can use it to log in as if they are you. That‘s why keeping it private is so critical.

According to Discord’s data, over 150 million people use their platform monthly as of June 2022. With so many users vulnerable, Discord tokens are highly sought-after by hackers and scammers.

Never share your token with anyone—not even official-looking Discord employees. Discord staff will never ask for your token!

Read on to learn how to safely view and protect this sensitive identifier.

Dangers of Token Misuse & Account Takeovers

To understand why shielding your token matters, let‘s look at what attackers can do if they get it:

  • Impersonate you by sending messages that appear to come from your account
  • Hijack servers you own or manage and wreak havoc
  • Delete channels and ban users with your permissions
  • Access and export private conversations from your DMs
  • Steal personal info available in your user profile and settings
  • Get your account disabled by violating Discord’s Terms of Service while posing as you

Attackers can also take over entire servers by collecting tokens from multiple members. According to researchers, compromised tokens played a role in over 1,800 Discord server takeovers in 2020 alone.

Once a token is leaked, your account is vulnerable until you regenerate the token. The only way to do this is by changing your Discord password. More on this later.

Token theft can happen in clever ways, like malicious browser extensions. Be vigilant about not downloading anything sketchy or clicking suspicious links.

How to Find Your Token on Desktop

You can only access your token by using the Discord web app in your browser. The desktop and mobile apps do not expose this information.

Here‘s a step-by-step walkthrough to find your token on desktop:

Step 1: Open the Discord Web App

Go to and click "Open Discord in your browser" (not "Download for Mac/Windows"). Log into your account:

Open Discord in web browser

Step 2: Open Developer Tools

To view your token, you‘ll need to access Discord‘s developer tools. Here‘s how:

On Windows/Linux: Press Ctrl + Shift + I

On Mac: Press ⌘ + Option + I

This will open the dev tools panel, likely on the right side or bottom of your browser window.

Step 3: Go to Application > Local Storage >

On the left side of the dev tools, click the Application tab. Expand Local Storage and click

Discord dev tools local storage

Step 4: Search for your Token

In the search bar, type token and look for an entry called just "token" (not "tokens").

Step 5: Copy Your Token‘s Value

Your unique token will be listed under the Value column. Double click to highlight it, then press Ctrl + C (or right-click > Copy) to copy it to your clipboard:

Copying Discord token

And you‘ve got it! Now you have your Discord token, viewable in developer tools.

Important: Don‘t share this token with anyone. Use it only as needed for development purposes.

You Can‘t Get Tokens from Mobile or Desktop Apps

It‘s not possible to view your Discord token through the mobile or desktop Discord apps. You must use the web browser method above to access and copy your token.

Attempting to find tokens in the native apps is a fruitless endeavor. The only way is via the Discord web implementation in a desktop browser.

Best Practices for Token Security

Because your token provides full account access, treating it with care is essential. Here are some best practices to keep it safe:

  • Never share your token publicly or with ANYONE who asks for it, even if they claim to be Discord staff.
  • Do not save your token anywhere persistent—like in a file or notes app.
  • Use it sparingly only when absolutely needed for development purposes.
  • Revoke or regenerate your token as soon as you‘re finished using it.
  • Avoid sketchy links and browser extensions which could be token loggers.
  • Change your password immediately if you have ANY concerns about your token being compromised.

Changing your password instantly resets your token to a new value, revoking access to anyone with the old token. Do this as soon as possible if your token leaks.

Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security to your account that can detect suspicious logins.

What to Do If You Think Your Token Has Leaked

If your Discord token has potentially been seen by someone else, act quickly:

  • Regenerate your token immediately by changing your Discord password. This revokes the old token.
  • Run antivirus scans to check for any potential malware or keyloggers on your device.
  • Audit account activity for any suspicious posts or changes made while compromised.
  • Alert server admins if you think the infiltrator targeted your shared servers.
  • Consider enabling 2FA, if you haven‘t already.

Taking swift action can limit the damage. But preventing token exposure in the first place is ideal—hence the security tips above.

Common Token Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes that lead to token leakage:

  • Saving your token in an insecure place like a txt file
  • Sending your token to a stranger who claims to be Discord support
  • Leaving your token exposed in dev tools without revoking it
  • Not regenerating your token via password change when needed
  • Using public/shared computers to access your token
  • Installing sketchy browser extensions that steal tokens

Stay vigilant, and your token will remain protected.

Troubleshooting If You Can‘t Find Your Token

Sometimes your token may not appear in Discord‘s developer tools. Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Refresh the page and repeat the steps. Tokens change frequently.
  • Toggle the Device Toolbar in dev tools using Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + M.
  • Ensure you‘re viewing the Application > Local Storage, not other tabs.
  • Double check your spelling of token in the search bar.
  • Try an incognito/private browser window and log in again.

If your token still isn‘t viewable after trying the above, reach out to Discord support for personalized help accessing it.

In Summary

  • Discord tokens provide full access to your account, so never share yours.
  • You can only find tokens in the Discord web app using dev tools.
  • If your token leaks, immediately change your password to reset it.
  • Enable 2FA and follow other best practices to improve security.
  • With vigilance, you can safely view your token when needed.

Hopefully this guide provides a thorough, step-by-step reference for finding and securing your Discord token. Handle this sensitive identifier with care, and your account will remain protected.