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How to Find a Way to Open the Path Forward in Genshin Impact

The enchanting new Fontaine region in Genshin Impact 4.0 ushers in wondrous scenery to explore, powerful Hydro abilities to harness, and mysterious challenges to unlock. Among the first puzzles new travelers to Fontaine will encounter is a blocked pathway that requires finding and activating Ousia and Pneuma blocks to open.

Solving this puzzle provides passage to new domains and narrative rewards, setting the tone for the brain-bending adventures ahead in the land of justice and knowledge.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share expert insights and proven strategies to help you find a way to open the path forward in Genshin Impact‘s Fontaine. We‘ll cover:

  • Fontaine Lore: The Significance of This New Region
  • Locating and Understanding Ousia and Pneuma Blocks
  • Step-By-Step Pathway Unlocking Walkthrough
  • Rewards and Progression After Solving the Puzzle
  • Tips to Master Fontaine‘s Path Forward Puzzles
  • Further Path Unblocking Puzzles in Fontaine

Let‘s dive into the magical waterways of Fontaine!

Fontaine Lore: The Significance of This New Region

As travelers quickly realize, the path forward puzzle is intricately tied to Fontaine‘s lore. Fontaine draws inspiration from 18th century France, both in gorgeous classical architecture seen in the Court of Fontaine and faisle flowers representing fleur-de-lis.

This region also oozes knowledge and justice. The grand Fontaine Academy hosts the nation‘s greatest scholars. The halls of justice attempt to parse truth from falsehood.

So Fontaine‘s domains puzzle the mind as much as challenge combat ability. Unlocking the way forward by correctly aligning Ousia and Pneumia blocks fits this narrative theme.

On a gameplay level, clearing this first puzzle unlocks fast travel to the Statue of the Seven and access to Fontaine‘s Hydro element. That means more team comp options, combat power, and progress. So there are great rewards for solving Fontaine‘s path puzzles!

Locating and Understanding Ousia and Pneuma Blocks

The Ousia and Pneuma blocks needed to unlock Fontaine‘s path forward have symbolic ties to the region‘s ethos.

Ousia represents the concept of "essence" or "being" – crucial for a nation centered around justice and wisdom.

Pneuma means "spirit" or "breath" – evoking the flowing, fluid themes of Fontaine associated with Hydro.

Their names even tie into theacademic nature of the region.

In practical terms, you‘ll need to locate one Ousia and one Pneuma block to progress. Here‘s exactly where to find them:

  • The Ousia block rests on a lower platform just below the path on the left side. Glide down carefully from the edge to pick it up.

  • The Pneuma block sits tucked behind the right device. Walk around the backside and you‘ll see it there to collect.

With both blocks secured, you have the key ingredients to unlock Fontaine‘s way forward.

Step-by-Step Pathway Unlocking Walkthrough

Once you‘ve obtained the Ousia and Pneuma blocks, the path forward puzzle is straightforward to solve with the following steps:

  1. Place the Ousia block in the empty device on the left side of the sealed door.

  2. Take the Pneuma block and set it within the device on the right.

  3. After correctly setting both blocks, interact with the panel in the center of the sealed door.

  4. The center panel will glow, signifying the blocks are properly placed. Interacting will trigger a cutscene rewarding passage!

Here are some tips to streamline the process:

  • Use an Electro character like Lisa to quickly locate puzzle objects with her ability.

  • Have a co-op friend grab one block while you get the other to save time.

  • Double-check block positions before interacting with the center panel.

Following those tips will help you smoothly open the way forward!

Rewards and Progression After Solving the Puzzle

Clearing the path forward puzzle unlocks access to new domains and narrative progression. Right after the cutscene you‘ll be able to:

  • Activate the Statue of the Seven, unlocking the Andir teleport waypoint. This massively expands map access.

  • Begin the "Aphros Delphinus Chapter" and meet Nahida in Fontaine.

  • Start collecting Hydro Sigils for the Fountain of Luncine rewards.

  • Gain adventure EXP, primogems, and other loot from treasure chests ahead.

  • Enter the Garden of Endless Pillars domain and begin obtaining Echoes of an Offering Hydro artifacts.

So the gameplay, combat, and story rewards are very worthwhile for solving this critical Fontaine puzzle!

Tips to Master Fontaine‘s Path Forward Puzzles

As you journey deeper into Fontaine, you‘ll face new puzzles that also require unblocking and opening pathways. Here are some expert tips:

  • Examine the environment closely for hidden buttons, pressure plates, or object placements that could trigger openings.

  • Hydro abilities like creating water bridges can unlock new paths – so bring a hydro character.

  • Fontaine‘s lore emphasizes duality, so expect to find puzzle pairs and mirrored solutions.

  • Revisit previous locations after obtaining new abilities or gear. They may open new paths.

  • Co-op and divide areas methodically to cover more ground. Communication is key!

Embrace clever thinking, thorough exploration, and teamwork to conquer Fontaine‘s pathway puzzles!

Further Path Unblocking Puzzles in Fontaine

The beginning path forward puzzle sets the tone for unlocking blocked routes as you journey deeper into Fontaine‘s domains. Here are some key examples travelers will encounter:

Mare Jivari – A winding maze of gates requires redirecting water flow to specific fountains in the proper order to progress further.

Garden of Endless Pillars – Lower water levels reveal glowing portal stones that must be lit in a specific order to create platforms across a deep chasm.

Domain of Hermitage – Lighting braziers in the correct sequence across mirrored puzzle areas opens the way into this powerful domain.

Solving these and many more clever puzzles offers that satisfying thrill of discovery – along with access to amazing treasures. The knowledge you gain from Fontaine‘s first path forward puzzle will serve you well!

The road ahead through Fontaine‘s stunning landscape beckons. With the insight in this guide, you now have the key to unlock the first gate and let your journey continue.

The currency of Fontaine is knowledge. Use that wisely as you venture forth and uncover the hydro region‘s deepest secrets!