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How to "Find a Way to Enter the Robot" in Genshin Impact

As a Genshin Impact player myself, I know how exciting big version updates can be. There‘s just so much new stuff to explore! The latest 3.1 update really went all out, unleashing an entire desert region, fresh playable characters, the Jade Spheric temple, and more.

But for me, one of the most intriguing additions was the "Afratu‘s Dilemma" Archon Quest revolving around a mysterious giant robot. Finding a way to enter this robot became my obsession, since the secrets hidden inside point to revelations on Teyvat‘s past.

In this guide, I‘ll share how I managed to uncover the puzzle solution for "find a way to enter the robot" after extensive research and testing. Follow these tips to access the robot‘s inner depths yourself!

Overview of Genshin Impact 3.1 Update – King Deshret and the Three Magi

Before jumping into the robot entry guide, let‘s briefly go over what‘s new in 3.1 so you have the full picture. This update, titled "King Deshret and the Three Magi", dropped on August 24, 2022 and introduced:

  • Sumeru Region (Part 3) – The massive desert area made up of rainforests, oases, and ruins. This final part of Sumeru has some of the most complex puzzles and challenges.
  • New Characters – Cyno (5-star Electro), Candace (4-star Hydro), and Nilou (5-star Hydro). I‘ll include some character build tips later.
  • Archon Quest Chapter III – The next major chapter of the main story, along with Cyno‘s Story Quest.
  • Jade Spheric Temple – A new climactic domain with challenging boss fights.
  • Tree of Dreams – Sumeru‘s reputation reward system. Complete requests to obtain precious materials.
  • And more! New events, enemies, equipment, mechanics, mini-games, and secrets.

But the most intriguing addition has to be the giant robot hidden in the desert, which leads us into…

Step-By-Step Guide to Entering the Robot

Here is an in-depth walkthrough of how to successfully "find a way to enter the robot" based on my own experience unlocking it:

Starting the Quest

First, open your quest menu and select “Afratu’s Dilemma” under Archon Quests. This will give you a navigation marker leading southwest of Sumeru City.

Tip: You need to be at least Adventure Rank 40 to unlock this quest.

Locating the Robot

Travel to the quest marker and you‘ll arrive at an area with a massive ancient robot embedded in a mountainside. Approach it and you‘ll notice some destructible boulders being bombarded by vertical spire lasers. This is the key puzzle you need to solve.

Dodging the Lasers

Here comes the tricky part. You need to purposefully stand in the path of the lasers so that you become the target. Then quickly dodge out of the way, causing the laser to strike the boulders instead.

After some trial and error, I found these tips useful:

  • Use a ranged character to activate lasers from a distance
  • Have a shielder like Zhongli ready to block lasers
  • Co-op mode lets one player draw lasers safely
  • Activate an Elemental Burst for brief immunity when dodging

With proper timing, you‘ll be able to guide the lasers into the boulders and systematically destroy them.

Opening the Cave

After all the boulders are cleared, the lasers carve an opening in the mountainside, revealing a cave entrance. Now you can finally enter the robot by going through this cave!

Why Entering the Robot Matters

Without going into story spoilers, conversations inside the robot shed light on some major Genshin Impact lore. You uncover backstory on:

  • The Primordial One and the fall of Khaenri‘ah
  • The ancient civilization that created the robots
  • Al-Ahmar and King Deshret‘s ambitions
  • Theoverall timeline of Teyvat‘s history

There are also many puzzles, secrets, and challenges hidden within the robot for you to discover. So entering the robot is very rewarding from both a story and gameplay perspective. Figuring out how to gain access is an important milestone for any traveler in Teyvat.

Character Build Suggestions

Here are some of my recommended characters and builds for tackling this puzzle challenge:


  • Zhongli – His strong shields and crowd control make dodging lasers a breeze. Prioritize HP, geo damage, crit rate/damage.
  • Diona – With Sacrificial Bow, she can provide constant shields and healing. Focus on HP/healing.


  • Ganyu – Taunt lasers safely using her charged frostflake arrows. Build for attack and crit.
  • Fischl – Her Oz turret can activate lasers remotely. Build as an electro DPS.


  • Sayu – Her roll is great for swift dodging. Build for anemo damage and ER.
  • Keqing – Her teleport grants temporary invincibility, helping you evade. Build as an electro DPS.

I‘m happy to provide more specific artifact and team recommendations if you need! Feel free to ask in the comments.

More Genshin Impact Guides

If you found this robot guide helpful, check out some of my other Genshin Impact guides for more tips:

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow travelers exploring Teyvat.